

今天就让我们用英语学习四步法:单词—短语—单句—短文,来一起学习《新概念英语》第一册 Lesson 9, How are you today ? 你今天好吗?


Lesson 9, Book1, New Concept English

1、 英语单词(New Words)

Today英 [tə'deɪ] 美 [tə'deɪ] n. 今天;当今;adv. 今天;当今;adj. 现在的

用作名词 (n.)

Today is my birthday.今天是我的生日。

Today is Thursday.今天是星期四。

The fashions of today change very quickly.现今的时装式样变换很快。

用作副词 (adv.)

I feel my fingers are all thumbs today.我觉得我今天笨手笨脚。

There is a breath of autumn in the air today.今天的天气已露出了一丝秋天的气息。

The media have a lot of power today.现在大众传播媒介有很大的力量。

English is spoken all over the world today.英语现在通用于全世界。


· now 现在 、this 这、present 礼物、day 白天、nowadays 现今、very 很、age 年龄、the 那、time 时间、this moment 现在(此刻)、this time 这次、at the present time 目前,现在,眼下..、in these days 如今、in this day and age 当今、these days 现在、currently 现在、at the moment 此时,此刻、at present 现在、era 纪元、period 一段时间、moment 片刻。

Fine英 [faɪn] 美 [faɪn]adj. 好的;优质的;精致的;晴朗的;健康的;细微的;adv. 合适地;恰好地;n. 罚款;罚金;结尾;v. 罚款;优化;净化;细化

用作形容词 (adj.)

She is a fine singer, as her mother used to.像她妈妈过去一样,她是个很好的歌手。

She has a remarkably fine voice.她嗓音非常好。

We're going to a famous restaurant famous for its fine cuisine.我们要去一家有名的餐馆,它是以精致的菜肴闻名。

Yesterday's forecast reported it'd be fine.不过,昨天的预报说是会放晴的。

Don't worry. She'll be fine.不要担心,她会好的。

Sand is finer than gravel.沙子比碎石细.

用作副词 (adv.)

That suits me fine.这对我很合适。

If we only allow five minutes for catching our train, we'll be cutting it too fine.假如我们只留五分钟的时间赶火车,那麽我们卡的时间就太紧了。

用作名词 (n.)

The judge imposed a fine of ten pounds on him.这个法官让他缴纳10英镑的罚款。

The driver paid a fifty-dollar fine for speeding.司机因超速行驶付了五十元的罚金。

用作动词 (v.)

He was fined 200 dollars.他被罚款200美元。

1. The key to fining the structure of ingot casting lies in the formation of a number of fine equiaxed crystal grains.金属铸态组织细化的关键是获得大量细小等轴晶。


用作名词 (n.)

~ 名词 : today's language 现代语言

介词 ~:topic for today 今天的讲题、from today 从今天起、science of today 现代科学、writer of today 当代作家、young men of today 当代青年、

~ 介词: today for a holiday 今天休假。

用作副词 (adv.)

~ 名词: today month 一月后的今天、today next week 一周后的今天、today year 一年后的今天

用作形容词 (adj.)

fine and dandy: 十全十美; 令人满意 satisfactory

fine distinction: 细微的差别 a slight difference

fine for: 适合…的 suitable for sb/sth

get down to a fine art: 很精通… be very proficient at sth

not to put too fine a point on it

直截了当地说,说实话 be frank

one of these fine days: 总有一天,日内 one day soon

用作副词 (adv.)

cut it fine

刚好赶上 complete just in time

用作动词 (v.)

fine away (v. adv.)

(使)更好; (使)渐渐消失 (cause to) make sth better; (cause to) vanish graduallyfine away

His coarse habits have gradually fined away . 他的粗俗习惯渐渐变得文雅起来了。

fine sth ⇔ away

He endeavored to fine away the objections of his opponents. 他力图逐渐消除对手的反对。

She fined away superfluous matter in the design.她删去了这图案中多余的东西。

fine down (v. adv.)

使精细 refine

fine down

She has fined down a lot since last year.自去年以来,她苗条多了。

fine sth ⇔ down

The worker fined the metal down.这位工人把这块金属弄薄了。

His face was fined down.他的脸消瘦下来了。

fine sth ⇔ down

She fined down her choice of words.她使自己的措词更加精确。

He needs to fine down his theory a bit.他需要使他的理论更完善一些。

Now that the original plans have been fined down, they are much more practical.


fine for (v. prep.)

因…而罚(款) make sb pay money as a punishment for (doing sth wrong)fine sb for sth/v-ing

He was fined heavily for driving under the influence.他因酒后开车而受重罚。

He was fined for failing to complete the tax form.他因未填税单而被罚款。

The businessman was fined for dodging taxes.这个工商业者因为逃税受到罚款处分。

The motorist was fined for careless driving.驾驶员因开车不慎而受到罚款。

fine sb sth for sth/v-ing

The judge fined her 25 dollars for her mistake.法官因她的错误而对她处以25美元罚款。

The three demonstrators were fined 50 dollars each for breach of the peace.那三个示威者因扰乱治安每人被罚50美元。

用作名词 (n.)

in fine: 总而言之 in a word


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How are you today ?

I’m very well, thank you ? and you ?

I’m fine, thanks.

How is Tony?

He’s fine, thank you .

How is Emma?

She is fine,too. Helen.

Goodbye, Hellen.

Nice to meet you =It’s nice to see you .

Nice to meet you ,too., Steven.

Mr.Black isn’t a student, He’s a teacher.

This isn’t my umbrella. It’s your umbrella.

Sophie isn’t a teacher. She is a keyboard operator.

Steven isn’t cold. He’s hot.

Naoko isn’t Chinese. He is Japanese.

This isn’t a German car. It’s a Swedish car.


How are you ?

When meeting together, the friends usually to greet each other. “How are you ?” is the common greeting way ,and the answer is “Fine, Thank you .”.

“And you?” is the ask back , which works as polite return to the question” How are you ?”from your friend.

“Nice to meet you” is the simple saying for “It’s nice to see you “. It is a polite greeting ,too. The usual answer for it is “Nice to meet you,too.”.

But if two persons meet for the first time, usually to say” How do you do ? “, and the answer is the same : “How do you do ?”.

朋友之间打招呼一般是:How are you ? 你好吗? 主要是询问对方的身体情况, 一般回答是:Fine, Thank you. 我很好,谢谢!

朋友向你打过招呼之后,作为礼貌你应该同样问候向你打招呼的人,并且说:And you, 你怎么样?

“Nice to meet you “ 见到你很高兴,是“It’s nice to see you”的简略。

一般新朋友见面要用“How do you do ? 问候,而回答同样是“How do you ?


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