
Sobbing Amber Heard testifies that Johnny Depp sexually assaulted her

The actress said her ex-husband sexually assaulted her with a liquor bottle and threatened to kill her shortly after the pair were married.



Actor Amber Heard reacts on the stand in the courtroom at Fairfax County Circuit Court during a defamation case against her by ex-husband, actor Johnny Depp in Fairfax, Virginia, U.S., May 5, 2022.

在费尔法克斯县巡回法院(Fairfax County Circuit Court)的法庭上,当前夫、演员约翰尼·德普(Johnny Depp)在美国弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯(Fairfax)对她提起诽谤案时,演员艾梅柏(Amber Heard)在看台上做出反应。



Actress Amber Heard and her ex-husband, actor Johnny Depp, at the defamation trial. (Photo: Reuters/Jim Lo Scalzo)



Actor Johnny Depp reacts as he leaves for a recess during a defamation trial against his ex-wife, actor Amber Heard, at Fairfax County Circuit Court, in Fairfax, Virginia, U.S., May 5, 2022. Jim Lo Scalzo/Pool via REUTERS



Actor Amber Heard returns to the courtroom following a break during a defamation case against her by ex-husband, actor Johnny Depp, at Fairfax County Circuit Court, in Fairfax, Virginia, U.S., May 5, 2022.


艾梅柏(Amber Heard)休息后重返法庭。

Actor Amber Heard returns to the courtroom following a break during a defamation case against her by ex-husband, actor Johnny Depp, at Fairfax County Circuit Court, in Fairfax, Virginia, U.S., May 5, 2022.

Aquaman actress Amber Heard broke down in tears on the witness stand on Thursday (May 5) as she said ex-husband Johnny Depp sexually assaulted her with a liquor bottle and threatened to kill her shortly after the pair were married. 艾梅柏赫德周四(5月5日)在证人席上泪流满面地指控前夫约翰尼德普用酒瓶对她进行了性侵犯,并在两人结婚后不久威胁要杀死她。

Testifying in a widely watched defamation trial, Heard said she visited Depp in Australia in early 2015, about a month after their wedding, when he was filming the fifth Pirates Of The Caribbean movie. 艾梅柏在一次广受关注的诽谤审判中作证说,她在2015年初到澳大利亚见了德普,那时他们才结婚大约一个月,当时他正在拍摄第五部加勒比海盗电影。

On their first evening together, a planned dinner at the house Depp was renting turned into an argument, Heard said. Depp, who she said was drinking and using drugs, pushed her against the refrigerator and held her there by her throat.

Heard said she freed herself and retreated upstairs for a while, coming back later in her nightgown to find Depp still awake. She said she tried to get him to eat since they had never had their dinner, but he was "belligerent" and threw bottles that broke around her. 赫德说,在他们在一起的第一个晚上,在德普租的房子里 精心安排的晚餐变成了争吵。 她说德普正在喝酒和吸毒,把她推到冰箱上,卡着她的喉咙。 后来她挣脱了,逃到楼上躲了一会儿,当她穿着睡衣回来时发现德普还醒着。 她说她试图让他吃饭,因为他们还没吃晚饭,但他“很好战”,把瓶子扔到她身边,瓶子碎了一地

Depp took one of the bottles and inserted it into her vagina, she said."He was shoving it inside of me over and over again," said Heard, who looked down, shook her head and sobbed as she described the encounter. She said she kept thinking that she hoped the bottle was not one of the ones that was broken. 德普拿起其中一个瓶子,把它插入她的私处,她说,“他一遍又一遍地把它塞进我的体内” 赫德低垂下眼睛,摇了摇头,并抽泣着描述到。她说她一直在想,希望瓶子不是摔烂了的。



During the assault, Depp repeatedly said "I'll fucking kill you," she told the jury. 在施暴期间,德普反复说“我他妈的会杀了你,”她告诉陪审团。

"I was scared," she added. "I had just married him." “我很害怕,”她补充道。 “我才刚嫁给他。”

Depp, 58, testified earlier in the trial that he never hit Heard and argued that she was the one who was the abuser. 58 岁的德普早些时候在审判中作证说,他从未打过赫德,并辩称她才是施虐者。

The star of the Pirates Of The Caribbean films is suing Heard, 36, for US$50 million (S$69.2 million), saying she defamed him when she claimed she was a victim of domestic abuse. Heard has counter-sued for US$100 million, arguing Depp smeared her by calling her a liar. 这位出演加勒比海盗电影的明星(德普)正向36 岁的赫德提出诉讼,要求对方赔偿 5000 万美元,起诉她在声称自己是家暴的受害者时诽谤了他。 而赫德已反诉1亿美元,称德普称她为骗子是在抹黑她。

In earlier testimony, Depp offered a different account of the incident in Australia. He said Heard was the person who hurled objects during their argument, hitting him with a vodka bottle that severed the top of his right middle finger. His attorneys showed evidence of his hospital visit to surgically repair the finger. 在早些时候的证词中,德普对澳大利亚的事件提供了不同的描述。 他说赫德才是在他们争吵时投掷物体的人,她用伏特加酒瓶打他,并切断了他右手中指的顶部。 他的律师出示了他去医院手术修复手指的证据。

The case hinges on a December 2018 opinion piece Heard authored in the Washington Post. The article never mentioned Depp by name, but his lawyer told jurors it was clear Heard was referencing him. The couple's divorce was finalized in 2017 after less than two years of marriage. 此案取决于 2018 年 12 月发表在《华盛顿邮报》上的一篇评论文章。 这篇文章从未提到德普的名字,但他的律师告诉陪审员,很明显赫德指的是他。 这对夫妇在结婚不到两年后于 2017 年离婚。

Depp, once among Hollywood's biggest stars, said Heard's allegations cost him "everything." A new Pirates movie was put on hold, and Depp was replaced in the Fantastic Beasts film franchise, a Harry Potter spinoff. 曾是好莱坞巨星之一的德普表示,赫德的指控让他付出了“一切”。 一部新的海盗电影被搁置,德普在《神奇动物》电影中的角色被他人取代,这是哈利波特的系列电影。

Heard's attorneys have argued that she told the truth and that her opinion was protected free speech under the US Constitution's First Amendment. 赫德的律师辩称,她说的是实话,并且她的意见受到美国宪法第一修正案的保护。

A state court judge in Virginia's Fairfax County is overseeing the trial, which is expected to last until late May. 弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯县的一名州法院法官正在监督审判,预计将持续到五月下旬。

Less than two years ago, Depp lost a libel case against the Sun, a British tabloid that labeled him a "wife beater." A London High Court judge ruled he had repeatedly assaulted Heard. 不到两年前,德普在一场针对《太阳报》的诽谤案中败诉,英国小报称他为“殴打妻子者”。伦敦高等法院的一名法官裁定,他多次殴打赫德。




