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* 提高英语阅读水平要 “轻翻译,重分析理解”,译文仅在不得已的时候参考用,这里的译文也不求高质量,甚至有时都不一定通顺,但一定有助于提高阅读能力。

* 本文选自《Child Bible》,讲述的是女先知底波拉时期发生的事情。


WOMEN WHO SAVED A NATION【译】拯救了整个民族的妇女—— SAVED 原型:save 动词过去式 [seyv]['seɪvd] v. 救;拯救—— NATION 原型:nation 名词 ['ney-shuh n]['neɪʃn] n. 国家;民族


Later Sisera, who had nine hundred iron chariots, cruelly oppressed the Israelites for twenty years.【译】后来,拥有九百辆铁车的Sisera,残酷地压迫了以色列人二十年。—— iron 形容词 ['ahy-ern]['aɪən] adj. 铁的—— chariots 原型:chariot 名词复数形式 ['char-ee-uh t]['tʃæriət] n. 二轮战车—— cruelly 副词 ['kroo-uhl]['kruːəli] adv. 残酷地;及其;非常—— oppressed 原型:oppress 动词过去式 [uh-'pres][ə'pres] v. 压迫;压抑;压制—— Sisera 西西拉(《圣经》故事人物)—— Israelites 原型:Israelite 名词复数形式 ['iz-ree-uh-lahyt, -rey-]['iz,riəlait] n. 以色列人

Then the prophetess Deborah, the wife of Lappidoth, delivered Israel.【译】然后女先知底波拉——拉比多的妻子,解放了以色列。—— prophetess 名词 ['prof-i-tis]['prɒfɪtes] n. 女先知;女预言家—— delivered 原型:deliver 动词过去式 [dih-'liv-er][dɪ'lɪvə] v. 解救—— Israel 地名 ['iz-ree-uh l, -rey-]['ɪzreɪl] n. 以色列


She used to sit under the palm-tree of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the highlands of Ephraim; and the Israelites went to her to have her decide their disputes.【译】她常坐在Ephraim高地上拉玛和伯特利之间的Deborah的棕榈树下;以色列人找她解决他们的纠纷。—— used to ... 过去一向,过去时常; 例句:Young ladies used to have lessons in deportment. 少女们过去要上仪态课。—— palm 名词 [pahm][pɑːm] n. 棕榈树—— highlands 原型:highland 名词复数形式 ['hahy-luhnd]['haɪlənd] n. 高地—— decide 动词 [dih-'sahyd][dɪ'saɪd] v. 决定;判断;断定—— disputes 原型:dispute 名词复数形式 [dih-'spyoot][dɪ'spjuːt] n. 争论;争端;争吵—— Ramah n. 拉玛(以色列城市)—— Bethel ['beth-uh l]['beθl] n. 伯特利(圣经中地名)

She sent and called Barak, the son of Abinoam, from Kadesh Naphtali and said to him, "Does not Jehovah the God of Israel command you: 'Go, march to Mount Tabor and take with you ten thousand of the Naphtalites and of the Zebulunites?【译】她派人去拿弗他利族的卡叠什城叫来Abinoam的儿子Barak,对他说:“以色列的神Jehovah难道没有吩咐过你说:‘去,去往Tabor山,带上一万Naphtalite人和一万Zebulunite人?—— command 动词 [kuh-'mand, -'mahnd][kə'mɑːnd] v. 命令;指挥—— march 动词 [mahrch][mɑːtʃ] v. 前进;行军—— Kadesh 卡叠什(古叙利亚城市)—— Naphtali 拿弗他利宗族(以色列)—— Jehovah [ji-'hoh-vuh][dʒɪ'həʊvə] n. [圣经]耶和华(指上帝)—— God 名词 [god][ɡɒd] n. 上帝

Then I will draw out to you at the brook Kishon Sisera with his chariots and his troops, and I will deliver him into your hands.'" Barak said to her, "If you will go with me, I will go, but if you will not go with me, I will not go." She replied, "I will certainly go with you, only you will not have the glory in this expedition on which you are going, for Jehovah will deliver Sisera into the hands of a woman."【译】然后我会在Kishon河那里出现在你、Sisera和他的部队战车面前,然后把他交到你手里。’”Barak对她说,“如果你愿意跟我一起去,我就去,但如果你不跟我一起去,我就不去。”她回答道,“我必与你同去,只是你不会获得这次远征的荣耀,因为Jehovah要将Sisera交到一个妇人手里。”—— brook 名词 [broo k][brʊk] n. 小河;溪—— troops 原型:troop 名词复数形式 [troop][truːp] n. 群;组;军队—— deliver 动词 [dih-'liv-er][dɪ'lɪvə] v. 递送;交付—— replied 原型:reply 动词过去式 [ri-'plahy][rɪ'plaɪ] v. 回答;答复;回应—— certainly 副词 ['sur-tn-lee][ˈsəːt(ə)nli] adv. 当然;必定—— glory 名词 ['glawr-ee, 'glohr-ee]['ɡlɔːri] n. 光荣;荣誉—— expedition 名词 [ek-spi-'dish-uh n][ˌekspə'dɪʃn] n. 远征;探险队


