

Hey everyone! Welcome to Yoga With Adriene.

I'm Adriene, and today we have a sequence for runners, or wannabe runners like me. This is a nice warm-up sequence if you're about to head out for a run,



or if you just want to slowly stretch your muscles or gain body awareness to begin a running program. So, you can do this in your running shoes if you want, or you can be barefoot.


Let's hop on the mat, or a nice, clean solid space, and stretch it out. All righty.

So we're going to begin with an extended child's pose here.



As you can see, I'm wearing my tenny shoes - my tenny shoes - my tennis shoes.

Something we can do right before we head out the door.


So get on the blanket or towel or mat, and we're just going to widen the knees super wide and bring the two big toes together


and then send the fingertips out front, relaxing down.

And I was noticing running the other days that sometimes if I just kind of stretch up a run without stretching my full body,


not just the kind of targeted muscle groups, I tend to seize up.

My back, my lower left backside was getting tight,


so I just thought I'd offer a friendly reminder that this is about kind of connecting to the body, full body experience, so that when we hop on the pavement or the track or whatever we're running on, you've already set the tone of your run.


You're going to be aware and alive and running, full body experience.

Okay, a couple more breaths here, just stretching, inch the fingertips towards the front-edge of the mat,


stretching the side body, melting the heart. Take a deep, deep breath, and on an exhale, we shall release.


Come back up, and lock the knees in towards the centerline.

So, if this is too much for your knees, then we have an option to come up on the toes here,


stretch the feet, which wouldn't be a bad idea.

You can stay in kind of a hero pose, too. Just a gentle twist here for the spine.


again, you're creating a full body experience for the run.

So we'll inhale, reach all the way up - reach, reach, reach - and exhale.


Turn to one side, I'm turning to the right here first, and I'm just going to breath. Sit up nice and tall, open the chest, long, beautiful neck.


And then take it to the other side, inhale, reach all the way up to your center, and then exhale, twisting to the other side.

Oh, yeah! Deep breath in, exhale out, and then we'll bring it back to center.



All right. Next we're going to check with the legs, but also, again, full-body experience. So come to all fours.

Toes are curled under. I'm going to press the Earth away from me, send the right leg out long.



So I'm just going to rock a little bit here. Don't worry about what Yoga pose we're doing.


In fact, this is an opportunity to just remember full body experience. So check in with the neck here, you might check in with your center, check in with the pinkie toe, the big toe,


stretch the foot, stretch the calf and consider a simple end to heel connection here, so nice and long. Often, we go to a run and we'll either stretch really fast, really strong and then go and we don't have supportive lean muscles,


or we don't stretch at all and the muscles seize up and we go super tight and there's an injury. So there's a balance, and for me it's all about ease. I mean, it's truly . . . this is what I mean by find what feels good.


Okay, so let's switch legs now. Send the left leg back. Notice if you're kind of collapsing, start the awareness of full body.


So when you're out running, you're considering drawing the shoulders away from the ears, supportive posture, arms, length through the crown of the head.


We're rocking back and forth, stretching the calf, again, sit bone to heel connection.

Stretching the foot. Long, beautiful neck here, so neck is attached to the spine here. Breathe.


And then we'll come back to center. Awesome.

Take a second to just maybe roll up through the spine and rotate the wrist just to kind of counteract there.


Open the chest, open the heart, and I mean, if you just want to be the average bear here, you can just do these moves. But, if you want to be better than the average bear, why not? Why not? Why not be bigger, better shining?


Start to consider your breath, like really, truly in your warm-up. Nice, long deep breaths. Just remember my voice: breath.


So before we pop in our ear buds, we're really connecting to the sound of our breath.

Okay. Inhale, reach it all the way up, stretch the side body, and exhale back to all fours.


Cool. Now we'll curl the toes under, send the sit-bones high up for a downward dog.

We're going to take just three, nice, long, smooth deep breaths here.


So stretch it out. Again, consider that sit-bone to heel connection.

Draw the shoulders away from the ears.

Pedal the feet, bending one knee and then the other.


One more nice, long, smooth, deep breath.



