excel vba如何逐语句运行代码(ExcelVBA调用有参数过程)

直接看代码和注释:Option Explicit Sub SortSheets() ' This routine sorts the sheets of the ' active workbook in ascending order. ' Use Ctrl Shift S to execute Dim SheetNames() As String Dim i As Long Dim SheetCount As Long Dim OldActive As Object If ActiveWorkbook Is Nothing Then Exit Sub ' No active workbook SheetCount = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count ' Check for protected workbook structure If ActiveWorkbook.ProtectStructure Then MsgBox ActiveWorkbook.Name & " is protected.", _ vbCritical, "Cannot Sort Sheets." Exit Sub End If ' Make user verify If MsgBox("Sort the sheets in the active workbook?", _ vbQuestion vbYesNo) <> vbYes Then Exit Sub ' Disable Ctrl Break Application.EnableCancelKey = xlDisabled ' Get the number of sheets SheetCount = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count ' Redimension the array ReDim SheetNames(1 To SheetCount) ' Store a reference to the active sheet Set OldActive = ActiveSheet ' Fill array with sheet names For i = 1 To SheetCount SheetNames(i) = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(i).Name Next i ' Sort the array in ascending order Call BubbleSort(SheetNames) ' Turn off screen updating Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' Move the sheets For i = 1 To SheetCount ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SheetNames(i)).Move _ Before:=ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(i) Next i ' Reactivate the original active sheet OldActive.Activate End Sub Sub BubbleSort(List() As String) Dim First As Long, Last As Long Dim i As Long, j As Long Dim Temp As String First = LBound(List) Last = UBound(List) For i = First To Last - 1 For j = i 1 To Last If UCase(List(i)) > UCase(List(j)) Then Temp = List(j) List(j) = List(i) List(i) = Temp End If Next j Next i End Sub ,今天小编就来说说关于excel vba如何逐语句运行代码?下面更多详细答案一起来看看吧!

excel vba如何逐语句运行代码(ExcelVBA调用有参数过程)

excel vba如何逐语句运行代码


Option Explicit Sub SortSheets() ' This routine sorts the sheets of the ' active workbook in ascending order. ' Use Ctrl Shift S to execute Dim SheetNames() As String Dim i As Long Dim SheetCount As Long Dim OldActive As Object If ActiveWorkbook Is Nothing Then Exit Sub ' No active workbook SheetCount = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count ' Check for protected workbook structure If ActiveWorkbook.ProtectStructure Then MsgBox ActiveWorkbook.Name & " is protected.", _ vbCritical, "Cannot Sort Sheets." Exit Sub End If ' Make user verify If MsgBox("Sort the sheets in the active workbook?", _ vbQuestion vbYesNo) <> vbYes Then Exit Sub ' Disable Ctrl Break Application.EnableCancelKey = xlDisabled ' Get the number of sheets SheetCount = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count ' Redimension the array ReDim SheetNames(1 To SheetCount) ' Store a reference to the active sheet Set OldActive = ActiveSheet ' Fill array with sheet names For i = 1 To SheetCount SheetNames(i) = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(i).Name Next i ' Sort the array in ascending order Call BubbleSort(SheetNames) ' Turn off screen updating Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' Move the sheets For i = 1 To SheetCount ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SheetNames(i)).Move _ Before:=ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(i) Next i ' Reactivate the original active sheet OldActive.Activate End Sub Sub BubbleSort(List() As String) Dim First As Long, Last As Long Dim i As Long, j As Long Dim Temp As String First = LBound(List) Last = UBound(List) For i = First To Last - 1 For j = i 1 To Last If UCase(List(i)) > UCase(List(j)) Then Temp = List(j) List(j) = List(i) List(i) = Temp End If Next j Next i End Sub


Sub main() Dim SubToCall As String Select Case Weekday(Now) Case 1, 7: SubToCall = "WeekEnd" Case Else: SubToCall = "Daily" End Select Application.Run SubToCall End Sub Sub WeekEnd() MsgBox "Today is a weekend" End Sub Sub Daily() MsgBox "Today is not a weekend" End Sub


reference: www.wiley.com/go/excel2016powerprogramming