So Deborah arose and went with Barak to Kadesh.【译】所以底波拉起身和Barak一起去了Kadesh。—— arose 原型:arise 动词过去式 [uh-'rahyz][ə'raɪz] v. 起来;起身

Barak called the Zebulunites and the Naphtalites together at Kadesh and ten thousand men followed him; and Deborah also went up with him.【译】在Kadesh,Barak把Zaphtalites人、Naphtalite人和跟随着他的一万人聚集在一起;底波拉也和他同去。

Now Heber the Kenite had left the Kenites, the children of Jethro the father-in-law of Moses, and had pitched his tent as far away as the oak which is near Kadesh.【译】如今基尼人Heber已经离开了基尼人,基尼人是摩西的岳父Jethro的后代,并在遥远的Kadesh附近的橡树下扎营。—— father-in-law 名词 ['fah-th er-in-law]['fɑːðə(r) ɪn lɔː] n. 岳父;公公—— pitched 原型:pitch 动词过去分词 [pich][pɪtʃ] v. 搭帐篷—— tent 名词 [tent][tent] n. 帐篷—— oak 名词 [ohk][əʊk] n. 橡树;橡木—— Kenite 基尼人—— Moses 人名 ['moh-ziz, -zis]['məʊzɪz] n. 摩西

When it was reported to Sisera that Barak the son of Abinoam had gone up to Mount Tabor, Sisera gathered together all his chariots, nine hundred iron chariots, and all his people from the heathen city Harosheth to the brook Kishon.【译】当Sisera得知Abinoam的儿子Barak已经上了Tabor山,就召集了自己所有的战车、九百辆铁车和他所有的人民从异教徒城Harosheth出发前往Kishon河。—— gathered 原型:gather 动词过去式 ['gath-er]['ɡæðə] v. 聚集;集合—— heathen 形容词 ['hee-th uh n]['hiːðn] adj. 异教徒的

Then Deborah said to Barak, "To the attack! for to-day Jehovah has delivered Sisera into your hands.【译】然后底波拉对Barak说:“进攻!因为今天Jehovah将Sisera交到你手中。—— attack 名词 [uh-'tak][ə'tæk] n. 攻击;进攻

Has not Jehovah gone out before you?"【译】Jehovah没有在你面前出去吗?”

So Barak went down from Mount Tabor followed by ten thousand men; and at the attack of Barak's swordsmen Jehovah put to flight Sisera and his chariots and all his forces, and Sisera got down from his war-chariot and fled on foot.【译】Barak便下了Tabor山,后面跟着一万人;在Barak的剑士的攻击下,Jehovah击溃了Sisera和他的战车以及他所有的军队,Sisera从他的战车上下来,徒步逃离。—— on foot 步行;例句:I go to school usually on foot. 我上学通常是走路去。—— put to flight 击溃,打垮;例句:The enemy was put to flight by the advancing army. 部队向前进,赶跑了敌人。—— swordsmen 原型:swordsman 名词 ['sawrdz-muh n, 'sohrdz-]['sɔːdzmən] n. 武士;军人—— forces 原型:force 名词复数形式 [fawrs, fohrs][fɔːs] n. 武力;军队—— fled 原型:flee 动词过去式 [flee][fliː] v. 逃走;消失

But Barak pursued the chariots and the forces to Harosheth; and all the army of Sisera was destroyed by the sword; not a single man was left.【译】但Barak追着Sisera的战车和部队到了Harosheth;Sisera所有的军队都被剑杀死;没有一个人留下。—— pursued 原型:pursue 动词过去式 [per-'soo][pə'sjuː] v. 追赶—— destroyed 原型:destroy 动词过去分词 [dih-'stroi][dɪ'strɔɪ] v. 破坏;杀死;消灭;摧毁—— sword 名词 [sawrd, sohrd][sɔːd] n. 剑;刀—— single 形容词 ['sing-guhl]['sɪŋg(ə)l] adj. 单一的;一个的

