
The C Standard Input and Output Library (stdio.h) uses what are called streams to operate with physical devices such as keyboards, printers, terminals or with any other type of Files supported by the system. Streams are an abstraction to interact with these in an uniform way; All streams have similar properties independently of the individual characteristics of the physical media they are associated with.,接下来我们就来聊聊关于c语言file的用法?以下内容大家不妨参考一二希望能帮到您!



The C Standard Input and Output Library (stdio.h) uses what are called streams to operate with physical devices such as keyboards, printers, terminals or with any other type of Files supported by the system. Streams are an abstraction to interact with these in an uniform way; All streams have similar properties independently of the individual characteristics of the physical media they are associated with.


Streams are handled in the stdio.h library as pointers to FILE objects. A pointer to a FILE object uniquely identifies a stream, and is used as a parameter in the operations involving that stream.


struct _iobuf { char *_ptr; // 文件输入的下一个位置 int _cnt; // 当前缓冲区的相对位置 char *_base; // 文件的起始位 int _flag; // 文件标志 int _file; // 有效性验证 int _charbuf; // 缓冲区的检査,若无此成员,则不读取 int _bufsiz; // 文件大小 char *_tmpfname; // 临时文件名 }; typedef struct _iobuf FILE; // 标识一个特定流

There also exist three standard streams: stdin, stdout and stderr, which are automatically created and opened for all programs using the library.


Streams have some properties that define which functions can be used on them and how these will treat the data input or output through them. Most of these properties are defined at the moment the stream is associated with a file (opened) using the fopen function:


A buffer is a block of memory where data is accumulated before being physically read or written to the associated file or device. Streams can be either fully buffered, line buffered or unbuffered. On fully buffered streams, data is read/written when the buffer is filled, on line buffered streams this happens when a new-line character is encountered, and on unbuffered streams characters are intended to be read/written as soon as possible.


Streams have certain internal indicators that specify their current state and which affect the behavior of some input and output operations performed on them:


Error indicator 错误指示器

This indicator is set when an error has occurred in an operation related to the stream. This indicator can be checked with the ferror function, and can be reset by calling either to clearerr, freopen or rewind.


End-Of-File indicator 文件结束指示器

When set, indicates that the last reading or writing operation performed with the stream reached the End of File. It can be checked with the fEOF function, and can be reset by calling either to clearerr or freopen or by calling to any repositioning function (rewind, fseek and fsetpos).


Position indicator 位置指示器

It is an internal pointer of each stream which points to the next character to be read or written in the next I/O operation. Its value can be obtained by the ftell and fgetpos functions, and can be changed using the repositioning functions rewind, fseek and fsetpos.


1 eof(End-of-File)


EOF is a macro definition of type int that expands into a negative integral constant expression (generally, -1).


#define EOF (-1) // EOF 标志在标准输入中由ctrl d(liunx下)或者ctrl z(win下)产生。

It is used as the value returned by several functions in header <stdio.h> to indicate that the End-of-File has been reached or to signal some other failure conditions.


It is also used as the value to represent an invalid character.


In C , this macro corresponds to the value of char_traits<char>::eof().

在C 中,此宏对应于char_traits<char>::eof()的值。

3 流如何设置文件结尾?


#define _getc_lk(_stream) (--(_stream)->_cnt >= 0 ? 0xff & *(_stream)->_ptr : _filbuf(_stream)) /* _MTHREAD_ONLY */ _filbuf()实现中有以下代码: // …… stream->_flag |= stream->_cnt ? _IOERR : _IOEOF; // …… #define _IOEOF 0x0010 #define feof(_stream) ((_stream)->_flag & _IOEOF) // #define EOF (-1)

4 函数返回的EOF


int fgetc ( FILE * stream ); #define EOF (-1)

Get character from stream


* returns the character read

该函数以无符号 char 强制转换为 int 的形式返回读取的字符

* returns EOF if at end of file or error occurred

,如果到达文件末尾或发生读错误,则返回 EOF。

Returns the character currently pointed by the internal file position indicator of the specified stream. The internal file position indicator is then advanced to the next character.


If the stream is at the end-of-file when called, the function returns EOF and sets the end-of-file indicator for the stream.


If a read error occurs, the function returns EOF and sets the error indicator for the stream (ferror).


fgetc and getc are equivalent, except that getc may be implemented as a macro in some libraries.

/* fgetc example: money counter */ #include <stdio.h> int main () { FILE * pFile; int c; int n = 0; pFile=fopen ("myfile.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) perror ("Error opening file"); else { do { c = fgetc (pFile); if(c == '$') n ; } while(c != EOF); // 在fgetc()调用后使用EOF fclose (pFile); printf ("The file contains %d dollar sign characters ($).\n",n); } return 0; }


int __cdecl getc ( FILE *stream ) { return fgetc(stream); }


#define getchar() getc(stdin)

4 使用feof()检测流中的文件末尾标识,实质是检测FILE的_flag的低2位

Checks whether the end-of-File indicator associated with stream is set, returning a value different from zero if it is.


#define _IOEOF 0x0010 #define feof(_stream) ((_stream)->_flag & _IOEOF) // #define EOF (-1)

This indicator is generally set by a previous operation on the stream that attempted to read at or past the end-of-file.


#define _getc_lk(_stream) (--(_stream)->_cnt >= 0 ? 0xff & *(_stream)->_ptr : _filbuf(_stream)) /* _MTHREAD_ONLY */ _filbuf()实现中有以下代码: // …… stream->_flag |= stream->_cnt ? _IOERR : _IOEOF; // ……

Notice that stream's internal position indicator may point to the end-of-file for the next operation, but still, the end-of-file indicator may not be set until an operation attempts to read at that point.


This indicator is cleared by a call to clearerr, rewind, fseek, fsetpos or freopen. Although if the position indicator is not repositioned by such a call, the next i/o operation is likely to set the indicator again.


/* feof example: byte counter */ #include <stdio.h> int main () { FILE * pFile; int n = 0; pFile = fopen ("myfile.txt","rb"); if(pFile==NULL) perror ("Error opening file"); else { while(fgetc(pFile) != EOF) { // EOF也有可能是读写错误返回的值 n; } if(feof(pFile)) { puts ("End-of-File reached."); printf ("Total number of bytes read: %d\n", n); } else puts ("End-of-File was not reached."); fclose (pFile); } return 0; }


#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(void) { FILE* fp = fopen("test.txt", "r"); if(!fp) { perror("File opening failed"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } int c; // 注意:int,非char,要求处理EOF while ((c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF) { // 标准C I/O读取文件循环 putchar(c); } if (ferror(fp)) puts("I/O error when reading"); else if (feof(fp)) puts("End of file reached successfully"); fclose(fp); }





