


1、 按要求写单词

there's(完整形式)there is there(同音词)their

there(对应词)here here(同音词)hear

nice(近义词)beautiful hungry(对应词)thirsty

table(近义词)desk too(近义词)also; either

behind(对应短语)in front of beside(近义词)near; by

on(对应词)under cold(对应词)hot

hard(对应词)soft sad(对应词)happy

big(对应词)small long(对应词)short

tall(对应词)short uncle(对应词)aunt

aunt(同音词)aren't glass(近义词)cup

glass(复数)glasses West(形容词)Western

country(复数)countries China(形容词)Chinese

have(第三人称单数)has can't(完整形式)cannot

isn't(完整形式)is not aren't(完整形式)are not

don't(完整形式)do not doesn't(完整形式)does not

it's(完整形式)it is they're(完整形式)they are

some(近义词)any many(近义短语)a lot of; lots of

teacher(对应词)student new(对应词)old

old(对应词)new; young one(序数词)first

two(序数词)second three(序数词)third

library(复数)libraries let's(完整形式)let us

Nancy(名词所有格)Nancy's sing(对应词)dance

pull【拉】(对应词)push start【开始】(对应词)stop

low【低的】(对应词)high high(同音词)hi

black(对应词)white red(对应词)green

body(复数)bodies foot(复数)feet

eye(对应词)ear arm(对应词)leg

hand(对应词)foot finger(对应词)toe【脚趾】

run(对应词)jump fish(复数)fish

do(第三人称单数)does go(第三人称单数)goes

watch(第三人称单数)watches carry(第三人称单数)carries

sun(形容词)sunny rain(形容词)rainy

bus(复数)buses these(对应词)those

hobby(复数)hobbies good(副词)well

story(复数)stories all(近义词)both

dance(动名词)dancing skate(动名词)skating

make(动名词)making live(动名词)living

come(动名词)coming give(动名词)giving

take(动名词)taking have(动名词)having



run(动名词)running sit(动名词)sitting

get(动名词)getting put(动名词)putting


*eat(动名词)eating *meet(动名词)meeting

*jump(动名词)jumping *sleep(动名词)sleeping

winter(对应词)summer spring(对应词)autumn


主格 I you he she it we you they

宾格 me you him her it us you them

物主 my your his her its our your their

2、 知识点

1. There is加可数名词单数或者不可数名词,如:

There is a house in the forest.

There is some soup on the table.

2. There are加可数名词复数,如:

There are a lot of trees in the school.

3. There is/are句中如果有量词的就看量词的单复数,如:

There is a cup of coffee on the table.

There are two glasses of milk on the table.

4. There is/are句型有"就近原则",如:

There is a rubber and two pencils on the desk.

There are two pencils and a rubber on the desk.

5. too表示"太",so表示"如此,这么,那么",very表示"很,非常",如:

too soft 太软 so hard 如此硬 very hot 非常热

6. 介词的用法:

(1) 介词加the或者物主代词,再加名词,如:

beside the window under my desk

(2) 介词直接加人称代词宾格,如:

behind him in front of me

7. put on表示"穿上",wear表示"穿着",如:

put on your coat 穿上你的外套

wear a pair of yellow shoes 穿着一双黄鞋子

8. can的否定形式是can't或者cannot, 如:

(1) can't see表示"看不见": Bobby cannot see any cakes in the fridge.

(2) can't hear表示"听不见":I can't hear the teacher.

(3) can't find表示"找不到":Bobby and Tina can't find their cousin.

(4) can't fly表示"不会飞":The rabbit can't fly.


9. 动词加人称代词宾格的用法,如:

show me/you/him/her/us/them around 带我/你/他/她/我们/他们参观

show me your new skirt 给我看你的新短裙

give him a cake 给他一个蛋糕

teach us English 教我们英语

10. 基数词与序数词的用法,如:

two computer rooms 两间电脑室

on the second floor 在二楼

the first lesson 第一节课

my second pen 我的第二支钢笔

11. a与an的用法,如:

an ice cream a nice ice cream

an idea a good/great idea

12. some与any的用法,如:

(1) Are there any cakes in the fridge?

No, there aren't any cakes in the fridge.

But there are some pies in it.

(2) Is there any milk in the glass?

No, there isn't any milk in the glass.

But there is some juice in it.

