
2024-09-20 04:55:52
  • 英语中你怎么了怎么说

    What is wrong with you;Is that what you got;What hened to you;Whats?the?matter?with?you。在“Whats w...

  • 辛苦了英语怎么说

    辛苦了Youve had a long day.You've had a long flight.; Laborious; LZ。双语例句辛苦了一天后她想喝上一杯。She felt like a dr...

  • 起床了吗英语怎么说

    起床了吗用英语表达方式:Have you got up?例:现在我们感觉好些了,我们能起床了吗?Now that were better, can we get up? 例:丈夫:这就该起床了吗?Hu...

  • 你怎么了用英语怎么说

    “What’s wrong with you?”表示:“你怎么了?你怎么回事?”时是情绪带有震惊、谴责性质的。Whats wrong里包含了一些出问题的意思。这句话可以用在当你看到朋友做了一些不可思议...

  • 发生了什么英语怎么说

    发生了什么 -Whats hening? 词典:Whats hening?; What hened?例句:Details of what actually hened are...

  • 太好吃了英语怎么说

    太好吃了的英语是 It’s too delicious.除了delicious,我们可以用nice,good, yummy, tasty,amazing来表达好吃。Delicious本身就是一个强化版...

  • 辛苦了用英语怎么说

    辛苦了 - You ve had a long day.例句:The plaster is heavy, answered Pinocchio, and the work too hard for m...

  • 我们到了用英语怎么说

    我们到了的的英文:Here we are.Here we are的读音:英 [hɪə(r) wi ɑː(r),eə(r)]、美 [hɪr wi ɑː(r),eə(r)] Here we are的例句:...

  • 都说了没用的用英语怎么说

    “都说了没用”中的没用是一个词语,用英语说是:useless。都说了没用:It's useless。没什么用英文:it's nothing。例:It's nothing, i just did wha...

  • 吃饭了吗英语怎么说

    Did you eat英[dɪd ju iːt]美[dɪd jə iːt],你吃了吗。[例句]What did you eat for lunch two weeks ago? 两周前你午饭吃了什么?...

  • 怎么了的英文

    怎么了通常用what sup或者是what swrong,事实上相似的表达还有很多。 比如Hows it going、Whats going on、Whats hening、Whats new...

  • 饿了英语怎么说

    饿了英文:Hungry ,比较级:hungrier;最高级:hungriest。hungry读音:英[?h??ɡri],美[?h??ɡri]。hungry释义:adj.感到饿的;饥饿的;挨饿的;(统称...

  • 我明白了用英语怎么说

    I see 英 [aɪ si:] 美 [aɪ si]我明白了。例句:Oh! I see.; Oh! Now I understand. 哦,我懂了。 I know。例句: By the end of...

  • 您辛苦了用英语怎么说

    您辛苦了的英语:Youve been working hard。working英 [ˈwɜːkɪŋ] 美 [ˈwɜːrkɪŋ]。教师节来了,老师您辛苦了!Teachers day is coming,...

  • 太好了英语怎么说

    wonderful。adj:精的;绝妙的,令人高兴的,使人愉快的,令人惊奇的,令人赞叹的短语搭配:Wonderful Love 主的妙爱 ,奇妙的爱 ,美好恋情用法;wonderful常见于口头语,...

  • 老师您辛苦了用英语怎么说

    老师您辛苦了用英语说法:Teacher, you have worked hard。造句:鲜花、掌声、祝词表达了我们的心愿:老师您辛苦了!祝您节日!Fresh flowers, lause,...

  • 我饿了英语怎么说

    我饿了的英语:i am hungry,英 [aɪ əm ˈhʌŋɡri] 美 [aɪ əm ˈhʌŋɡri]。别的不说,我饿坏了。Apart from anything else I was star...

  • 短裙英语怎么说


  • 几点了英语怎么说

    几点钟了翻译成英文是Whats the time?what的英式读法是[wɒt];美式读法是[wɑːt]。作代词意思是什么。作形容词意思有什么;哪个。作副词一般用于感叹句中。作感叹词意思是什么。wha...

  • 怎么了用英语怎么说

    Whats the matter with you?Whats wrong with you?Whats up?How are you?Hows it going?How are you?How do...
