
英语口语:“春运”就是Spring Festival travel rush吗?


“春运”的英语就是Spring Festival travel rush (in China)吗?

如果没有首先做大量英语体验的“英语学习”,而是直接从中文“春运”体验过渡到英语表达,你最多也只能记住,会说Spring Festival travel rush几个英语单词,谈不上真正的英语学习和英语口语训练。


1) 读英语(美国CNN报道中国“春运”时的英语用词):

1. What does the biggest human migration on earth look like on a map?

(CNN) — Although Lunar New Year in China doesn't officially start until February 19, the epic homecoming party began earlier this month.

Chunyun, or spring migration, is the world's largest annual human migration.

It's triggered in part by millions of Chinese workers heading to their hometowns for the holidays.

The migration lasts for 40 days -- from February 4 to March 15 this year.

2. How the biggest human migration on earth looks on a map


During China's "chunyun" or "spring migration," triggered by homecoming trips for Lunar New Year celebrations, more than 10% of commuters will depart from the country's capital, Beijing, followed by Shanghai (9.2%) and Shenzhen (7.23%). All three cities have huge populations of migrant workers.


About 3% of commuters are heading toward Chongqing, near central China, making it the city with the most homecoming returnees.


On February 17, Beijing Capital International Airport will be the most frequently used airport, followed by Guangzhou's Baiyun International Airport and Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport. This handy interactive map produced by popular Chinese webite Baidu also allows passengers to see flight status.


2) 说英语(口语):

1. 读到What does the biggest human migration on earth look like on a map时,说“春运”英语:

Well, in some English-speaking countries people(at least some bews reporters(至少有些西方记者)) will say the biggest human migration on earth when they mean Spring Festival travel rush in China.OR:These people don't say/don't call it Spring Festival travel rush in China as we Chinese do in China, they will say the biggest human migration on earth(地球上最大的人类迁徙).


以后你的四六级考试考研,雅思托福考试,“春运”英语你会说Spring Festival travel rush,还是“学”老外称呼the biggest human migration on earth?



2. 读到(CNN) — Although Lunar New Year in China doesn't officially start until February 19, the epic homecoming party began earlier this month时,说“春运”英语:

Well,these American journalists(news reporters) also call 春运 the epic homecoming party(史诗般的回家大party).这么用词,真让人呵呵,很调侃“春运”吗?

3. 读到Chunyun, or spring migration, is the world's largest annual human migration时,还是说“春运”英语:

Well,Chunyun is also called spring migration,or the world's largest annual human migration, but I don't like these words/I don't like it at all.

4.读到It's triggered in part by millions of Chinese workers heading to their hometowns for the holidays时,说“春运”英语:

Well, it is triggered by means It is started/begun by, or it is kicked off by(都是表示“开始”。to trigger,扣扳机,击发子弹,开枪)

5.读到During China's "chunyun" or "spring migration," triggered by homecoming trips for Lunar New Year celebrations, more than 10% of commuters will depart from the country's capital, Beijing, followed by Shanghai (9.2%) and Shenzhen (7.23%). All three cities have huge populations of migrant workers时,说“春运”英语:

Well, they say Commuters to mean Passengers, or Travellers,that is a good word.

They also say migrant workers to mean passengers.

“迁徙工人”migrant workers就是“春运”大军,这个总比来来回回只会说passengers,travellers描述“春运”还是更“得分”一些。




