
1.Mario, you used to be short, didn’t you?马里奥,你过去很矮,对吗?(1)used to do sth.过去常常......(2)该句子是反意疑问句反意疑问句构成:肯定的陈述句 否定的简短问句 He likes football, doesn't he? 否定的陈述句 肯定的简短问句 He doesn't like football, does he? Yes(不),he does.No(是), he doesn't. 此时,回答时yes和no的汉语意思相反几种特殊形式的反意疑问句(1)Let's...,shall we?(2)Let us...,will you?(3)祈使句肯定形式,will/won't you? 祈使句否定形式,will you?(4)陈述句中如果有no,nobody,nothing,never,hardly,little,few,seldom等否定意义的词时,陈述句就相当于是否定句,简短问句中用肯定形式He never goes to school by bike, does he?,今天小编就来聊一聊关于九年级人教英语第11单元重点句子?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



1.Mario, you used to be short, didn’t you?马里奥,你过去很矮,对吗?(1)used to do sth.过去常常......(2)该句子是反意疑问句。反意疑问句构成:肯定的陈述句 否定的简短问句 He likes football, doesn't he? 否定的陈述句 肯定的简短问句 He doesn't like football, does he? Yes(不),he does.No(是), he doesn't. 此时,回答时yes和no的汉语意思相反。几种特殊形式的反意疑问句(1)Let's...,shall we?(2)Let us...,will you?(3)祈使句肯定形式,will/won't you? 祈使句否定形式,will you?(4)陈述句中如果有no,nobody,nothing,never,hardly,little,few,seldom等否定意义的词时,陈述句就相当于是否定句,简短问句中用肯定形式。He never goes to school by bike, does he?

2.What’s he like now?他现在什么样?(1)What’s sb. like?某人什么样?/某人是什么样的人?多用于提问人的性格、品质等,也可用于提问人的相貌。

3.She was always silent in class.她在课堂上总是不说话。(1)be silent静静地;沉默地(2)in class在课堂上

4.She was never brave enough to ask questions.她从来不够勇敢去问问题。(1)形容词/副词 enough to do sth.足够......做某事(2)ask questions问问题

5.She still plays the piano form time to time.她仍然不时地弹钢琴。(1)play the piano弹钢琴(2)form time to time时常;有时

6.It’s been three years since we last saw our primary school classmates.自从我们上次小学同学见面以来已经有三年的时间了。(1)It’s been 一段时间 since 一般过去时态的句子,意思是“自从......以来已经有......时间了。”该句型的同义句型为:时间has passed since 一般过去时态的句子或主语 have/has 动词过去分词 since 时间点。如,He has worked in this school since five years ago.=It is /has been five years since he worked in this school.=Five years has passed since he worked in this school.

7.I used to see him reading in the library every day.我过去看见他每天都在图书馆看书。(1)see sb.doing sth.看见某人正在做某事,强调动作正在进行;see sb.do sth.看见某人做了某事,强调看到动作发生的全过程或看到动作经常发生。(2)in the library在图书馆(3)every day每一天

8.He studied hard and got good scores on his exams.他学习努力并且在考试中取得了好成绩。(1)study hard 努力学习(2)get good scores=get good grades取得好成绩

9.Candy told me that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness.坎迪告诉我她过去非常害羞,于是开始唱歌来应对她的害羞。(1)take up开始做;学着做,通常指开始某项工作、某个爱好等。take up doing sth.开始做某事。(2)deal with处理;应对,侧重于方式、方法(3)shyness 害羞,名词;shy害羞的,形容词。

10.As she got better, she dared to sing in front of class, and then for the whole school.随着她的情况逐步好转,她敢于在全班同学面前唱歌,然后为全校师生唱歌。(1)dare 敢于;胆敢,(实义)动词。dare(to) do sth.敢于做某事;dare敢于;胆敢,情态动词。后面接动词原形,常用于否定句或疑问句中。如,I daren’t speak in public.(2) in front of在......的前面,强调在某一物体外部的前面(3)the whole 名词单数,全部的......

11.Now she’s not shy anymore and loves singing in front of crowds.现在她不再害羞了,并且喜欢在观众面前唱歌。(1)not...anymore=no more表示数量和程度上的“不再”,通常修饰非延续性动词,一般指今后“不再”,过多用于将来时。not...any longer=no longer指时间或距离上的“不再延长”,通常修饰延续性动词,多指现在的情况与过去相比,故常用于现在时。如,He will not go there anymore.=He will no more go there./You can’t stay here any longer.=You can no longer stay here.(2)love doing sth.喜欢做某事(3)in front of crowds在观众面前

12.I didn’t use to be popular in school, but now I get tons of attention everywhere I go.我过去在学校里不受欢迎,但是现在无论我走到哪里,总是被人关注。(1)tons of大量的;许多的,后接可数名词复数或不可数名词。 get tons of attention被众人关注;吸引大量的目光

13.However, too much attention can also be a bad thing.然而,太多的关注也可能是一件坏事。(1)too much 太多的,相当于形容词,修饰不可数名词。

14.I always have to worry about how I appear to others, and I have to be very careful about what I say or do.我总是不得不为怎样出现在别人面前而担忧,并且我必须非常注意自己的言行。(1)worry about=be worried about 担忧;担心(2)be careful about 对.....小心;谨慎对待......

15.I don’t have much private time anymore.我不再有很多的私人时间。(1)private time=personal time 私人时间

16.Hanging out with friends is almost impossible for me now because there are always guards around me.现在与朋友们外出闲逛对我来说几乎不可能,因为总有保安守在我的周围。(1)hang out闲逛;常去某地,此时hang的过去式和过去分词都是hung。

17.You have to be prepared to give up your normal life.你必须准备好放弃你的正常生活。(1)be prepared to do sth.准备好做某事;愿意做某事(2)give up放弃,人称代词要放在give 和up中间;give up 名词/代词/ doing sth.放弃....../做某事

18.You can never imagine how difficult the road to success is.你永远无法想象通往成功的路是多么艰难。(1)the road to success通往成功的路

19.Many times I thought about giving up, but I fought on.许多次我都想放弃,但我奋力坚持了下来。(1)many times许多次(2)think about考虑(3)fight on奋力坚持下去

20.You really require a lot of talent and hard work to succeed.你的确需要很多才能和努力工作才能取得成功。(1)require 需要;要求,动词。require sth.需要某物;require sb.to do sth.要求某人去做某事;require doing sth.需要被做;require that 句子,句子中动词用(should) 动词原形。

21.Only a very small number of people make it to the top.只有极少数人可以攀上成功之巅。(1)a very small number of 可数名词复数,极少数的......,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。

22.giving a speech in public当众作演讲。(1)give a speech=give a talk作演讲(2)in public公开地


