渔歌子全文及赏析 中英双语赏析渔歌子

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渔歌子全文及赏析 中英双语赏析渔歌子

渔歌子全文及赏析 中英双语赏析渔歌子





Tune: A Fisherman's Song

Zhang Zhihe

In front of western hills white egrets fly up and down,

In peach-mirrored stream mandarin fish are full grown.

In my blue bamboo hat

And green straw cloak, I'd fain

Go fishing careless of slanting wind and fine rain.

(Translated by Xu Yuanchong)

It is said that this ci was one of five pieces that were written at a party hosted by the famous calligrapher (书法家) Yan Zhenqing. He was the poet's good friend. Of the five pieces, this was the only one that spread and gained fame.

On the surface, this piece describes beautiful scenery around the western hills. However, what the piece shows is not only the author's love of nature, but also his attitude toward life and society.

The author started his official career with outstanding talent, but was relegated (贬职) soon afterwards. He chose to live a carefree (无忧无虑的) life among mountains and rivers because he was tired of politics (政治). The angler (垂钓者) in this piece represents the poet himself. The closing line of this piece suggests that the poet has decided not to return to his official career.

Zhang Zhihe was not only a poet, but also a painter. That's why this ci has the characteristics of both poetry and painting. Poetry features a sense of time and an active state (状态), while paintings pay attention to space and a still state. But this piece of ci combines both of these features together perfectly. The poet describes active scenes of flying birds, swimming fish, a flowing stream and blowing wind and rain. But on the whole, it's like a peaceful painting.



