
- Hey, what’s up? How are you?

- I’ve been better. My company is downsizing. I got fired on Monday.

- Oh, that’s bad.

- My boss said it’s nothing about me personally, they just had to cut costs right now. A lot of people were fired. So not fair.

- I know it is unfair but that's just the way the cookie crumbles.


That’s the way the cookie crumbles is similar to ‘That’s just life’. It’s just the way the situation is, and it must be accepted.

Slang term, origin unknown from the 1920's in America. Used to underline a failure of an action, or dissapointment in reaching an undesired result, with the additional meaning that the result was not an unexpected one.



1.That's life.外国人在用“That's life”时,一般是感叹生活的艰辛和无奈,一切都很不尽如人意。所以应该理解成“这就是命啊!”

例句:What do you expect? That's life !你期待什么呢? 这就是生活!

2.This is the life

同理这个也不能简单的翻译成“这是生活”,外国人一般用This is the life去表达自己对现在的生活很满意,其乐在其中,非常享受,所以意思句子应该翻译成“这才叫生活”,你也可以说成“This is life这就是我想要的生活”。

例句:The time to meet pair of people, this is the life of happiness!对的时间遇上对的人,这就是一生的幸福!

3.Different ways to tell if someone is a good friend.

There are many characteristics that set close friends apart from the rest. To help identify them, Bustle asked experts to weigh in on the essential traits that make a good friend.

They’re Trustworthy

They’re Supportive

They Accept You As You Are. ...

They Actively Listen. ...

They're Emotionally Available. ...

They Have Similar Interests. ...

They Show Up During Tough Times. ...

They're Reciprocal

They have your best interest in mind

They don’t just reach out when they need something

They’re loyal and help you out, no matter what

They understand the word “no”

They respect your differences

They honor your boundaries

They make you feel safe





