

开发信中有句特别别扭的话,"We wish to be your business partner in China..."。按绝大部分的人理解,你有钱赚我也有钱赚,那不是partner吗,那还不是win-win吗?可客户要是没单呢?还是partner吗?


*Part One*









Hi Y,

We are going to place the order soon for peak with ETA @ port on 1st week of Oct = ETD in china on Mid to End Aug. Assuming we need to ship the good to UK on Mid to End Aug, when do you need to receive the order?



Product Manager


Hi C,

I think we made it very clear that the on-going order 050390(LGU10517) is the last order we can support.

Please contact your other supplier for order supporting.

Kind Regards,



Hi Y

I thought you made the decision with S to continuous the business, isn't it ? is he still in charge the sales team?


Product Manager


Hi C,

xxx team made this clear in any related conversation with you when order 050390 was placed.

The quality & products certification compliance level your company required are far above than what xxx can provide at this stage.

And we suggest you shift order to suppliers who matched with your level .(your level!我知道你不是那个意思,但这表达... ...)

And order 050390 is the last order we could support.

Order 050390 will be ready for inspection on 2017-6-20 and air ship to UK afterwards.

Please place order to your other supplier if any new request comes. Many thanks.

Kind Regards,



Hi S and Y,

We have been working with you a while to establish and explore the opportunity in LED business, I can see our business is growing both UK and Nordic market. Therefore, I am not recommend to give up our relationship as we all understand xxx is one of our most important partner to drive our business!

(老外这封信是很值得学习的。Not recommend是个适当的态度。我不会求你,就算我真的是求你,难道我就写I beg you吗?好的采购,一向是懂软比懂硬重要!)

The business is quite challenging over the last couple of years, xxx helping us a lots in terms of product knowledge, marketing insight and testing standard, I can't see the point to stop the relationship so easy as we were passing through all painful process now, it should be the moment to enjoy all reward with the growing of our business.

(I can't see the point to stop这一句欧美人士很常用。不过不是看不到,只是故意不看而已。"苦尽甘来你却要走"的套路出现了,不过今次不是出自我之手,而是从一个老外来的。英雄所见略同。)

Regarding to your concern in terms of quality and product certification compliance,

Quality : we never change the quality standard of your product, that's why you haven't got any problem on all Nordic's shipment in the previous inspection.

The only issue we found are Glass version for UK, and these are the new material which is typically just the workmanship problem. Therefore, I was asking you guys to give us an improvement plan which you think is workable and comfortable, so that I can bring the whole story and negotiate with our inspection team.


What I am trying to say , xxx is not a piggy customer as long as you can show us what it is"the actual situation" and how well (in a comfortable way )you can do to minimize the failure during the final assembly.

(很好的高级品管问题沟通手段。为什么?要是他是猪一样的品管员,他只懂说你没按图纸做,你超了标,你不对。但高级的处理方法不是yes or no,而是WHY and HOW。这一点,做了十年品管的人都不一定懂。)

Products certification compliance: yes, I agree. But please understand that our TE just simply follow the requirement of EU regulation, it's also not easy to manage as this is our 1st time to review a 6000hrs report. That's why we got so many question around the ERP report which we believe was not qualified within the regulation. I understand how painful it is as I am also part of the communication to resolve all issue with all party.

So now, anybody here have been leaning a lesson on how to control the ERP , and our procedure has been completely reviewed and simplified, this is the moment to enjoy all reward after passing through all the difficulty , we expect that xxx will be part of the party.





目前的想法是从公司营销策略角度说,我们的target customer是大型商超或DIY超市,以维持公司可持续发展。公司的市场策略决定了不能再继续合作。


*Part Two*



我们来看看如何坚持说不,如何忍心直接say no。首先,我们看看这位同学写了什么:




Hi C,

Let's give a conclusion-leading analysis to the cooperation relationship between A and B. This will help both of us understand why ending the cooperation at current situation benefits both parties.

1) As you stated in latest email, B has been assisting and supporting A LED business in the past few years with our greatest efforts. This is self-evident that this process consuming B internal resources greatly to comply DSG complex operation system. From production evaluation—packaging—inspection—shipment. Particularly , TE only valid less one year, after that, second round painful process need be conduct again.

As a result, B would expecting those great investments will bring greater sales volumes to make business sustainability. However , total sales volume DSG business in 2016 is only $ 150 thousand. B is NOT benefit when consider the tradeoff between the resource put in and the sales volume out.

2) As I have explained to you before, due to the rising of labor cost and material cost. To effectively utilize production equipment& labor resource, B aiming to do business with retail stores who with yearly sales volume over $5 million to maintain sustainable development of the factory. Therefore, A & B are NOT matched business partner in this respect.

Ending the cooperation is a sensible decision which responsible to both parties.


Regarding to the new order request for UK market (LGU10517). B team has made this clear when order 050390 was placed that this was the last order we could support. And suggest A shifting orders to other suppler.

However, if LGU10517 can only supplied by B at this stage, we will not put you in dilemma.

My suggestion is A place ONE LAST order with QTY to afford your demand for the rest of the year. B will produce them and ship them to you in one go.

If you agree this, please place this ONE LAST order before 2017-6-9. So we can meet your expectation to ship them to UK on middle of August.

Kindly note this is the best we can support. Please let me know If you have any queries.

Kind Regards,


好了,以上的解决方案有没有看到?对,正是我教同学用的,正式的用语叫discontinuity management。作为一个负责任的供应商,你要知道你的责任是跟着客户的产品周期走。这一点,对卖工业品和机器的供应商特别重要。





*Part Three*


Hi C,

I share with you personally that I am sad to see the project didn't go well as expected. I understand you and your team has put significant effort trying to make it happen.


Within our team we have seriously discuss and try to develop the best solution for both of us. Yet, this is the final decision we made to terminate this project.

(我不会选择用理据去说服他。为什么?因为我根本不用理据。他需要什么理据吗?对不起因于以下原因我们不能跟你买了。需要吗?所以同样,这是一个商业决定,以利益为依归,利益本身就是个最好的理据。直接,简洁地说this is the final decision we made就好了。)

As a responsible supplier, we manage discontinuity for our customer.

(MBA常常出现management这个字,像time management, risk management。但manage作为动词也可以有妙用。)

What we can do is to produce one last lot for you to cover the rest of your demand. It could be any qty but I suggest you plan carefully your inventory demand and make sure it is enough until the end of your product life cycle. After this lot, we will stop and will not manufacture this product again.

(I suggest,我提醒你,这是你最后一次下单的机会了。这些一定都要清楚明了,no confusion)

For this special occasion, we would like to manage payment differently. 50% deposit is required and the balance to be paid before shipment.


We will keep the tooling and offer another 3 months of warranty free of charge so that in case you have any quality concern we can still cover your balance. After 3 months, you can arrange to take your tooling (you paid it already) at your own cost or we will scrap it.


I hope this arrangement works best for both of us. I enjoy working with you and hope to make business again with you next time.

Best Regards,




关于作者: Ben朱子斌,本叔,前世界五百强亚太区采购头目,现香港恋色巧克力总帅,本叔BE项目创始人。15年职业生涯贯穿四家外资三家跨国巨企,精于采购、供应链、营运学以及产品开发。BenhkBE1。