On that day Deborah and Barak, the son of Abinoam, sang this song:【译】在那一天,底波拉和Abinoam的儿子Barak,唱这首歌:—— sang 原型:sing 动词过去式 [sing][sɪŋ] v. 唱

"O Jehovah, when thou wentest from Seir, Marching from the region of Edom, Earth trembled, the heavens swayed, The clouds also dripped water;【译】“哦,Jehovah,当你从Seir出发,行军过Edom这块地,地球颤抖,天空摇晃,云彩滴下水;—— thou 代词 [th ou][ðaʊ] pron. [古]你—— wentest 原型:go 动词过去式 [goh][gəʊ] v. 去;走 [古语]go 的过去式和过去分词—— region 名词 ['ree-juhn]['riːdʒ(ə)n] n. 地区;范围—— trembled 原型:tremble 动词过去式 ['trem-buhl]['trembl] v. 发抖;震颤—— heavens 原型:heaven 名词复数形式 ['hev-uh n]['hevn] n. 天空;天堂—— swayed 原型:sway 动词过去式 [swey][sweɪ] v. 摇动;摇摆—— dripped 原型:drip 动词过去式 [drip][drɪp] v. 滴下—— Seir 地名 [sɪə(r)] n. 西珥

The hills quaked before Jehovah, Yon Sinai, before Israel's God.【译】那边的西奈山在以色列人的神Jehovah面前震动。—— quaked 动词过去式 [kweyk][kweɪk] v. 震动;颤抖—— Yon 形容词 [yon][jɒn] adj. <古>在那一边的,远处的—— Sinai ['sahy-nahy, 'sahy-nee-ahy]['saɪnaɪ] n. 西奈山(为上帝授与摩西十诫之处))

In the days of Anath's son, Shamgar, In Jael's days the roads were unused, And travellers walked through byways.【译】在Anath的儿子Shamgar生活的日子里,在Jael生活的日子里,道路被闲置,旅行者只能走偏僻小道。—— unused 形容词 [uhn-'yoozd for 1, 2; uhn-'yoost for 3][ˌʌn'juːzd] adj. 未用过的—— travellers 原型:traveller 名词复数形式 ['trav-uh-ler, 'trav-ler]['trævələ] n. 旅行者—— byways 原型:byway 名词复数形式 ['bahy-wey]['baɪweɪ] n. 旁道;偏僻小路


Leaders disappeared in Israel, Until you, O Deborah, rose, Till you rose as a mother in Israel.【译】领袖消失在以色列,直到你,哦,底波拉出现,直到你在以色列成为一个母亲。—— disappeared 原型:disappear 动词过去式 [dis-uh-'peer][ˌdɪsə'pɪə] v. 消失;不见;失踪

My heart is with the commanders of Israel, Who volunteered among the people.【译】我的心与以色列指挥者同在,这些人都是人们自愿成为的。—— commanders 原型:commander 名词复数形式 [kuh-'man-der, -'mahn-][kə'mɑːndə] n. 指挥官—— volunteered 原型:volunteer 动词过去式 [vol-uh n-'teer][ˌvɒlən'tɪə] v. (自愿)做

Bless Jehovah!【译】Jehovah保佑!—— Bless 原型:bless 动词 [bles][bles] v. 保佑;祝福;赐福

You who ride on tawny asses, Who sit upon rich saddle-cloths;【译】骑在黄褐色的驴上的你,坐在昂贵鞍布上的你;—— tawny 形容词 ['taw-nee]['tɔːni] adj. 黄褐色的;茶色的—— asses 原型:ass 名词复数形式 [as][æs] n. 驴—— saddle 名词 ['sad-l]['sæd(ə)l] n. 鞍;鞍状物

You who walk by the way, tell of it.【译】走在路上的你,讲述它。

Far from sounds of dividing the spoil, In the places where water is drawn, Let them tell of Jehovah's righteous acts, And the righteous deeds of his leaders!【译】远离那些在取水的地方瓜分战利品的人,让他们讲述Jehovah和领袖们的正义之举!—— dividing 原型:divide 动词动名词形式 [dih-'vahyd][dɪ'vaɪd] v. 划分;隔开;分割—— spoil 名词 [spoil][spɔɪl] n. 战利品;奖品—— righteous 形容词 ['rahy-chuhs]['raɪtʃəs] adj. 公正的;公义的—— deeds 原型:deed 名词复数形式 [deed][diːd] n. 行为;事迹


