



Neil 和Li 谈论他们收到的圣诞礼物。Li 形容她的礼物是“cheap and cheerful”。可是Neil 的太太给他买的智能手表却是 cheap and nasty。这两个短语是什么意思?听节目。


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Li大家好。欢迎收听BBC 英语教学节目《地道英语》。我是杨莉。今天我的搭档是Neil.

NeilHello everyone. How was your Christmas, Li? Did you receive lots of nice presents?

LiYes, loads. 是啊,我收到了很多圣诞礼物,不过都不是很贵重的东西。Everything was cheap and cheerful.

NeilOh, that's a nice phrase you used. When people say that something is cheap and cheerful, they mean the product doesn't cost much but it serves its purpose. The customer is happy with it!

Li没错,cheap and cheerful 是个很地道的英式表达,形容一件商品或物品既不贵又适用,物美价廉。So it is a positive phrase. Let's hear a couple of examples of how it is used.

ExamplesShe enjoys shopping for cheap and cheerful presents.

He made a lot of money from designing cheap and cheerful toys for children.

LiSome people design very clever little gifts. Look at this nice bracelet. It's actually a USB stick!

NeilThat reminds me of the smart watch my wife bought me online. In less than a week the battery has completely gone! It's useless.

LiNeil 说,他太太从网上给他买的一块智能手表才用了不到一个星期就没电了。这就不是物美价廉喽。If the quality is bad, I would use another phrase: 'cheap and nasty'! 这叫“价廉物劣”,也是一个有用的短语。Let's hear some examples.

ExamplesOh, everything in this shop is cheap and nasty. Don't buy anything.

My boyfriend is very stingy. The hotel where we stayed was cheap and nasty. I wouldn't recommend it.

NeilTo be honest I don't like online shopping because you can easily be fooled by their wonderful-looking pictures.

Li是啊,本想追求物美价廉 cheap and cheerful, 可是弄不好,反倒赔钱,因为,到手的物品粗制滥造 cheap and nasty ! 谁都不会喜欢的。

NeilNo one likes a product that is cheap and nasty, but I hope everyone likes the two phrases we have taught today.





