
[peppa pig小猪佩奇]台词剧本

第一季 第7话

07.Mummy Pig at Work 猪妈妈在工作

Narrator(Peppa Pig介绍):

I’m Peppa pig.我是佩奇。

This is my little brother, George.这是我的弟弟乔治。

This is Mummy Pig. 这是我的妈妈。

And this is Daddy Pig. 这是我的爸爸。

Narrator: Mummy Pig is working on her computer. 猪妈妈在电脑前工作呢

Daddy Pig is making soup for lunch. 猪爸爸在做午餐要喝的汤。

Peppa Pig: Daddy? Can we go and watch mummy on her computer? 爸爸,我和乔治可以去看妈妈工作吗?

Daddy Pig: Yes, as long as you don't disturb her. 可以 但是你们不能打扰她。

She has a lot of important work to do today. 她今天有很多重要的工作呢。

Peppa Pig: Thank you, Daddy! 谢谢你爸爸!

Narrator: Mummy Pig has a lot of important work to do. 猪妈妈今天有很多重要的工作。

Peppa Pig: Mummy. Can George and I sit on your Lap and watch you work? 妈妈,乔治和我能坐在你腿上看你工作吗?

Mummy Pig: Yes, if you both sit quietly. 是的,但你们要保持安静。

Narrator: Peppa and George love to watch mummy work on the computer. 佩奇和乔治最喜欢看妈妈在电脑前工作了。

Peppa Pig: Mummy? Can we play that computer game, ''Happy Mrs. Chicken''? 妈妈,我们能玩电脑上的快乐小鸡游戏吗?

Mummy Pig: We can play ''Happy Mrs. Chicken'' later. But now I have to Work. 我们待会儿玩快乐小鸡的游戏,因为我现在要工作。

Peppa Pig: Mummy? Can we help you work? 妈妈我们可以帮你吗?


Mummy Pig: No, Peppa! 不行佩奇!

You mustn't touch the computer. 你不可以乱碰电脑知道吗

And George, you mustn't touch the computer, either. 乔治,你也不可以乱碰电脑。

Peppa Pig: Yes, George. You mustn't do this. 没错乔治,你不可以这样乱碰。


Mummy Pig: Peppa, stop! 佩奇 别按了!

Peppa Pig: Sorry, Mummy. 对不起妈妈

I was just showing George what not to do. 我只是想告诉乔治什么是不能做的。


Narrator: Oh, dear. The computer is not meant to do that. 哦糟糕啦 电脑好像出现了故障。

Mummy Pig: Daddy Pig! Daddy Pig!! 猪爸爸 猪爸爸

Daddy Pig: What is it, Mummy Pig? 发生什么事儿了,猪妈妈?

Mummy Pig: Daddy Pig, can you mend the computer? 猪爸爸,你能修理电脑吗?

Daddy Pig: Err...呃

Mummy Pig: I'II finish the lunch while you mend the computer. 我去做午餐你来修电脑吧。

Daddy Pig: Err... Right. you are, Mummy Pig, but I'm not very good with these things... 呃…好的猪妈妈,但是我不是很擅长修电脑。

Mummy Pig: Oh, thank you, Daddy Pig! 哦谢谢你了猪爸爸!

Narrator: Daddy Pig is going to mend the computer! 猪爸爸准备去修电脑了!

Daddy Pig: Hmm. Hmmm. Hmm.

Um. Maybe if I just Switch it off... And then switch it on again... 也许我应该先把电脑关了,然后再重新开机。

Narrator: Daddy Pig has mended the computer! 猪爸爸把电脑修好了!

Peppa Pig: Hurray, Daddy! 好的,爸爸!【Hurray [hʊ'reɪ] 欢呼】

Daddy Pig: Yes, I am a bit of an Expert at these things. 太好了,看来我是这方面的专家。

Peppa Pig: Daddy? Can we play that computer game, ''Happy Mrs. Chicken?'' 爸爸,那我们现在能不能玩“快乐小鸡”的游戏呢?

Daddy Pig: Maybe you should ask Mummy Pig. 也许你们应该问问妈妈

Peppa Pig: Mummy said that we could play it later. 妈妈说我们待会儿可以玩儿。

Daddy Pig: Well, that's okay, then. 那就可以了。

But I don't know where the disc is. 但是我不知道游戏光盘在哪里。


Peppa Pig: Yippeeee! Now, it's my turn! 太好了!现在轮到我了!

Daddy Pig: Now, it's my turn! 现在该我玩了!


Mummy Pig: What on earth is going on? 到底发生什么事情了?

Well, I see that the computer is working again. 原来猪爸爸把电脑修理好了。




Mummy Pig has a lot of important work to do.


Daddy Pig, can you mend the computer?

[小猪佩奇]视频在这里哦:小猪佩奇 第一季 英文版第07集-番剧-全集-高清正版在线观看-bilibili-哔哩哔哩ic_close_normal


1.as long as

as long as只要,disturb打扰。佩奇问爸爸能去看妈妈在电脑上工作吗,爸爸说Yes, as long as you don’t disturb her.当然可以啦,只要你不打扰她。

举个as long as的例子吧:

你只要吃完蛋糕就可以出去玩了You can go out to play as long as you finish you cake.

你只要挥动魔法棒就能把她变成一只青蛙You can turn her into a pig as long as you wave the magic wand.

2. Sit on you lap

lap是大腿朝上的部分。就是你坐下来以后直接可以看到的大腿的这个部分就叫做lap。你坐在妈妈的腿上,是不是就坐在lap上面啊?佩奇和乔治也想坐在妈妈的lap上面,佩奇问Can George and I sit on your lap? Sit on your lap坐在你的大腿上面。

坐在什么上面,用sit on。比如坐在床上sit on the bed,坐在沙发上面sit on the couch, 坐在椅子上面sit on the chair.你现在坐在哪上面的啊?

3.mend the computer

mend是修理,修补的意思。英国人比较喜欢用mend,但是美国人就比较喜欢用fix了。Mend the computer修电脑。Can you mend the computer? 你能修电脑吗?

比如像修补衣服之类的就可以用mend,mend your socks,袜子上破了一个洞,补一下吧。

4. Switch it off

Switch是转换的意思,on是打开的状态,off是关上的状态。把东西转化到关上的状态,switch off就是关上,switch on就是打开了。Switch on/off主要是指开关电子类设备。

片段里的爸爸看到电脑坏了,不知道该怎么办,就说要不然我把电脑关上,再把他打开,Maybe if I just switch it off... And then switch it on again...

打开灯和关上灯怎么说呢?Switch the lights on, switch the lights off.

5. Be an expert at sth. / doing sth.

Expert是专家的意思。爸爸把电脑电源关上又打开,电脑就正常工作了,爸爸得意洋洋的说I am a bit of an expert at these things. 我在这些事情上是个小专家。

I am an expert at these things我在这些事情上是个专家。

比如你可以说爸爸在驾驶汽车上是个专家Daddy is an expert at driving. 妈妈是个做蛋糕的专家Mummy is an expert at making cakes. 你是个说英语的小专家You are a bit of an expert at speaking English.

6. What on earth is going on?

What is going on? 发生什么事情了?

What on earth is going on? 到底发生了什么事情?语气非常的惊讶哦。on earth究竟

比如你在家里搞得乒乒乓乓的,突然打碎了一个玻璃杯,妈妈听到呯的声音,就问你What on earth is going on? 到底发生什么事情了?

-The End-


