
Asking for a leaving 请假B: Mr. Sal, I can’t make it today.,今天小编就来说说关于呼叫全天人员英语怎么说?下面更多详细答案一起来看看吧!



Asking for a leaving 请假

B: Mr. Sal, I can’t make it today.

S: What’s up?

B: My mom is in the hospital. I need to go back home. Can I take 3 days off?

S: Sorry to hear that, but you’ve left early three times this week.

And you’ve been late 2 times this month.

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B: Sorry for that. I promise I won’t do that anymore.

S: Ok, but Lily just quit her job. We’re shorthanded right now.

B: Ok, then I’ll ask Jenny to cover my seat. Is that ok?

S: Sorry, Jenny will be on a business trip tomorrow.

B: Then can I make use of my annual leave?

S: That’s fine. You will also need to fill out some absence forms.

B: Ok, thank you.

B: 萨尔先生,我今天不能来上班了。

S: 怎么了?

B: 我妈妈生病了。 我需要回家。 我可以请三天假吗?

S: 听到这个我很难过,但是你这个星期已经早退三次了。而且这个月你已经迟到两次了。

B: 不好意思,以后我不会再那样了。

S: 好的,但是莉莉刚辞职了,我们正缺人手了。

B: 好的,我会让简宁来替我值班。可以吗?

S: 不好意思,简宁明天要出差。

B: 我可以用我的年假吗?

S: 好的,你需要填一些缺勤表格。

B: 好的,谢谢。