Then the people of Jehovah Went down to the gates, crying: 'Awake, awake, O Deborah, Awake, awake, sing a battle-song!【译】Jehovah的百姓到城门处喊着说:‘哦,底波拉,醒醒,醒醒,醒醒,醒醒,来唱战歌!—— gates 原型:gate 名词复数形式 [geyt][ɡeɪt] n. 大门—— crying 原型:cry 动词动名词形式 [krahy][kraɪ] v. 哭;(大声)叫喊—— awake 动词 [uh-'weyk][ə'weɪk] v. 唤起;唤醒;醒来

Rise up, rise up, O Barak, Take your captives, O son of Abinoam!'【译】起来,起来,哦,Barak,带着你的俘虏,哦,Abinoam的儿子啊!’—— rise up 上升,起来;例句:Older people incline to rise up early. 老年人常常起得早。—— captives 原型:captive 名词复数形式 ['kap-tiv]['kæptɪv] n. 俘虏

So they went down against the powerful, The Lord's people against the mighty.【译】于是他们对抗那些强大的,主的人民对抗有势力的。—— mighty 形容词 ['mahy-tee]['maɪti] adj. 强大的;巨大的—— Lord [lawrd][lɔːd] n. 上帝;主

From Machir, commanders went down, From Zebulun, standard-bearers, Issachar's princes with Deborah, And with Barak, the men of Naphtali;【译】从Machir开始,指挥者们下来,包括Zebulun、领导人们、Issachar的王子们、底波拉、Barak以及Naphtali的民众;—— standard-bearers 原型:standard-bearer 名词复数形式 ['stan-derd-bair-er]['stændəd,bεərə] n. 举着旗走在行列前面的人;领导人—— princes 原型:prince 名词复数形式 [prins][prɪns] n. 王子

Into the valley they streamed after him.【译】到山谷去,涌到他身后。—— valley 名词 ['val-ee]['væli] n. 山谷;溪谷

Zebulun risked its life, Naphtali on the heights of the field.【译】“Zebulun冒着自己的生命,Naphtali在田野的高处。—— risked 原型:risk 动词过去式 [risk][rɪsk] v. 冒险—— heights 原型:height 名词复数形式 [hahyt][haɪt] n. 高地;高处

Rulers came, they fought, The rulers of Canaan fought At Taanach by the waters of Megiddo.【译】统治者来了,他们对抗,迦南的统治者在Megiddo河边的Taanach战斗。—— fought 原型:fight 动词过去式 [fahyt][faɪt] v. 打架;对抗—— rulers 原型:ruler 名词复数形式 ['roo-ler]['ruːlə] n. 统治者;支配者—— Canaan ['key-nuh n][圣经]迦南(上帝应允给亚伯拉罕的地方)

They took no booty of silver, For from heaven the very stars fought, From their courses they fought against Sisera.【译】“他们没有银的战利品,因为天上的星星在战斗,他们也在对抗Sisera。—— booty 名词 ['boo-tee]['buːti] n. 战利品

The brook Kishon swept them away, That ancient brook, the brook Kishon.【译】Kishon河卷走了他们,那古老的小溪Kishon。—— swept 原型:sweep 动词过去式 [sweep][swiːp] v. 掠过;席卷—— ancient 形容词 ['eyn-shuhnt]['eɪnʃənt] adj. 古老的;古代的

O my soul, march on with strength!【译】哦,我的灵魂,带着力量前进!—— soul 名词 [sohl][səʊl] n. 灵魂;心灵;精神—— strength 名词 [strengkth, strength, strenth][streŋθ] n. 力量;力气

Then did their horse hoofs pound With the gallop, gallop of steeds.【译】他们的马蹄疾驰,战马疾驰重击地面。—— hoofs 原型:hoof 名词复数形式 [hoo f, hoof][huːf] n. 蹄—— pound 动词 [pound][paʊnd] v. 敲打;重击—— gallop 名词 ['gal-uhp]['ɡæləp] n. 疾驰;飞奔—— steeds 原型:steed 名词复数形式 [steed][stiːd] n. 战马

Blessed above women shall Jael be, That wife of Heber, the Kenite, More blessed than all nomad women!【译】基尼人Heber的妻Jael应当被祝福,要比所有的游牧妇女受到更多祝福!—— nomad 形容词 ['noh-mad]['nəʊmæd] adj. 游牧的

