


Rob 的自行车胎被扎了个小孔,需要补胎。菲菲说补车胎这件事是 “a doddle”。这是什么意思?听他们的对话,学习用 “a doddle” 来指 “举手之劳”。


(关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。本文稿可能没有体现录制、编辑过程中对节目做出的改变。)

FeifeiHello and welcome to Authentic Real English. 欢迎收听 BBC英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。我是冯菲菲。

Rob… and me, Rob. Hey, Feifei, I wonder if you can help me?

FeifeiOf course. What is it?

RobWell, when I was cycling to the office, I got a puncture, and I need help fixing it.

FeifeiSure, I can help you with that – it’s a doddle.

RobRight, so you think it’s easy?

FeifeiYes – that’s what a doddle means. 在英语日常交流中,人们用 “a doddle” 来指 “轻而易举的事情,不费吹灰之力的事”。注意,我们只能在非正式场合中使用这个说法。

RobHmm… if you say so! Now, can we hear some examples first?

FeifeiYes. That’s a doddle too.

ExamplesAccording to the instructions, building this bookshelf should be a doddle.

Getting to the museum is a doddle; you only need to take one train straight there.

The test was a doddle, and I got full marks.

Feifei你正在收听的是 BBC英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。刚刚我们一起学习了如何用 “a doddle” 来指 “办事轻而易举,毫不费力”。Just like mending your bike puncture. In fact, it’s such a doddle, maybe I can show you how to fix it, Rob?

RobWell, err, I did try and I managed to break the wheel.

FeifeiOh, no. Maybe fixing your puncture won’t be such a doddle after all.

RobMaybe not. Perhaps it’s time to start walking.

FeifeiGood idea. Walking to work will definitely be a doddle!

RobI hope so. Bye-bye.



