
He turned to the closest EMT for a second opinion. I tuned him out to consider the jumble of inexplicable images churning chaotically in my head. When they'd lifted me away from the car, I had seen the deep dent in the tan car's bumper — a very distinct dent that fit the contours of Edward's shoulders… as if he had braced himself against the car with enough force to damage the metal frame…

And then there was his family, looking on from the distance, with expressions that ranged from disapproval to fury but held no hint of concern for their brother's safety.

I tried to think of a logical solution that could explain what I had just seen — a solution that excluded the assumption that I was insane.

Naturally, the ambulance got a police escort to the county hospital. I felt ridiculous the whole time they were unloading me. What made it worse was that Edward simply glided through the hospital doors under his own power. I ground my teeth together.

They put me in the emergency room, a long room with a line of beds separated by pastel-patterned curtains. A nurse put a pressure cuff on my arm and a thermometer under my tongue. Since no one bothered pulling the curtain around to give me some privacy, I decided I wasn't obligated to wear the stupid-looking neck brace anymore. When the nurse walked away, I quickly unfastened the Velcro and threw it under the bed.

Contour 轮廓

Escort 陪同

Cuff 袖口

Velcro 魔术贴






  他们把我放在急救室。急救室是一间狭长的屋子,里面摆放着一溜病床,床与床之间由一些蜡笔画图案的帘子隔开。一名护士在我胳膊上绑了一个血压袖带,在我舌头下面放了一个体温表。既然谁都懒得拉上帘子给我一点儿自己的空间,我想我也就没有义务戴那个傻乎乎的颈托儿了。护士走开后,我三下五除二,扯开了维可牢搭扣 ,把它扔到了床底下。