Water he asked, milk she gave, Curdled milk she brought him In a bowl well fitted for lords!【译】他要水,她就给牛奶,她把凝固的牛奶装在一个非常适合主的碗中!—— fitted for 原型:fit for 适合;例句:Neither you nor I am fit for the work. 你和我都不适合这份工作。—— Curdled 原型:curdle 动词过去分词 ['kur-dl]['kɜːd(ə)l] v. 凝固;凝结—— bowl 名词 [bohl][bəʊl] n. 碗

She put her hand to the tent-pin, Her right hand to the workman's hammer.【译】她把手放在帐篷的别针上,右手放在工人的锤子上。—— pin 名词 [pin][pɪn] n. 别针;针;大头针—— workman 名词 ['wurk-muh n]['wɜːkmən] n. 工人;工匠;技工—— hammer 名词 ['ham-er]['hæmə] n. 锤;榔头

She struck Sisera, crushing his head, She shattered, she pierced his temples.【译】她打了Sisera,打破了他的头,她打碎并刺穿了他的太阳穴。—— struck 原型:strike 动词过去式 [strahyk][straɪk] v. 打;撞—— crushing 原型:crush 动词动名词形式 [kruhsh]['krʌʃɪŋ] v. 压碎—— shattered 原型:shatter 动词过去式 ['shat-er]['ʃætə] v. 粉碎;毁坏—— pierced 原型:pierce 动词过去式 [peers][pɪəs] v. 刺穿;穿透—— temples 原型:temple 名词复数形式 ['tem-puh l]['templ] n. 太阳穴

At her feet he sank down and lay still, At her feet he sank, he fell;【译】他倒在她的脚边,静静地躺着,他跌落在她的脚下;—— sank 原型:sink 动词过去式 [singk][sɪŋk] v. 下沉;变低—— lay 原型:lie 动词过去式 [lahy][laɪ] v. 躺下


There he fell, a slain!【译】他倒下了,一个被击倒的受害者!—— victim 名词 ['vik-tim]['vɪktɪm] n. 受害者;牺牲者—— slain 原型:slay 动词过去分词 [sley][sleɪ] v. 杀害;残杀

Through the window she peered and cried, Through the lattice, the mother of Sisera: 'Why so long his chariot in coming?【译】通过窗户她偷窥到这些,就哭了,透过窗棂,Sisera的母亲说道,‘为什么这么长时间了他的战车还不来?—— peered 原型:peer 动词过去式 [peer][pɪə] v. 凝视;窥视—— lattice 名词 ['lat-is]['lætɪs] n. 格子;格架

Why tarry the hoof-beats of steeds?' Then the wisest of her ladies replied, She herself also answered her question, 'Are they not dividing the spoil?【译】马蹄声为什么被耽搁了呢?’然后,最聪明的女人回答她,她自己也回答了她的问题,‘他们不是要分战利品吗?—— tarry 动词 ['tar-ee]['tæri] v. 耽搁;逗留—— spoil 名词 [spoil][spɒɪl] n. 战利品;奖品

A woman or two for each warrior, For Sisera a spoil of dyed stuffs, A spoil of dyed stuffs embroidered, Some pieces of lace for his neck?'【译】每一个战士分一个或两个女人,给Sisera的奖品是染料,刺绣的染料,为他的衣领做几片花边?’—— warrior 名词 ['wawr-ee-er, 'wawr-yer, 'wor-ee-er, 'wor-yer]['wɒriə] n. 勇士;战士;武士—— dyed 原型:dye 动词过去分词 [dahy][daɪ] v. 染;染色—— stuffs 原型:stuff 名词复数形式 [stuhf][stʌf] n. 东西;原料—— embroidered 原型:embroider 动词过去分词 [em-'broi-der][ɪm'brɔɪdə] v. 刺绣;镶边;装饰—— lace 名词 [leys][leɪs] n. 饰带;花边—— neck 名词 [nek][nek] n. 颈;脖子

So perish thy foes, O Jehovah!【译】所以消灭你的敌人,哦 Jehovah!—— perish 动词 ['per-ish]['perɪʃ] vi. 毁灭;消失—— thy 形容词 [th ahy][ðaɪ] adj. <古语>你的—— foes 原型:foe 名词复数形式 [foh][fəʊ] n. 敌人;仇敌

But may those who love him be as the sun, Rising up in invincible splendor!"【译】但愿爱他的人如太阳一样,立于不败之地!”—— invincible 形容词 [in-'vin-suh-buhl][ɪn'vɪnsəbl] adj. 不可征服的;不能战胜的—— splendor 名词 ['splen-der]['splendə] n. 光辉;壮丽;显赫;辉煌



