The Gaspe peninsula lies on the south shore of the Saint Lawrence River. It's kind of a pain to get to for most Torontonians because of the sheer distance to get to the start of the peninsula - about 1,000 kms by slab - definitely more than a long weekend trip. But since we didn't have anything to do for the next two and half weeks...
▲Riding around the Gaspe Peninsula 环岛骑行
There are a lot of Can-Am Spyders riding around the area. I counted, and every third motorcycle we passed was a Spyder. Maybe Bombardier was having a sale for the locals? It got so ridiculous, that when Neda passed a Spyder, instead of waving, she would do the Incey Wincey Spider motion with her hand. Got some puzzled looks from that one! :)
▲Souvenir shop on the shores of Gaspe 滨海路上一个卖纪念品的商店
We stopped in Rimouski to eat our lunch in a parking lot of a grocery store and we saw what looked to be a motorcycle school. We thought it was just a basic licensing course until they started doing stunts!
▲I like their stunting gear... 我对他们那一套玩特技的装备感兴趣……
Highway 132 winds its way on the south shore, passing through many picturesque seaside towns. The weather here is cool, low 20s, and my Weather app on my iPhone is still defaulting to Toronto's heat wave. I've got a sliding window of three cities on my app now - where we are, where we're going to be tomorrow, and some mid-way destination. Nomad 21st-century style... :)
▲Someone painted the rock in the waters outside Saint-Flavie like an Egyptian Pharoah. Aptly named, "Pharoah Rock" 圣弗拉维外面一块水中的岩石上,有人画了一个埃及法老头像,美其名曰“法老石”。
As we reached closer to the tip of the peninsula, the roads got tighter and tighter and we had a bit of fun twisting the throttle as we rolled into Forillon National Park. We arrived too late to go hiking and had to pitch our tent in the dark. Thank god it wasn't raining, as it usually does on our trips!
▲Big rock at Perce. We would ride around the coast and walk around the strait in about 20 minutes. 佩尔塞巨石,沿着海岸骑过去,再从海峡走过去大概需要20分钟。
The next morning we set off south towards New Brunswick, still hugging the coastline past Perce to Chaleur Bay where we caught the highway south. We did stop to visit the big rock at Perce, as it's one of the famous landmarks in the Gaspe region.
▲Cormorants dive-bombing the water for fish 鸬鹚们纷纷从高空俯冲进水里捕鱼
▲It was close to low tide, as the waters were low enough for you to walk to the rock. If you waited there till high tide, you'd be stranded! 去巨石要像我们这样,在退潮时出发,要不然过不去。涨潮前必须返回,不然会被困住。
▲Walking around Perce 在佩尔塞四处游荡
▲Neda and Kim Jong-Il posing in front of the big rock at Perce 妮达跟一个帅哥在巨石前合影留念
▲Coastline at the Gaspe peninsula. 加斯佩半岛的海岸线
▲Big stretch break for the GS and Neda 妮达和她的摩托车都需要好好放松一下