a level和o level的区别(国际课程A-level心理)

Introduction 简介

"Sleep. Those little slices of death. How I loathe them." Edgar Allan Poe (1809-49).

"睡眠。那些小小的死亡之片。我多么厌恶它们。" 埃德加-爱伦-坡(1809-49)。

Is sleep an absence of life, like Edgar suggested, or is it a complex behaviour with specific functions?

The latter seems more likely as humans spend about one third of their lives asleep.



a level和o level的区别(国际课程A-level心理)(1)

Ecological theories of sleep 睡眠的生态学理论

These theories take the view that sleep is an adaptation that has evolved to fit in with the animal's ecology.


Meddis (1979) suggested that sleep patterns depended upon the animals foraging and predator avoidance behaviours Meddis(1979)认为,睡眠模式取决于动物的觅食和躲避捕食者的行为:

Type of animal 动物的类型:

Sleep pattern 睡眠模式:

Grazing animals - often foraging, also at risk from predators.

However, there are problems associated with these explanations for sleep 然而,这些对睡眠的解释也有问题。:

  1. They are only really explanations of how animals fit sleep in to their lives. 它们只是真正解释了动物如何将睡眠融入它们的生活中。
  2. Remaining still could also save energy and help to stay inconspicuous. 保持静止也可以节省能量并有助于保持不显眼。
  3. Do not explain function of complex neural activity during sleep. 不能解释睡眠期间复杂神经活动的功能。
Restoration theories of sleep 睡眠的恢复理论

These theories state that sleep is necessary to restore biological processes in the body.


The fact that a growth hormone is released during Stage 4 sleep supports this claim.


Oswald (1980) suggested that the activity involved in REM sleep (paradoxical sleep) is required for brain restoration and Stage 4 sleep for body restoration. Horne's (1988) view partially agrees with Oswald's but he saw both REM and Stage 4 sleep as significant in brain restoration. This view is supported by evidence that heavy exercise (presumably leading to body exhaustion) does not lead to extra time spent asleep.


Sleep deprivation studies have been performed to work out what sleep does for us, although the results are inconclusive.


Problems such as impaired attention, confusion and delusions are associated with a loss of sleep (Hüber-Weidman, 1976), but these are not permanent.


Research into physical harm due to a lack of sleep is limited to animal and case studies (due to ethical constraints of sleep deprivation in humans), which provide fairly weak evidence.


a level和o level的区别(国际课程A-level心理)(2)

REM sleep - deprivation and theories 快速眼动睡眠 - 剥夺和理论

Much sleep deprivation research has focused on the restorative nature of REM sleep.


Unlike total sleep deprivation, REM sleep deprivation (or REM starvation) causes the sleeper to increase the frequency of REM sleep each night. This REM rebound effect suggests that REM sleep has an important function as sleepers try to catch up on what they have missed (Dement, 1960).

与完全剥夺睡眠不同,快速眼动睡眠剥夺(或快速眼动饥饿)会使睡眠者每晚增加快速眼动睡眠的频率。这种快速眼动睡眠的反弹效应表明,快速眼动睡眠具有重要的功能,因为睡眠者试图追赶他们所错过的东西(Dement, 1960)。

If REM sleep is necessary, what does it do? 如果快速眼动睡眠是必要的,它有什么作用?

Oswald's (1980) theory of brain restoration and growth is supported by the fact that REM sleep drops with age (infant's brains need more REM than adults) and increases with injury.


There are alternative theories to restoration. It is possible that the high level of brain activity during REM sleep serves to consolidate information learned during the day (Empson & Clarke, 1970).

还有其他的恢复理论。有可能是快速眼动睡眠期间高水平的大脑活动有助于巩固白天学到的信息(Empson & Clarke, 1970)。