13. "去某处"的表达,如:

go to the cinema 去电影院

go to the park 去公园

go to the zoo 去动物园

go to the library 去图书馆

go to the playground 去操场

14. in与on在都表示"在......上"时的用法,如:

(1) in the playground 在操场上

in the picture 在图片上;在照片上

a bird in the tree 在树上的一只鸟

a hole in the ice 在冰上的一个洞

a hole in the dress 在连衣裙上的一个洞

(2) on the chair 在椅子上

on the wall 在墙上

the pears on the tree 在树上的梨

play on the swing 在秋千上玩;荡秋千

skate on the ice 在冰上溜冰

15. time加for再加名词,time加to再加动词,如:

time for breakfast/lunch/dinner time to have breakfast/lunch/dinner


time for Art/Music time to have an Art/a Music lesson


time for school/bed time to go to school/bed


time for football/basketball time to play football/basketball


16. one ... the other ... 的用法,如:

Nancy has two fish. One is red, the other is black./One is red and the

other is black.

I have two pencils. One is long, the other is short./One is long and the

other is short.

There are two computer rooms in our school. One is on the second

floor, the other is on the third floor./ One is on the second floor and

the other is on the third floor.

17. too与also都表示"也",但用法不同,如:

It has a big body too. / It also has a big body.

I like drawing too. / I also like drawing.

She is my friend too. / She is also my friend.

I can skate very well too. / I can also skate very well.

18. both与all都表示"都",但是both表示"(两者)都",all表示"(三者及以上)都",如:

Su Hai and Su Yang both like swimming.

Mike, Wang Bing and I all like running.

19. be good at加名词或者动名词,如:

be good at football / be good at playing football

be good at dancing/skating/jumping/...

20. and与or的用法,如:

在肯定句中用and:I can sing and dance.

在否定句和疑问句中用or:I can't swim or skate.

21. too与either的用法,如:

在肯定句中用too, 如: I like making friends too.

在否定句中用either, 如:I don't like dancing either.

22. "给某人某物"的两种表达:give某人某物;give某物to某人,如:give me a cake / give a cake to me

give them some sweets / give some sweets to them

23. very与very much, very well的用法,如:

(1) very直接修饰形容词或者副词,如:very nice/good/small

(2) very much与like搭配使用,表示"非常喜欢......",如:

like climbing very much 非常喜欢爬山

like Maths very much 非常喜欢数学

(3) very well与动词搭配使用,表示"......非常好",如:

skate very well 溜冰溜得非常好

play basketball very well 打篮球打得非常好

draw very well 画画画得非常好

24. talk about的用法,如:

talk about their hobbies 谈论他们的爱好

talk about animals 谈论动物

talk about toys 谈论玩具

25. 时间前介词的用法,如:

(1) "在几点"用at:at six at three thirty

(2) "在上午/下午/晚上"用in:in the morning/afternoon/evening

注:in the evening(同义短语)at night

(3) "在星期几"用on:on Saturday on Sunday

(4) "在星期几的上午/下午/晚上"用on:on Monday morning

(5) this, every, tomorrow加时间,不用介词:this afternoon

every Tuesday tomorrow evening

26. How many ...?句型的几种句式及回答:

(1) How many toy cars do you have? I have two (toy cars).

(2) How many toy cars can you see? I can see three (toy cars).

(3) How many toy cars are there in the living room?

There is one (toy car).

(4) How many toy cars would you like? I'd like four (toy cars).

27. 在一般疑问句中,some不变的几种句式及回答:

(1) Would you like some milk? Yes, please./ No, thank you.

(2) Do you want some milk? Yes, I do./ No, I don't.

(3) What about some milk? Yes, please./ No, thanks.

(4) Can I have some milk? Sure.

28. 感叹句的两种表达方式:

(1) What加名词,如:What a nice skirt!

(2) How加形容词,如:How nice the skirt is!

29. play直接加球类单词,如:play football/basketball/table tennis

play加the再加乐器类单词,如:play the piano/guitar/violin

3、 用所给单词的适当形式填空的常用语法规则

1. 一般现在时句子中,三单人称动词用-s形式,非三单人称动词用原形。如:Mike has an animal friend. They have two animal friends.

2. can加动词原形。如:He can play table tennis.

3. like加动词-ing形式,即动名词;like加to再加动词原形。如:

like climbing / like to climb

4. go加动词-ing形式,即动名词;go加to再加动词原形。如:

go skating / go to skate

5. Let's ... 祈使句,动词原形。如: Let's go and climb.

6. want/would like加名词;want/would like加to再加动词原形。如:

want/would like some juice want/would like to drink some juice

7. 动词加人称代词宾格。如:give her a cake show me your dress

8. 介词加人称代词宾格。如:in front of me listen to them

9. 名词前物主代词。如:find their cousin talk about our hobbies

10. 序数词前可以加the、物主代词或者名词所有格,序数词后一定是名词单数。如:the first lesson my second pencil Nancy's third bag

11. 肯定句中,可数名词复数或者不可数名词前用some表示"一些"; 否定句和疑问句中用any。

12. 肯定句中,用and表示"和",否定句和疑问句中用or表示。

13. 肯定句中,用too表示"也",否定句中用either表示。

14. many/ a lot of/ lots of加可数名词复数;much/a lot of/lots of加不可数名词。

15. 介词加名词或者动词-ing形式。如:be good at football/ be good at playing football what about a hot dog what about eating a hot dog

16. time for加名词,time to加动词。如:time for dinner time to have dinner

17. be动词加动词-ing形式。

(1) be动词加动名词-ing形式,如:My hobby is making cakes.

