五年级完形填空英语题及答案 小学英语五年级完形填空专项练习系列

完形填空练习Passage 1Mr Hu __1___ us English this term. He is nice . He __2___ wearing a white shirt and black trousers. He __3___ very good English . He often __4___ with us. We all like him very much.,今天小编就来聊一聊关于五年级完形填空英语题及答案 小学英语五年级完形填空专项练习系列?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!

五年级完形填空英语题及答案 小学英语五年级完形填空专项练习系列

五年级完形填空英语题及答案 小学英语五年级完形填空专项练习系列

完形填空练习Passage 1

Mr Hu __1___ us English this term. He is nice . He __2___ wearing a white shirt and black trousers. He __3___ very good English . He often __4___ with us. We all like him very much.

Mr Hu __5___ two little sons. They’re twin brothers. They are only five. They often __6___ the same clothes. __7___ Betty goes to Mr Hu’s home. She loves to __8___ the twins and play with __9___ . Mr Hu __10___ his sons, Bao Bao and Bei Bei.

1. ( )

A. tells

B. teaches

C. speaks

D. works

2. ( )

A. is

B. likes

C. want

D. does

3. ( )

A. speaks

B. says

C. tells

D. teaches

4. ( )

A. says

B. speaks

C. talks

D. tells

5. ( )

A. wants

B. has

C. looks after

D. teaches

6. ( )

A. wear

B. put on

C. have

D. in

7. ( )

A. But

B. And

C. Then

D. Sometimes

8. ( )

A. look

B. think

C. take

D. see

9. ( )

A. twins

B. ones

C. they

D. them

10 ( )

A. calls

B. name

C. thinks

D. think

完形填空练习Passage 2

Mike and Lucy __1___ brother and sister. They live __2___ a big house. The house stands at the foot __3___ a hill. Near the hill is a big lake.There __4___ four people in their family. Mike, Lucy, their father and mother. Their father is a farmer. __5___ mother is __6___ home. Mike goes to school, __7___ little Lucy does not. She is only five.Mike likes sports. He swims and skates __8___ . But he likes football best. After school he often plays football __9___ his friends.Lucy likes __10___ , but he doesn’t like sports.

1. ( )A. amB. isC. are D. be

2. ( )A. atB. inC. on D. to

3. ( )A. forB. onC. at D. of

4. ( )A. haveB. has C. isD. are

5. ( )A. HisB. his C. theirD. Their

6. ( )A. byB. atC. on D. in

7. ( )A. soB. but C. orD. and

8. ( )A. fineB. goodC. niceD. well

9. ( )A. toB. ofC. withD. at

10. ( )A. singB. to singC. singingD. sings

完形填空练习Passage 3

What do you do at the weekend ? Some people like to __1___ at home, but others like to go __2___ a walk or play football. My friends Jack works hard in a factory during the __3___ . At the weekend, he always __4___ the same thing. On Saturday he __5___ his car and on __6___ he goes with his family to a village by car. His uncle and aunt have a farm there. It isn’t a __7___ one, but there’s always __8___ to do on a farm. The children help with the animals and give them their __9___ . Jack and his wife help in the fields . At the end of the day, they are all __10___ and Jack’s aunt gives them a big meal.

1. ( )

A. play

B. stay

C. live

D. enjoy

2. ( )

A. to

B. in

C. at

D. for

3. ( )

A. day

B. time

C. autumn

D. weekdays

4. ( )

A. does

B. make

C. borrows

D. has

5. ( )

A. watches

B. washes

C. driving

D. sells

6. ( )

A. Monday

B. Saturday

C. Sunday

D. Tuesday

7. ( )

A. big

B. small

C. hard

D. short

8. ( )

A. little

B. much

C. fast

D. far

9. ( )

A. clothes

B. places

C. food

D. balls

10. ( )

A. clean

B. late

C. hungry

D. friendly

完形填空练习Passage 4

Mr Smith __1___ from London. Now he is in China. He is __2___ .He teaches __3___ a middle school. He works very hard. His students like __4___ very much. He can __5___ a little Chinese . His students often teaches him Chinese __6___ Sundays. Mr Smith likes playing football . He often plays football __7___ his students.Mr Smith __8___ a son. His name is Jack. He is student. He studies in a middle school. He goes to school __9___ bike everyday. He gets back home at four in the afternoon. He likes __10___ TV in the evening.

