
2024-06-30 17:54:44
  • 乘用英语怎么说

    乘英语ride,英[raɪd],美 [raɪd]。 vi. 骑马;乘车;依靠;漂浮vt. 骑;乘;控制;(骑马、自行车等)穿越;搭乘;飘浮n. 骑;乘坐;交通工具;可供骑行的路词汇搭配:(1)ride...

  • 窗户英语怎么读

    窗户的英语:window;读音:英式发音:[?w?nd??]? ?美式发音:[?w?ndo?]?;n.窗户;橱窗;视窗。词汇搭配:(1)break a window 打破窗户(2)clean a wi...

  • 十英语怎么写

    十:数词:ten;形容词:topmost;例句:要逗着十个好动的七岁孩子玩真是一种挑战。It was a challenge, keeping ten boisterous seven-year-ol...

  • 打开英语怎么写

    打开:词典open;unfold; turn on;switch on;例句:向左转动手柄把门打开。Twist the knob to the left to open the door.相似短语:o...

  • 小说英语怎么写

    小说英文:novel;story;fiction;Novel是长篇小说,story是短篇小说,fiction是小说的总称。例句:(1)The plot of the novel stretches c...

  • 医学英语怎么说

    医学英文:medical science;medicine; iatrology;例句:(1)Physiology and anatomy are basic to medical science.P...

  • 毕业英语怎么说

    毕业英语:(1)to graduate(2)graduation(3)to finish school(4)graduate(5)leave例句与用法:(1)他1989年毕业于牛津大学。He grad...

  • 蔬菜用英语怎么写

    蔬菜:vegetables;;greens;greenstuff; sass;例句:端上的肉配有色拉或什锦蔬菜。The meat is served with salad or assorted ve...

  • 优点用英语怎么说

    优点:merit;strong point; advantage; virtue;例句:本文将黑板技术的优点结合在多Agent系统之中,设计了一种新的体系结构,并对其进行了详细的介绍。In this...

  • 裙子的英语怎么写

    裙子:skirt;例句:在大减价期间,这条裙子减价到10英镑。The skirt was reduced to £ 10 in the sale.短句:红色裙子Red Dress。黑裙子black s...

  • 幼女的英语怎么写

    幼女的英文:Youngest daughter;Younger child。例句:为幼女,她一直是大家关注的中心。As the youngest child, she was always the c...

  • 电视的英语怎么写

    电视:television; T.V; teevee;例句:这本书是继她的优秀电视系列片之后的又一力作。The book is a follow-up to her excellent televis...

  • 观点用英语怎么说

    观点英文:point of view; viewpoint; standpoint; blush;例句:(1)你怎么老不明白我的观点呢?Why cant you ever see my point o...

  • 评论用英语怎么说

    评论英文:comment on; discuss;make comment on;deliver oneself of sth;例句:I dont feel I can comment on thei...

  • 雕塑用英语怎么说

    雕塑英文:carve and mould;sculpture;例句:The plastic arts include sculpture, pottery and painting.造型艺术包括雕塑、...

  • 笔友用英语怎么说

    笔友英文:penfriend;例句:建立笔友会是为了促进友谊。The penfriend society has been set up for the purpose of promoting fr...

  • 黄金用英语怎么说

    黄金英文:gold; aurum;例句:有人曾经认为铅可以变成黄金。It was once thought that lead could be transmuted into gold.相似短语:b...

  • 室友用英语怎么说

    室友的英文:名词:roommate;例句:Michaels roommate had been pleasant on a superficial level。迈克尔的室友表面上还算友善。Patric...

  • 看病用英语怎么说

    看病:see a patient; treat;attend;give medical advice;例句:汤姆太穷了,不能去看病。Tom is too poor to go to see the d...

  • 同事用英语怎么说

    同事英文:work in the same place; work together;例句:他被指控剽窃同事的成果。He was accused of plagiarizing his colleag...
