


第一、介词Over表示位置和位置变化( POSITION AND MOVEMENT

PREP If one thing is over another thing or is moving over it, the first thing is directly above the second, either resting on it, or with a space between them. 在…之上

例:He looked at himself in the mirror over the table. 他看着桌子上方镜子中的自己。

ADV Over is also an adverb. 越过 [ADV after v]

...planes flying over every 10 or 15 minutes. …每隔10或15分钟飞越上空的飞机。

PREP If one thing is over another thing, it is supported by it and its ends are hanging down on each side of it. (搭或挂) 在…上

例:A grey raincoat was folded over her arm. 一件灰色的雨衣被折叠着搭在她的手臂上。

PREP If one thing is over another thing, it covers part or all of it. (部分或全部地覆盖) 在…之上

(1) Mix the ingredients and pour over the mushrooms. 把这些调料混合然后倒在蘑菇上。

(2) He was wearing a light-grey suit over a shirt. 他在衬衣外面套了件浅灰色的西装。

ADV Over is also an adverb. (部分或全部地覆盖) 在…之上 [ADV after v]

例:Heat this syrup and pour it over. 把糖浆加热然后倒上去。

PREP If you lean over an object, you bend your body so that the top part of it is above the object. (身体探) 在…之上 [v PREP n]

例:They stopped to lean over a gate. 他们停下来,将身子从一个栅栏门上面探出去。

ADV Over is also an adverb. (身体探) 在…之上 [ADV after v]

例:Sam leaned over to open the door of the car. 萨姆探出身子去打开车门。

PREP If you look over or talk over an object, you look or talk across the top of it. 越过…上方

例:I went and stood beside him, looking over his shoulder. 我走过去站在他身旁,从他的肩头上方望了过去。

PREP If a window has a view over an area of land or water, you can see the land or water through the window. 从一边到另一边 [n PREP n, v PREP n]

...a light and airy bar with a wonderful view over the river. …一个明亮通风而且看得见优美河景的酒吧。

PREP If someone or something goes over a barrier, obstacle, or boundary, they get to the other side of it by going across it, or across the top of it. 越过 [v PREP n]

(1) I stepped over a broken piece of wood. 我迈过一根断裂的木头。

(2) Nearly one million people crossed over the river into Moldavia. 近一百万人渡过了这条河,进入摩尔达维亚。

ADV Over is also an adverb. 越过 [ADV after v]

例:I climbed over into the back seat. 我爬过去坐在了后座上。

PREP If someone or something moves over an area or surface, they move across it, from one side to the other. 穿过

例:She ran swiftly over the lawn to the gate. 她轻快地跑过草坪,来到大门口。

PREP If something is on the opposite side of a road or river, you can say that it is over the road or river. 在…的另一边

...a fashionable neighbourhood, just over the river from Manhattan.


ADV If you go over to a place, you go to that place. 到…

(1) I got out the car and drove over to Greg's place. 我把车开出来,驱车到格雷格那儿去。

(2) I thought you might have invited her over. 我想你大概已经邀请过她到这里来。

ADV You can use over to indicate a particular position or place a short distance away from someone or something. 在那边

(1) He noticed Rolfe standing silently over by the window. 他注意到罗尓夫默默地站在窗旁。

(2) John reached over and took Joanna's hand. 约翰伸过手去牵起了乔安娜的手。

ADV You use over to say that someone or something falls toward or onto the ground, often suddenly or violently. (突然或猛然) 倒下 [ADV after v]

(1) If he drinks more than two glasses of wine he falls over. 他喝两杯以上的酒就会醉倒。

(2) She pushed past me, almost knocking me over. 她从我身边挤过去,差点把我撞倒。

ADV If something rolls over or is turned over, its position changes so that the part that was facing upward is now facing downward. 翻转倒置 [ADV after v]

例:His car rolled over after a tyre was punctured.


