
Tom: "I can't believe we're doing this. If Leonard and Norma want to cut ties with us, who are we to stop them?"


Lynette: "They need to know we don't judge them for what they do in the privacy of their own home. And, Well, it's not unheard of to tape yourself while you're having sex."


Tom: "Well, obviously, they were so embarrassed, they don't want anything to do with us. Maybe we need to respect that."


Lynette: "I need these play dates. Tom, we need these play dates."


Tom: "Fine. Fine. But you do all the talking."


Lynette: "Okay."


Lynette: "Norma..."


Lynette: "Wait!"


Tom: "Let's go."


Lynette: "No!"


Leonard: "Hi, Scavos. What are you guys doing here?"


Lynette: "Hi. Sorry for just showing up unannounced, but, um, could we talk to you for a minute?"


Leonard: "Sure, come on in."


Lynette: "So, um, we've been trying to contact you, but you haven't been returning any of our messages."


Tom: "And we really hope it isn't because of the porno video."


Lynette: "Home, home movies. The fact is, we really don't care, and it's certainly no reason to keep our boys apart."


Leonard: "We just don't know how they found it."


Tom: "But you know boys, they get, they get into everything, But seriously, it's not a big deal. I mean, just as long as you make sure it never happens again. It's the new millennium. We're, we're, we're hip."


Lynette: "You know, what we're saying is, we get it. You're just having fun. It's nothing to be ashamed of."


Norma: "I'm just so relieved this all worked out. At one point, we actually talked about selling the house and moving."


Lynette: "Oh, no!"


Norma: "Thank you for being so open-minded."


Tom: "Please, we're all adults. It's..."


Leonard: "I gotta tell you, the most embrarrassing part of that video is how poorly it was shot. The production values are ca-ca."


Lynette: "Well, from a lay perspective, it looked very professional."


Leonard: "What you saw was an example of my earlier work. Since then, I've become much more adept at production."


Leonard: "You know, editing and lighting."


Norma: "Leonard has always dreamed of directing movies."


Leonard: "Ironic, isn't it? I finally get my wish and no one ever gets to see my work."


Lynette: "That is a damn shame."


  • cut ties with sb. 和......断绝关系
  • tie n. [taɪ]关系
  • who are we to stop them?
  • Who are you?你算老几?/你算哪根葱?
  • Who are we?这里意思是:我们又算老几?
  • Who are we to stop them?
  • 意译:我们凭什么能挽回呢?
  • judge [dʒʌdʒ] v. 批评,指责,对别人指手划脚
  • privacy['praɪvəsi]n. 隐居;隐私;秘密
  • unheard[ʌn'hɜːrd] adj. 前所未闻的;听不到的
  • embarrassed [ɪm'bærəst] adj. 尴尬的;拮据的;
  • Sorry for just showing up unannounced,
  • show up 出现,露面
  • unannounced [ˌʌnə'naʊnst] adj. 未经宣布的;未通知的;未打招呼的
  • porno ['pɔːrnoʊ] n. 色情作品
  • keep sb. apart 让......分开
  • millennium [mɪ'leniəm]  n. 一千年;太平盛世
  • hip [hɪp] adj. <非>时髦的
  • be ashamed of 为... 感到羞耻
  • I'm just so relieved this all worked out.
  • relieved [rɪ'liːvd]adj. 放心的;放松的
  • at one point一度,在某一刻
  • work out 解决
  • open-minded: 开明的
  • embarrassing: 尴尬的
  • poorly: 拙劣地,差劲地
  • shoot:(shot shot)【电影】开拍;拍摄…的镜头
  • production values:【复数】[美国英语](影片、戏剧等的)制作价值,制片效果(指灯光、布景、音响等)
  • ca-ca【A Hispanic term meaning shit: 西班牙语中表示shit 屎 大便】
  • from a lay perspective 从世俗的观点来看,从一个外行的观点来看
  • lay 作形容词时,有"世俗的、外行的"的意思
  • professional[prə'feʃənl] adj. 职业的;专业的;专门的
  • adept [ə'dept]adj. 熟练的;老练的
  • ironic [aɪ'rɑːnɪk] adj. 说反话的;讽刺的


