
【CET-6提纲作文]Should Firecrackers Be Banned?


Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Should Firecrackers Be Banned? You should write at least 160 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:




[Suggested key words: firecrackers 鞭炮; set off / let off放(鞭炮)]

Remember to write your composition neatly.


Should Firecrackers Be Banned?

Opinions about whether firecrackers should be banned vary from person to person①. Some people say that it is a good thing to set off firecrackers. To them, setting off firecrackers is a traditional② means to celebrate our special days, particularly the Spring Festival③. If firecrackers were banned, our festivals would become too quiet to enjoy.

Others think firecrackers should be banned. In support of their argument, they list many facts to show that fires are caused by firecrackers, which bring so much damage④ to people. At the same time, they say, firecrackers make noise and cause air pollution.

Personally, I am on the side of⑤ the latter argument. It is true that firecrackers make our festivals more enjoyable, but, I think, we can find other forms of entertainment. And also, we can enjoy the sound of firecrackers by listening to a tape recorder instead of setting them off. In a word, firecrackers should be banned for the benefit of most people!


①vary from person to person: 因人而异

②traditional: 传统的

③Spring Festival: 春节

④damage: 损失

⑤on the side of: 支持



本文首先提出Should Firecrackers Be Banned这一问题价说纷芸。一些人反对禁鞭,他们认为放鞭炮是庆祝春节的传统方式,若禁鞭,节日将变得too quiet to enjoy。另一些人则认为鞭炮易引发火灾、燥声和空气污染,禁鞭理所当然。末段作者旗帜鲜明地支持禁鞭,并建议用listen to a tape recorder代替放鞭。最后以in a word引出对全文的总结,禁鞭有利于大众。





