




1、表示“决断与选择”概念的动词 allow,decide, determine,excuse, exempt, forbid, need, oblige,order, permit,prefer, prohibit, require 等。

You can not stand by and allow such a thing. 你不能袖手旁观,允许这种事。

Poor eyesight will exempt you from military service. 视力差者,免服兵役。

2、表示“推断”概念的动词 assume, believe,consider, dare say, expect, figure,find, guess,reckcon,suppose, think 等。

I assume that you understand the situation. 我以为你了解局势。

They figured he was the best man available. 他们认为他是能找到的最佳人选。

3、表示“请求与建议”的动词 advice, ask, beg, mind, please, request, suggest, trouble等。

He begged them to speak a word for him. 他求他们为他说句话。

Didn't you trouble to read the directions? 难道你没有特意读一读说明书吗?

4、表示“意图与意愿”的动词 insist, intend, mean, want to do, should/would like to do;decline,refuse 等。

I intended to come to your house last night but it rained. 昨晚我本打算来你家,但下雨了。

She declined to have lunch with her friend. 她谢绝了与朋友共进午餐。

5、表示“爱憎”的动词 adore,enjoy, interest, like; detest, dislike,hate 等。

I detest people who deceive and tell lies. 我憎恶那些欺骗和说谎的人。

Her husband absolutely adored her.她丈夫确实很敬重她。

6、表示“情感”概念的动词 agree, amaze, astonish, believe, care, desire,disagree,disapprove,doubt, fear, forgive, hope, surprise,wish 等。

Never trust to fine words. 花言巧语不可信。

I quite approve of the idea of your plan. 我十分赞同你计划中的意见。

I disagreed with him as to what we ought to do . 对于我们该怎么办,我不同意他的意见。