1. ( )A. come B. comesC. are D. coming

2. ( )A. a teacherB. a workerC. a driver D. a farmer

3. ( )A. on B. inC. at D. from

4. ( )A. he B. him C. she D. her

5. ( )A. sayB. speakC. talkD. tell

6. ( )A. at B. onC. ofD. in

7. ( )A. forB. toC. withD. at

8. ( )A. hasB. haveC. there isD. there are

9. ( )A. on B. by C. inD. of

10. ( )A. seeingB. looking C. watching D. looking at


Passage 1

1. B 句型teach sb sth意为“教某人……”

2. A 此空填is补全现在进行时结构:主语 be 动词ing的形式。

3. A 说某种语言用speak.

4. C talk with sb表示“和某人交谈”。

5. B 表示某人有某物,主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词用has.

6. A wear = be in表示“穿着”、“戴着”,强调状态。

7. D Sometimes意为“有时”,本句意思是贝蒂有时去胡先生的家。

8. D 此处see sb表示看望某人。

9. D with为介词后面要用代词的宾格形式。

10.A 此处call表示“称呼、叫”

Passage 2

1. C Mike 和Lucy是联合主语,为复数,故be动词应用are,即C选项。

2. B “live in……”意为“住在……”,是固定用法,故本题选择B选项。

3. D “at the foot of a hill”意为“在山脚下”,为固定用法,故本题选择D选项。

4. D 首先There的后面不能用has和have ,故A、B选项不对;又后面是four people,为复数,故应用are,即D选项。需要了解There be句型强调所在位置,结构为:There be sth. /sb. 介词短语,意思为“在某处有……”;而have句型强调归属问题,结构为:主语have /has宾语,意思是“某人(物)有……”。要注意这两个句型的区别用法。5. D 本题主要考查对上下文的理解和代词的选择问题。上文提到“他们爸爸是位农民”,这里说的应是他们的妈妈,故应用their,即D选项。

6. B at home是固定用法,意为“在家”,故本题选择B选项。

7. B 本题主要考查对句意的理解和连词的用法。本句意为“Mike上学,而Lucy不上”,两句之间应是转折关系。在A、B、C、D四选项中,so表因果关系,but表转折关系,or表选择关系,and 表并列关系。故本题应选择but,即B选项。

8. D 本题主要考查形容词与副词的区别用法。本题四个选项意思均为“好”,但词性不同,A、B、C三选项均是形容词,D选项是副词。此处“好”是用来修饰动词“skates”和“swims”的副词,故本题选择D选项。

9. C play with sb。与某人一起玩,为固定用法,故本题选择C选项。

10.C like一般有两种用法:like to do sth. 和like doing sth. 前者强调一次性动作,后者则强调习惯、兴趣。此处“Lucy喜欢唱歌”应理解为兴趣、爱好,故属于后一种情况,应用 singing ,即C选项。

Passage 3

1. B 与下文go for a walk or play football相对应,此处应用stay at home呆在家里,即B选项。

2. D go for a walk意为“外出散步”,为常用法,故本题选择D。

3. D 此句意为:我的朋友Jack在工作日努力在工厂工作。此处的weekdays是相对于下文的weekend而判断出的,故本题应选择D选项。

4. A 此句意为:他总是做同一件事。其英文表达应为“does the same thing”,即A选项。

5. B 此处应用谓语动词。C选项不正确;在其余三选项中washes符合句意“洗车,擦车”,故本题选B选项。

6. C 此处这一日子应是周末,即Saturday或Sunday, 而Saturday前文已叙述过,故此处应用Sunday, 即C选项。7. A 本句意为:农场不大,但却有许多活要干。故此空应分别选择A选项。

8. B much 在本句中意为“许多”。

9. C 此处food符合题意,即“给动物喂食”,故本题应选择C选项。

10.C 由下文“Jack的姑妈给他们准备了丰盛的晚餐”,可以判定此处应用hungry,即C选项

Passage 4

1. B 本题主要考查动词短语“来自”的表达come from或be from .此句主语Mr Smith是第三人称单数,故应表达为comes from或is from .B选项符合语法要求,故本题选择B选项。

2. A 本题主要考查对Mr Smith 身份的理解。由下文可知Mr Smith 是位教师。故本题选择A选项。

3. B “在一所中学”应表达为in a middle school.故本题选择B选项。

4. B Mr Smith 是男性,like 后应用宾格,故本题应选择him,即B选项。

5. B say 强调说话内容,speak强调语种,talk侧重“交谈”,talk with sb.。tell意为“告诉”,tell sb. sth. 。根据句意,本题应选B。

6.B on Sundays在星期天,是固定用法,故本题选择B选项。另外,在星期的前面都用介词on,表示“在星期……”

7. C play……with sb. 与某人玩,是固定用法。故本题选择C选项。

8. A There be和have的区别用法。前者强调某物或某人所处的位置,而后者则强调归属问题。本题属于后者,又因Mr Smith是第三人称单数,故应用have的单数第三人称形式has,即A选项。

9. B by bike骑自行车,是固定用法,故本题选择B选项。by加交通工具表示方式,类似的用法如:by bus 乘公共汽车,by ship乘船,by air乘飞机。

10.C see强调结果,意为“看见”,常见搭配有see a film看电影;look at 强调动作和对象,意为“看……”,如:look at the blackboard看黑板。而watch则强调注视、观察,常见搭配有watch TV, watch a match等。本题应选择C选项。


