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评论翻译原创翻译:龙腾网 ltaaa 翻译:听海的礁石 转载请注明出处原创翻译:龙腾网 ltaaa 翻译:听海的礁石 转载请注明出处UltimatumNow they have started giving out huge loans to other countries and nominal interest rates.现在,他们开始以名义上的利率,向其他国家发放巨额的贷款。Channel GeeEvery Marxist economist knows that growth cannot continue forever, and they don''''''''t see this as a bad thing.每个马克思主义经济学家,都知道增长是不可能永远持续下去的,他们并不认为这是一件坏事。j tAnd why does their need to be ever lasting growth? Imagine that and how big earth is. Even the roman empire shrank.他们为什么需要持续的增长呢?想象以下,那样地球得有多大。即便是罗马帝国,也会萎缩。Coconut MinadukiHey, on the bright side, at least great hentai exists now...嘿,好的方面来说,现在至少还有极好的色情动漫啊……Arunabha DasJapan has become Europe In other words Developed, when you''''''''re developed you just don''''''''t grow日本已经变成了欧洲,换句话说,变成发达国家了,当你发达以后,你就不会再变大的RhoninJust got a job offer in japan don''''''''t scare me like this man刚谋到了一份在日本的工作机会,现实并不像是这个人讲得这么可怕


God Bless CallumThe Japanese car industry isnt really being out preformed by south Korean countries. Toyota is still by far the largest car manufacturer and Honda still makes the most gasoline powered engines日本的汽车工业并没有被韩国挤下舞台。丰田依然是世界上最大的汽车制造商,本田仍然制造了大多数的汽油发动机。cherubin7thThis shows very well how meaningless this economic numbers are. Have you ever been in Japan? Its not perfect, but preferable to the US and EU. The US is good for the small number of winners. Everyone else has to pay for it.这很好地显示了经济数字是多么的没有意义。你去过日本吗?它不完美,但是相对美国和欧盟,它好太多了。美国是少数成功者的天堂,其他人得为此付出代价。DjendoI love this content! Thank you and keep it up!我喜欢这个内容!谢谢,继续加油!Yadin“Deflation will make an economy come to a grinding halt” ... um no, production will fall until prices rise back to break even“通货紧缩会让经济陷入停滞”……额,不是这样,通货紧缩会导致产量下降,直到价格回升以维持供需平衡。complicatedjasonYou forgot to mention japan''''''''s signing of the plaza accord trade deal with USA that led to its downfall你忘了说,日本与美国签订了“广场协议”这个贸易协议,这个导致了它的衰败Charles JannuziA timeline would help. Japan faltered after the war, and was going to turn socialist. That is why the US intervened with aid, like the Dodge Plan. It must be pointed out it was mostly aid in the form of loans, and so Japan became a high-debt country right from the start of the boom.弄个时间轴,会更好理解些。二战以后,日本步履蹒跚,准备转向社会主义了。这也是美国为日本提供援助(例如道奇计划)的原因。必须要指出的是,美国的援助主要是贷款形式的援助,所以日本的经济繁荣,从一开始就是一个高负债的国家。Charles JannuziSince their money earns no interest, it holds back consumption. Savers are penalized in almost every aspect of the country now. Near-zero or even negative interest rates combined with artificial Abenomics (cack) inflation.自从他们的钱没什么利息之后,这就阻碍了日本人的消费。这个国家的储蓄者,几乎在每个方面都受到了惩罚。日本面临着零利率甚至负利率、加上安倍经济学人为造成的通货膨胀。Gabriel jacinto lópezSo, we aspire to infinitely grow in a finite world? How does that work?所以,在有限的世界里,我们渴望有着无限的增长?怎么可能呢?


