
lend和borrow的词性相同,均为动词,但词义不同,尽管都表示“借”lend等于to give something to someone to be used for a period of time and then returned,意为“借出”(give),强调把物品或金钱暂时供别人使用,今天小编就来说说关于lendborrow句型转换?下面更多详细答案一起来看看吧!



lend和borrow的词性相同,均为动词,但词义不同,尽管都表示“借”。lend等于to give something to someone to be used for a period of time and then returned,意为“借出”(give),强调把物品或金钱暂时供别人使用。

例1. I can lend you this book if you want to read it. 如果你想读这本书,我可以借给你。

例2. He never lends his car to anyone. 他从不把车借给任何人。

例3. Peter lent me 100 dollars yesterday. 彼得昨天借给我100美元。

例4. Can you lend me your car for the day. 你能把车借我用一天吗?

例5. John used to borrow money from me all the time. 约翰过去总是向我借钱。

例6. If you need a coat, I can lend you one. 如果你需要一件外套,我可以借给你一件。

例7. The bank agreed to lend him $5,000. 银行同意借给他5000美元。

lend可用于比喻,构成习语lend me your ears 或lend an ear,等于 ask for someone’s full attention或listen to someone carefully,意思是“(要求某人)认真听”。

例8. Lend me your ears, and I will tell you about my understanding of it. 注意听,我会告诉你我对此事的理解。

例9. Could you please lend me your ear for a minute? I need to tell you something important. 你能听我说几句吗?我要告诉你一件很重要的事。

borrow等于to get something from someone, intending to give it back after a short time,意为“借进”(get),强调暂时使用别人的物品或金钱。

例10. Joe borrowed a book from the library yesterday. 乔昨天从图书馆借了一本书。

例11. Could I borrow your pen for a minute, please? 我能借用一下你的钢笔吗?

例12. If you borrow from a credit card, the interest can be 20%. 如果你从信用卡借款,利息可以是20%。

例13. How much have you borrowed from your friend? 你向朋友借了多少钱?

例14. Like so many companies at that time, they had to borrow heavily to survive. 和当时的许多公司一样,他们必须大量借贷才能生存。

例15. When I need money, I can borrow some from a friend. 当我需要钱时,我可以向朋友借一些。


例16. We constantly borrow words from other cultures. 我们经常借用其他文化的词汇。

例17. In the early 19th century, French borrowed “sport” back from English.19世纪初,法语又将 “sport”从英语借用回来了。