  • Tom: "I can't believe we're doing this. If Leonard and Norma want to cut ties with us, who are we to stop them?"
  • Lynette: "They need to know we don't judge them for what they do in the privacy of their own home. And, well, it's not unheard of to tape yourself while you're having sex."
  • Tom: "Well, obviously, they were so embarrassed, they don't want anything to do with us. Maybe we need to respect that."
  • Lynette: "I need these play dates. Tom, we need these play dates."
  • Tom: "Fine. Fine. But you do all the talking."
  • Lynette: "Okay."
  • Lynette: "Norma..."
  • Lynette: "Wait!"
  • Tom: "Let's go."
  • Lynette: "No!"
  • Leonard: "Hi, Scavos. What are you guys doing here?"
  • Lynette: "Hi. Sorry for just showing up unannounced, but, um, could we talk to you for a minute?"
  • Leonard: "Sure, come on in."
  • Lynette: "So, um, we've been trying to contact you, but you haven't been returning any of our messages."
  • Tom: "And we really hope it isn't because of the porno video."
  • Lynette: "Home, home movies. The fact is, we really don't care, and it's certainly no reason to keep our boys apart."
  • Leonard: "We just don't know how they found it."
  • Tom: "But you know boys, they get, they get into everything, But seriously, it's not a big deal. I mean, just as long as you make sure it never happens again. It's the new millennium. We're, we're, we're hip."
  • Lynette: "You know, what we're saying is, we get it. You're just having fun. It's nothing to be ashamed of."
  • Norma: "I'm just so relieved this all worked out. At one point, we actually talked about selling the house and moving."
  • Lynette: "Oh, no!"
  • Norma: "Thank you for being so open-minded."
  • Tom: "Please, we're all adults. It's..."
  • Leonard: "I gotta tell you, the most embrarrassing part of that video is how poorly it was shot. The production values are ca-ca."
  • Lynette: "Well, from a lay perspective, it looked very professional."
  • Leonard: "What you saw was an example of my earlier work. Since then, I've become much more adept at production."
  • Leonard: "You know, editing and lighting."
  • Norma: "Leonard has always dreamed of directing movies."
  • Leonard: "Ironic, isn't it? I finally get my wish and no one ever gets to see my work."
  • Lynette: "That is a damn shame."

汤姆:我们居然这么做,真不可思议。如果莱纳德和诺玛要和我们断绝关系,我们凭什么能挽回呢? 勒奈特:我们得让他们知道我们对于他们在家里的私人行为没有任何偏见。可在家做爱时拍录像确实有点耸人听闻啊。 汤姆:显然他们窘的要命,所以才想和我们撇清关系。也许我们该尊重他们的选择。 勒奈特:我需要孩子们的互邀玩耍。汤姆,我们都需要。 汤姆:好,好,不过得由你来开口。 勒奈特:好。 勒奈特:诺玛 勒奈特:等等。 汤姆:我们走吧。 勒奈特:不行。 莱纳德:你们好,斯加沃夫妇,有何贵干? 勒奈特:不好意思,我们不请自来,不过,我们能谈谈吗? 莱纳德:没问题,请进。 勒奈特:是这样的,我们一直想跟你们联系,不过你们一直没回消息。 汤姆:我们希望不是那黄片惹的祸。 勒奈特:家庭,影片。其实,我们不在乎,我们真没必要为此让孩子们分开。 莱纳德:我们就是不知道他们怎么找到的。 汤姆:男孩子就是这样,什么都乱翻。不过说实在的,没什么大不了的,只要你们别让这种事再次发生就行。新时代,新气象嘛。我们都挺潮的。 莱纳德:不管怎么说,我们都明白。你们不过是逗着玩,没什么不好意思。 诺玛:总算说开,我真是松一口气。我们甚至考虑,要不要把房子卖了搬走。 勒奈特:千万不要。 诺玛:谢谢你们心态这么开放。 汤姆:不客气,大家都是成年人。 莱纳德:你们要知道,我觉得最窘的其实是那部片子拍得好烂。成品质量简直一塌糊涂。 勒奈特:从拍摄角度看挺专业的啊。 莱纳德:你们看到的其实是我早期的作品,从那以后,我就越来越来熟练在制作方面。 莱纳德:剪辑,灯光的什么呀。 诺玛:莱纳德一直梦想着拍电影。 莱纳德:很讽刺吧,我终于达成所愿可却只能孤芳自赏。 勒奈特:那真太可惜了。