Mr Sausagewhy people still complaining abt jpanese peole do a crime at war . meanwhile america kill hundered thousand kids in japan为什么仍然有人在抱怨,日本人在战争之中犯下的罪行呢?而与此同时呢,美国在日本,杀害了成百上千的孩子。DigNap15I seem to remember that it was a sort of property crash Followed by a government raid on their pension funds. Also blame the Japanese companies that gave their technology away to South Korea etc.我依稀记得,日本的衰退是因为房地产的崩盘,随后日本政府对养老金进行了突击保护。也怪日本公司将技术转让给了韩国等国家。boeingnzSimple problems too many people too little land. Lacking in natural resouces, they tried to fix that with the war. It didnt work.问题很简单啊:日本人口太多,地太少,自然资源匮乏。他们想通过战争解决这个问题,但没成功。Christian LibertarianThere was clearly some kind of change in Japan in the early 1990''''''''s, but I don''''''''t know what. In the early 1990''''''''s, I bought Sony everything--TV, amplifier, speakers, WalkMan, DVD players. They were the best. Then they stopped. Sony started to try defending their old systems, not allowing new tech. I haven''''''''t bought anything Sony this millenium.1990年代初,很明显在日本发生了些变化,但我不知道具体是什么变化。1990年代早期的时候,索尼的所用东西我都买了,电视机、扩音器、扬声器、随身听、DVD播放器,它们都是最好的产品。然后,突然就没有了。索尼开始维持他们那老旧的体制,不允许出现新的科技。在这个千禧年,我再也没买过索尼的任何产品。ex0duzzNo plaza accord? USA kneecapped Japanese economy just like they tried to do to China currently. However they succeeded with Japan, while China is not USA vassal/subservient state like Japan, so China isn''''''''t going to just roll over.怎么没提广场协议呢?美国打碎了日本经济的膝盖,就像他们现在相对中国做的那样。这招对付日本,他们成功了,然而中国不像日本,它不是美国的附庸国,所以中国不会向美国屈服的。Jhin DI like how you predict the future of nations who become workshops of the world. On my part, I''''''''m wondering if innovation is also a factor. Maybe cultural norms in Japan make people very efficient. That''''''''s maybe good for factories, but not for growth.我喜欢你预测哪些国家未来会成为世界的工厂。就我而言,我在想,创新是否也是其中一个因素呢。日本的文化规范也许让人非常有效率。对于工厂来讲,这可能是好的方面,但是却不利于发展。おしゃんTI, as a Japanese high school student, am worried about the future of my country:(我,作为一名日本的高中生,十分担心我们国家的未来:(Ethan PocockI think that the benefits of deflation outweigh the negatives and that it probably wouldn''''''''t grind an economy to a halt because people''''''''s wants and needs don''''''''t disappear.我认为,通货紧缩的好处要大于它的坏处,它不大可能让经济陷于停滞,因为人们的渴望和需求并没有消失。Theodore CastroI visited Tokyo last year and fell in love! I hope to live there someday!去年我访问了东京,并且爱上了那里!希望有天我能住在那里!Mic_GlowEconomics is just like physics. The moment you see "infinite" numbers you know something is wrong.经济学就像物理学。当你看到“无限的”数字的时候,你就知道哪儿出毛病了。White CoyoteIt seems Japan has became the old man of the world, they will need to start thinking in terms of decades and maybe centuries.看起来日本变成了这个世界的老人,他们需要开始考虑几十年甚至几个世纪的事情。


Pro Gram Mer NgJapan products are the Best. THE BEST日本产品是最好的。最好的Titanosaurus Fan''''''''75Kawaii culture was a mistake卡哇伊这种文化,是个错误designanddirectionJapan needs to start having children by offering tax incentives for things like nurseries and to start making it easier for mothers to work. Young men need to stop watching porn and falling in love with cartoon characters!日本需要开始生孩子了,应该为托儿所之类的机构提供税收优惠,让妈妈们更容易开始工作。年轻人需要停止观看色情片,不要再沉溺卡通人物了。OskarVanBruceI stoped watching at the moment you threw idealistic crap like the USA generosity being the key part of Japan''''''''s boom while failing to mention how Japan''''''''s economy was practically controlled by the state through its regulation of the banks until the 80''''''''s当你抛出唯心主义的废话,说日本的繁荣的关键是美国的慷慨,我就停止了观看。你没有提及日本经济实际上是由国家控制的,直到80年代它还在对银行实施监管。


PhalanxDon''''''''t forget the USA started a trade war with Japan in the 80''''''''s. Just like what''''''''s happening to China.别忘了美国曾在80年代跟日本展开过一场贸易战。就像现在对中国那样。sbb22I would say China is stepping in the direction just like Japan did.我想说,中国正在步日本的后尘。


