一:早晨迎接儿童用语:Morning greeting
1, Good morning.早上好
2, May I give you a hug? 我可以拥抱你吗
3, Come in Please. 请进来
4, Come here please.请过来
5,Hang up your cloth/backpack on the hook please.请将你书包/衣服挂在挂钩上
6, let’s walk please. 我们一起走路
※ (儿童在教室跑我们要提醒并且做出示范指导)
※ 错误示例:Wrong example: No running , don’t run.(×)
7, May I hold your hand? 我可以拉着你的小手吗?
8, Let me help you please. 让我来帮助你吧
9, May I help you? 我可以帮助你吗?
※ 如果观察到儿童确实需要帮助要礼貌地询问,这句话试用于每个场景,请老师们一定注意观察儿童的行为,智慧地给予儿童帮助
※ Teachers need to observe if kids need help or support.
10, Thank you for your patience! 谢谢你耐心的美德
※ We need to thank the kids when they behave patiently .
二:蒙氏工作及上课时用语:Montessori working time
15, Be quiet please. 请安静(儿童如果打扰别人上课或者工作,老师要用室内音提醒)
16, Excuse me.打扰以下
17, Thank you for being gentle. 谢谢你的温柔
※ 当孩子与别的同学温柔地讲话或者师温柔地接触自己的工作,要及时给予鼓励
※ Reward children for speaking properly.
18, Sit down please./Take a seat please. 请坐下
19, You are doing very good job! / Thank you for your nice behavior.
※ 当儿童某个行为非常值得表扬及鼓励, 请用中文具体性地鼓励及表扬他,并且再竖起大拇指说声good,或者very good.
※ Reward children for their actions.
20, Put your hands on your knees please. / sit well please.请把手放在膝盖上
※ 如果儿童上课坐姿需要被提醒,请温柔地提醒儿童坐姿.
※ Kids should be reminded when they are not sitting properly.
21, Look at me please.请看着我
22, Please sit well/ nicely.请坐好
23, Thank you for your generosity.谢谢你的分享/慷慨
24, Listen to the music please.请听音乐
25,Let’s play a game.让我们一起玩儿个游戏吧
26, Attention please. 请注意
27 Please focus on you…….请把注意力放在….
28,Listen to the teacher please. 请听老师的话
29,Please obey the rules.请遵守规则
30, Look at the pictures please. 请看图
31,Thank you for listening. 谢谢你听话
32, Thank you for your gentleness.谢谢你的温柔
33, Let’s dance/sing.我们一起来跳舞/唱歌
34, Let’s use inside voice to talk please.
※ 教师一边用室内音讲话,一边提醒儿童
※ Teachers should use inside voice to remind kids.
35, Think first please! It is a good idea.真是个好主意
※ 教师要引导儿童努力思考
※ Teachers need to guid kids to think first.
36,Thank you for your obedience. 谢谢你的服从与配合。
※ 当儿童非常遵守规则时,我们要感谢儿童对规则的服从
※ We teachers also need to thank the kids for obeying the rules.(when they are walking nicely、 talking politely with others、concentrated on their work .....)
We use inside voice to remind kids behave nicely. We set a good example being gentle too.
三:用餐及日常流程过渡期间用语 Meal/ Transition time
37,Wash your hands please.请洗手
38, Thank you for your service.谢谢你的服务
39,Go to the bathroom please. 请去卫生间
40,Be gentle please.请温柔
41,Drink some water please.请喝水
42,Roll up your sleeves please. 请卷起你的衣袖。
43,It’s time for lunch.午餐时间到了
44,Eat a little more please. 请再吃一点
45,Do you like it? 你喜欢吗?