


1.keep sb. / sth. 宾补... 使……处于某种状态

(1)The other students in the class _________________________(close).

(2)You’d better keep the child ___________the fire.你最好让孩子离火远一点。

(3)The bad weather keeps us ____________the house.坏天气使我们不能出门。

【答案】(1) keep their eyes closed (2) away from (3)inside

(4)They use computers to keep the traffic smoothly.

A.being run B.run C.to run D.running

【答案】答案 D

解析 句意为:他们使用电脑以使交通顺畅运行。空白处是宾补,run的意思是“运行”,与宾语是主谓关系,故用其现在分词形式。

(5)Please come in and close the door so that we can the cold the room.

A.keep;out B.keep;out of

C.keep;off D.keep;back

【答案】答案 B

解析 keep+名词+介词短语,此处表示“让冷空气处于房间之外”。

2keep one’s eyes on留神注意;照看

(1)He has an eye __________ design.

(2) I know she’s here in spirit,__________ (keep) an eye on us.

(3) All of a sudden something red ________________ (引起他的注意).

【答案】(1) for (2) keeping (3)caught his eyes

(4)—What is the trouble with you?

—I don’t know.The manager went out of the office,with his eyes on me.

A.looked B.caught

C.stared D.fixed

【答案】答案 D

解析 此处为fix one’s eyes on的变式,意为:经理走出办公室,眼睛注视着我。

3keep in touch with sb.和某人保持联系

(1)I I’ve ______________ (失去联系) most of my friends from college.

(2)They have been ________________________(失去联系) each other.

(3)He tried to keep in touch _________current events _______ reading newspapers.

【答案】(1) lost touch with (2) out of touch with (3)with ; by

(4)The the two friends have kept in with each other is becoming closer and closer.

A.relation B.tie

C.link D.touch

【答案】答案 D

解析 keep in touch with是常用词组,意为“与……保持联系”。在此,对这个词组进行了灵活运用,即把touch提到了前边作先行词,但搭配规则并没有改变。

(5)We’ll get in as soon as we know the results of the test.

A.touch B.relation

C.connection D.friendship

【答案】答案 A

解析 句意为:一知道考试的结果,我们就取得联系。get in touch取得联系,固定用法。

4keep it up保持优秀成绩;继续干下去

(1)If only he could keep _______ up (保持),he would break the world record.

(2) I think it is important that we ____________(跟上) the times.

(3)She was unable __________________(忍住) her tears.

【答案】(1) it (2) keep up with (3)to keep back

(4)Excuse me,I can’t you.Could you please slow down a bit?

A.look up to B.keep up with

C.live up to D.come up with

【答案】答案 B

解析 由后面的句子可知,空线处句意为:……我跟不上你。keep up with跟上,符合句意。

(5)If we can’t the schedule,we’ll be in (a lot of) trouble.

A.keep to B.keep back

C.keep off D.keep out

【答案】答案 A

解析 句意为:如果我们不按时完成计划就要倒霉了。keep to...遵守……,符合句意。

5keep...under control控制住

(1)The government has tried its best to keep floods _________control to reduce the loss.

(2) The car was _____________(失去控制) and hit the tree.

【答案】(1) under (2)out of control

(3)He is in control of the company.I mean,the company is in control of him.

A.the;/ B.the;the

C./;/ D./;the

【答案】答案 D

解析 sb. be in control of sth.某人控制……;sth. be in the control of sb.某物受某人控制。

(4)The firemen kept big fire under control in half an hour last night.

A./;/ B./;the C.a;the D.the;/

【答案】答案 D

解析 第一空指听、说双方都知道的东西,因此选the;keep...under control固定搭配。

6keep...in mind……记住

(1)With this ___________(记住),the councils got together with the idea of building a large incinerator plant (垃圾焚烧厂) to burn half of the waste produced in their districts.

(2)______________(记住) that the petrol can only last 2 hours.

【答案】(1) in mind (2)Keep / Bear in mind

(2)You must keep in mind you are a student in this school,so you should obey the school rules.





【答案】答案 A

解析 it作形式宾语,that从句为真正宾语。

(3)—Have you to keep away from the net bar?

—Yes.And all my friends have to help me.

A.made up your mind;made up their mind

B.made up your mind;decided

C.determined;made up their mind

D.made up your mind;made up their minds

【答案】答案 D

解析 由句意可知,两个空的意思都应是“下决心”,且第二个空mind应为复数。

7knock about/around漫游

(1)A boy was knocked ___________(撞倒)by a passing car but fortunately he was unhurt.

(2)England had been _________________(淘汰) the World Cup.

(3)He ________________(漫游) in Europe for a few months.

【答案】(1) over / down (2) knocked out of (3)knocked about

(4) at the door before entering,please.

A.Knocked B.To knock

C.Knocking D.Knock

【答案】答案 D

解析 该句为祈使句,故选D项。

(5)He was in such a hurry that he almost the old man.(2012·东山调研)

A.knocked at B.knocked into

C.knocked off D.knocked on

【答案】答案 B

解析 句意为:他如此匆忙,以致于差一点撞上一位老人。knock into撞上……,符合句意。

(6)The driver turned his car sharply to the left to give the way to the running bull only a tree by the road.

A.to knock into B.knocking down

C.to knock at D.knocked over

【答案】答案 A

解析 only+to do...作结果状语。句意为:……结果撞在路边的一棵树上。


