32. head-to-head 单挑33. when it comes to 涉及到、谈到,今天小编就来说说关于小屁孩日记英文版精讲?下面更多详细答案一起来看看吧!
32. head-to-head 单挑
33. when it comes to 涉及到、谈到
34. one's trick kind of backfired 事与愿违
35. he has this whole made-up language 他的语言自成一家
36. make it look cooler 耍酷
37. be all for it 举双手赞成
38. pretty much took care of the problem 问题圆满解决了
39. personal music player 随身听
40. it was pretty much worthless 竹篮打水一场空
41.come up with a great idea 灵机一动
42. have the wrong idea about 误会
43. have gone and done it 自作自受
44. let one's guard down 放松警惕
45. mess up 捣乱
46. right when you forget you're in trouble 得意忘形之际
47. in trouble 水深火热之中
48. in some hot water with 吃尽苦头
49. day care 托儿所
50. be like torture 活受罪
51.be pretty much mine for the taking 非我莫属
52. dug through some old boxes 翻箱倒柜
53. spoil one's fun 扫兴
54. the opening night 首演之夜
55. have been looking forward to 盼星星盼月亮
56. start having second thoughts about going in 想临阵脱逃
57. all sorts of crazy stuff妖魔鬼怪层出不穷
58. take any chances 冒险
59. let it go 网开一面
60.be crazy about 看好
61. mean to brag 吹牛
62.get the word out 把风声放出去
63. a bunch of flyers 一叠传单
64. stretch the truth 言过其实
65. original plan 原计划