
The several properties of water对于人类来说,最离不开的是氧气、水和食物这三样东西人呼吸不到氧气,可能几分钟就会憋死没有水,靠身体中的水分,人的生命还能维持数天的时间人们每天必须进食各种各样的食品,以此来摄取其中的营养在这三样东西中,水的重要性尤为突出,因为空气中是有水汽的,食品中也一定是含有水分的,所以,水是人民最离不开的,也是最为重要的一个生命之源,我来为大家科普一下关于关于水知识的英文?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



The several properties of water


For human beings, oxygen, water and food are the three most indispensable things. Without oxygen, people can suffocate in minutes. Without water, a person can live for several days on the water in his body. And people must eat a variety of foods every day in order to get the nutrients from them. In these three things, the importance of water is particularly prominent, because there is water vapour in the air, food must also contain water, so water is the most indispensable to the people, but also the most important source of life.


There have been many very detailed explanations of the nature of water since ancient times, which I do not want to go into here. I am not an expert on water, just an ordinary person. So just from the perspective of ordinary people, to describe the view of water.

一、流动性 Liquidity


Mobility is one of the most important characteristic of water and represents a characteristic of life. The world’s most basic materials: gold, wood, water, fire, earth. Stone has no water, no fluidity, no life to speak of. Trees absorb water from the soil and the air, and through the internal structure of the tree, the water will soak into the various parts of the tree to promote its growth, so the tree is alive.


Fire has great fluidity under the wind, water and fire are merciless, but the fluidity of fire is different from that of water. What fire brings is not the birth of life, but destruction, dearth and disappearance. Needless to say, wind itself is flowing, which is a universal phenomenon in weather and climate. From the point of view of life, the flow of wind can not only bring birth of life, but also bring all kinds of damage and destruction.


Any living creature (including plants and animals), especially animals, has an inextricable relationship with water. One of the main factors is that water has the characteristic of fluidity, which is what makes it alive and life. No flow, stop flow, then life is over.


Originally, water is an inorganic substance, is initially inanimate. For example, there is water on many planets, and it has been found on Mars. But whether or not these water could have led to life is another matter.


Because it took hundreds of millions of years to get from water to life. And it takes hundreds of millions of years to evolve from the emergence of microorganisms to the emergence of real living things. So when we look at what is happening with water, which is so close to us all the time, it is been going on for at least billions of years.

那么,水是怎样和生命相连的呢?我们现在的地球表面,水的占有面积是71%,陆地的面积才有29%,三分之二以上的区域都是在水的环抱之中。所以,“地球” 这个名称其实不符合地球现有的状况,地球真正的名称应该是 “水星”,与太阳系中的那个名为水星的行星,应该互换一个名字。或者叫 “水地球”。总之,不加上一个 “水” 字,是很难概括地球的面貌。

So how is water connected to life? Water now covers 71 percent of the earth’s surface, compared with 29 percent of land. More than two thirds of the earth’s surface is surrounded by water. Therefore, the name “earth” does not fit the current condition of the Earth, the real name of the Earth should be “Mercury”, and the planet in the solar system named Mercury should be an exchange of names, or “water earth”. In short, it is hard to summarise the earth without adding the word “water”.


Because of such vast water resources, water is able to contact all the scattered bacteria on the earth, and this water is a vast, huge hotbed of organisms, is the most suitable environment and place for the reproduction and growth of all kinds of bacteria.


Water flows from high to low. It can go round and round with the wind, or it can rise high in the air as steam, and fall to the ground as rain. The fluid nature of water gives birth to all living things on earth. They collide, gather, blend, reproduce, grow, and then spread in all directions.


Not only that, this fluidity of the gene from the earliest microorganisms, gradually affected various Marine organisms, then passed on to amphibians, land animals, mammals, primates, and finally passed on to human beings, so that all organisms on earth have this gene and characteristics.


This is especially evident in animals. Every animal nourished by water can be shaped, active and alive. This is mainly because they have flowing blood, and water in the blood.


When the water in your body is flowing, you are living life. And when the water in your body is stagnant, or dry, your life comes to a halt. This is why the mobility of water is important.

二、渗透性 Permeability


The so-call infiltration, which is when one substance immerses into another and blends with it. Water not only has the characteristic of flow, but also has the characteristic of infiltration. However, this penetration is not generalised, but conditional.


If the temperature is below zero, water will become a solid ice cube and will not have the function of infiltration. Only at the temperature above zero can water show its infiltration function.


As a liquid, water can penetrate into all kinds of objects. Some of these permeations are large, some are medium, and some are micro, especially those that are extremely micro, for example, how does water penetrate into a cell ? This is a very subtle and magical and quite complex process, in which there are still a lot of difficult to solve the mystery.


Through the infiltration of water, various substances on earth can undergo many subtle changes, which can directly or indirectly give birth to new life and new species. Based on this, we can think of water permeability as an important source of life.


Due to the infiltration of water, in nature and the biological world, the most produced is carbohydrates. It is an organic compound consisting of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, with a broad spectrum of chemical structure and functions as a constituent of biological tissue. The rich variety of carbohydrates is not so much the result of osmosis as the water in them has become an essential part of the substance.


In fact, in the human body structure, its basic material is carbohydrates, plus protein, minerals, water and so on. These compounds are the basic elements of various cells in the human body. Only through the combination of cells can various tissues be formed, from which various organs and systems of the human body are constructed, and finally a unified body structure is formed.


The interesting thing is that any living organism with carbohydrates needs other carbohydrates as food to satisfy its hunger, so that it can absorb their nutrients and nourish itself and grow. The same is true of the human body, which is a carbohydrate living object. It also needs to be chewed and eaten day after day with a variety of carbohydrates to supplement the nutrients of the human body, so that the body can grow and continue its life.


Throughout the structure of the body, water can be immersed into various parts and organs of the body through its fluidity and permeability. Through osmosis, water and other nutrients fusion, will produce blood, body fluid, saliva, bile, brain and other liquids, in various parts of the human body to play a role.


The permeability of water seems simple, but it plays a huge role in the nature and biological world of the earth still need us to continue to study and explore.

三、保持性 Retention


This characteristic is not water itself has, water retention is mainly for nature and the biological world, especially for human beings, water retention is particularly important.


Every one after drinking water, the water is gradually absorbed into the internal organs of the body through the gastrointestinal function, providing raw materials for the various fluids in the body and nourishing the organs. At the same time, some waste water, such as urine and sweat, is excreted out of the body. This metabolic function sustains human life.

所以,在人的体内必须要保持一定的水分,并达到一定的水平程度。根据年龄的不同,儿童的身体要保持更多的水分,达到80%以上;中年人在50%到60% 左右;老年人身体中的水分也要保持在40%的水平。因为只有保持一定的水分,身体的各项器官才能正常的运行,才能保持健康的状态。就像汽车的润滑油一样,有了它,汽车才能正常地行驶。

Therefore, in human body must maintain a certain amount of water, and reach a certain level. According to age, children’s body should keep more water, reaching more than 80%, middle-aged people in 50 to 60%, even elderly, the water in the body should be kept at about 40% level. Because only by maintaining a certain amount of water, the body’s organs can function properly and maintain a health state. Just like the lubricating oil in the car, it can drive the car properly.


Water conservation is not only related to human ecology, but also related to the ecology of biology and nature. In order to make our earth’s ecological environment get a benign cycle and benign development, it is absolutely impossible to ignore the problem of water conservation.


The above three characteristics of water, just a personal view, not professional, only for you to refer to correction.


