
Barren Spring Part2

By Peal S.Buck

●Well, on such a day as this, if he had his buffalo and his plow as he had always had in other years, he would have gone out and plowed up that cracked soil.



buffalo /ˈbʌfələu/ n. 水牛;野牛(产于北美)

plow /plaʊ/ n. 犁 v. 耕,犁

plowed up 耕作

◆He ached to plow it up and make it look like a field again, yes, even though he had not so much as one seed to put in it.


seed /sid/ n. 种子;萌芽 vt. 播种;结实

◆But he had no buffalo. If anyone had told him that he would eat his own water buffalo that plowed the good land for him, and year after year pulled the stone roller over the grain and threshed it at harvest he would have called that man idiot. Yet it was what he had done.



roller /'rolɚ/ n. 滚压机

grain /ɡren/ n. 谷粒

threshed /θrɛʃ/ vt. 推敲;打谷

harvest /'hɑːvɪst/ n. 收获;产量 vt. 收割

idiot /'ɪdɪət/ n. 傻子, 笨蛋;白痴

◆He had eaten his own water buffalo, he and his wife and his parents and his four children, they had all eaten the buffalo together.


water buffalo 水牛

But what else could they do on that dark winter's day when the last of their store of grain was gone, when the trees were cut and sold, when he had sold everything, even the little they had saved from the flood, and there was nothing left except the rafters of the house they had and the garments they wore? Was there sense in stripping the coat off one's back to feed one's belly?


rafters /'ræftəz/ 椽

garments /'gɑrmənt/ n. 服装,衣着(garment的复数)

◆Besides, the beast was starving also, since the water had covered even the grass lands, and they had had to go far afield to gather even enough to cook its bones and flesh.



afield /ə'fild/ adv. 在战场上;去野外;在远处

bones /bəunz/ n. 骨骼;身体;争议点 v. 剔去…的骨

flesh /flɛʃ/ n. 肉;果肉

◆On that day when he had seen the faces of his old parents set as though dead, on that day when he had heard the crying of his children and seen his little daughter dying, such a despair had seized him as made him like a man without his reason, so that he had gathered together his feeble strength and he had done what he said he never would; he had taken the kitchen knife and gone out and killed his own beast. When he did it, even in his despair, he groaned, for it was as though he killed his own brother. To him it was the last sacrifice.


seize /siz/ vt. & vi. 抓住, 捉住

feeble /'fibl/ adj. 虚弱的, 衰弱的, 无力的

beast /bist/ n. 野兽;畜生

groaned /ɡron/ vi. 呻吟;抱怨

sacrifice /'sækrɪfaɪs/ n. 牺牲, 舍身 vt. 牺牲, 献出