PHRASE All over a place means in every part of it. 遍及各处

...doctors who work all over the country. …工作在全国各地的医生们。

PHRASE Over here means near you, or in the country you are in. 这里; 在国内

例:Why don't you come over here tomorrow evening. 你明晚到这里来吧。

PHRASE Over there means in a place a short distance away from you, or in another country. 那边; 在别国

例:The cafe is just across the road over there. 咖啡馆就在马路对面那边。

第二、介词Over表示数量和发生(amountS AND OCCURRENCES

PREP If something is over a particular amount, measurement, or age, it is more than that amount, measurement, or age. 超过 [PREP amount]

(1) They say that tobacco will kill over 4 million people worldwide this year. 他们说烟草今年将在全球范围内夺去超过400万人的生命。

(2) His family have accumulated property worth well over $1 million. 他家已经积累了价值远远超过一百万美元的财产。

ADV Over is also an adverb. 以上 [amount 'and' ADV]

...people aged 65 and over. …65岁及以上的人。

PHRASE Over and above an amount, especially a normal amount, means more than that amount or in addition to it. 多于; 除…之外

例:Expenditure on education has gone up by seven point eight per cent over and above inflation.


ADV If you say that you have some food or money over or left over, you mean that it remains after you have used all that you need. 剩余地

例:The Larsons pay me well enough, but there's not much left over for luxuries.


ADV If you do something over, you do it again or start doing it again from the beginning. 再一次 [美国英语] [ADV after v]

She said if she had the chance to do it over, she would have hired a press secretary.


PHRASE If you say that something happened twice over, three times over and so on, you are stating the number of times that it happened and emphasizing that it happened more than once. 两遍 [英国英语]

James had to have everything spelled out twice over for him. 詹姆斯不得不让人把每个单词都为他拼写两遍。

PHRASE If you do something over again, you do it again or start doing it again from the beginning. 重新

例:If I could live my life over again, I would do things exactly the same way.


PHRASE If you say that something is happening all over again, you are emphasizing that it is happening again, and you are suggesting that it is tiring, boring, or unpleasant. 又一次 [强调]

例:The whole process started all over again. 整个过程又重新开始了。

PHRASE If you say that something happened over and over or over and over again, you are emphasizing that it happened many times. 反复地 [强调]

He plays the same songs over and over. 他反复演奏同样的几首歌曲。

第三、介词Over的其它用法(OTHER USES

ADJ If an activity is over or all over, it is completely finished. 结束的 [v-link ADJ]

(1) Warplanes that have landed there will be kept until the war is over. 已经着陆在那里的军用飞机将被留到战争结束。

I am glad it's all over. 我真高兴,一切都结束了。

PREP If you are over an illness or an experience, it has finished and you have recovered from its effects. 从…中恢复

例:I'm glad that you're over the flu. 我很高兴你的流感好了。

PREP If you have control or influence over someone or something, you are able to control them or influence them. 对… [n PREP n]

例:He's never had any influence over her. 他对她从没有过任何影响。

PREP You use over to indicate what a disagreement or feeling relates to or is caused by. 对于 [n PREP n, v PREP n]

(1) ...concern over recent events in the Dominican Republic. …对于多米尼加共和国最近若干事件的关注。

(2) Staff at some air and sea ports are beginning to protest over pay. 一些机场和海港的工作人员开始就工资进行抗议。

PREP If something happens over a particular period of time or over something such as a meal, it happens during that time or during the meal. 在…期间

例:The number of attacks on the capital had gone down over the past week.


PREP You use over to indicate that you give or receive information using a telephone, radio, or other piece of electrical equipment. 通过…

(1) I'm not prepared to discuss this over the telephone. 我不准备通过电话来讨论这件事。

(2) The head of state addressed the nation over the radio. 国家元首通过广播向全国人民发表了讲话。

PHRASE The presenter of a radio or television programme says "over to someone" to indicate the person who will speak next. 交由 (某人) 播报

例:With the rest of the sports news, over to Mike Martinez.


CONVENTION When people such as the police or the army are using a radio to communicate, they say "Over" to indicate that they have finished speaking and are waiting for a reply. 完毕 (无线电联络的交接用语) [套语]


