


1. At:时间点

I'll see you at five o'clock.

2. At:一天中的某个特殊点,如midday, noon等

The helicopter took off at midday and headed for the island.

3. At:一周中的某个特殊点,如weekend

What are you doing at the weekend?

4. At:特殊的节日

At the New Year, millions of people travel home to be with their families (但是,在生日,必须使用 on your birthday).



1. On:具体到某一天的日期

We moved into this house on 25 October 1987.

2. On:星期几(单数)

I've got to go to London on Friday.

3. On:星期几(复数),表示重复的事件

The office is closed on Fridays. (= every Friday)

4. On:特殊的日期

What do you normally do on your birthday?



1. In:一天的某个阶段

I'll come and see you in the morning for a cup of coffee, okay?

2. In:月份

We usually go camping in July or August.

3. In:年份

The house was built in 1835.

4. In:季节

The garden is wonderful in the spring when all the flowers come out.

5. In:长时间段

The population of Europe doubled in the nineteenth century.

6. In:时间持续长度,表示花了多长时间

He was such a clever musician. He could learn a song in about five minutes.

7. In a year's time / in two month's time,表示多长时间之后,某事会发生。

I won't say goodbye because we'll be seeing each other again in three days' time. (= in three days)



At 公共节日和周末,但如果是某个特殊的一天或周末时,使用on

  • We never go away at the New Year because the traffic is awful.(新年假日,一年的前最初几天)
  • On New Year's Day, the whole family gets together. (新年的第一天这个特殊的一天里)

  • I'll go and see my mother at the weekend if the weather's okay.(在周末一直这样)
  • The festival is always held on the last weekend in July.(在7月的最后一个周末这个特殊的周末里)

In the morning/afternoon/evening,但是当指代某个特殊的早上时,使用in

  • I always work best in the morning. I often get tired in the afternoon.
  • The ship left the harbour on the morning of the ninth of November. (9月9日这一天的早上)

  • In the evening they used to sit outside and watch the sun going down.
  • It happened on a beautiful summer's evening. (在某个特殊的夏天的晚上)

in the night:某个特殊的晚上;at night:通常意义上的晚上。

  • I was awake in the night, thinking about all the things that have happened.
  • It's not safe to travel at night.



以each,every, next, last, some, this, that, one, any, all等词汇开头的时间短语,不需要使用任何时间介词。

  • He plays football every Saturday.
  • Are you free next Monday at two o’clock?
  • Last summer we rented a villa in Portugal.

#英语# #雅思# #考研# #托福# #英语四六级#