Her hobbies are singing and dancing.

倒装:Making cakes is my hobby.

Singing and dancing are her hobbies.

(2) be动词加现在分词-ing形式,如:They are talking about animals.

4、 句型转换

1. be动词。

(1) There be结构句型。

a. There is a house in the forest.

否定句:There isn't a house in the forest.

一般疑问句:Is there a house in the forest?

肯定回答:Yes, there is. 否定回答:No, there isn't.

划线提问:What's in the forest?

b. There is some soup on the table.

否定句:There isn't any soup on the table.

一般疑问句:Is there any soup on the table?

肯定回答:Yes, there is. 否定回答:No, there isn't.

划线提问:What's on the table?

c. There are three beds in the room.

否定句:There aren't three beds in the room.

一般疑问句:Are there three beds in the room?

肯定回答:Yes, there are. 否定回答:No, there aren't.

划线提问1:What's in the room?

划线提问2:How many beds are there in the room?

(2) 其它be动词句型。

a. I am afraid.

否定句:I'm not afraid.

一般疑问句:Are you afraid?

肯定回答:Yes, I am. 否定回答:No, I'm not.

划线提问:How are you? /What's the matter with you? / What's wrong

with you?

b. Coffee is popular in Western countries.

否定句:Coffee isn't popular in Western countries.

一般疑问句:Is coffee popular in Western countries?

肯定回答:Yes, it is. 否定回答:No, it isn't.

划线提问:What is popular in Western countries?

c. The table tennis room is on the first floor.

否定句:The table tennis room isn't on the first floor.

一般疑问句:Is the table tennis room on the first floor?

肯定回答:Yes, it is. 否定回答:No, it isn't.

划线提问:Where is the table tennis room?

d. The computer rooms are on the third floor.

否定句:The computer rooms aren't on the third floor.

一般疑问句:Are the computer rooms on the third floor?

肯定回答:Yes, they are. 否定回答:No, they aren't.

划线提问:Where are the computer rooms?

e. Its body is hard.

否定句:Its body isn't hard.

一般疑问句:Is its body hard?

肯定回答:Yes, it is. 否定回答:No, it isn't.

划线提问:Whose body is hard?

f. The rabbit's ears are long.

否定句:The rabbit's ears aren't long.

一般疑问句:Are the rabbit's ears long?

肯定回答:Yes, they are. 否定回答:No, they aren't.

划线提问:Whose ears are long?

2. 情态动词句型。

(1) can的句型。

a. I can sing and dance.

否定句:I can't sing or dance.

一般疑问句:Can you sing or dance?

肯定回答:Yes, I can. 否定回答:No, I can't.

划线提问:What can you do?

b. Mike can play table tennis.

否定句:Mike can't play table tennis.

一般疑问句:Can Mike play table tennis?

肯定回答:Yes, he can. 否定回答:No, he can't.

划线提问:What can Mike do?

c. I'd like some juice.

否定句:I wouldn't like any juice.

一般疑问句:Would you like some juice?

肯定回答:Yes, please. 否定回答:No, thank you./ No, thanks.

划线提问:What would you like?

d. I'd like to go to the park.

否定句:I wouldn't like to go to the park.

一般疑问句:Would you like to go to the park?

肯定回答:Yes, I'd like/love to.

划线提问:What would you like to do?

3. 行为动词句型。

(1) have的句型。

a. They have some animal friends.

否定句:They don't have any animal friends.

一般疑问句:Do they have any animal friends?

肯定回答:Yes, they do. 否定回答:No, they don't.

划线提问1:What do they have?

划线提问2:Who has some animal friends?

b. Su Hai has a parrot.

否定句:Su Hai doesn't have a parrot.

一般疑问句:Does Su Hai have a parrot?

肯定回答:Yes, she does. 否定回答:No, she doesn't.

划线提问1:What does Su Hai have?

划线提问2:Who has a parrot?

(2) like的句型。

a. I like dancing.

否定句:I don't like dancing.

一般疑问句:Do you like dancing?

肯定回答:Yes, I do. 否定回答:No, I don't.

划线提问1:What do you like doing?

划线提问2:Who likes dancing?

b. My father likes swimming and skating.

否定句:My father doesn't like swimming or skating.

一般疑问句:Does your father like swimming or skating?

肯定回答:Yes, he does. 否定回答:No, he doesn't.

划线提问1:What does your father like doing?

划线提问2:Who likes swimming and skating?

4. 同义句转换。

a. What a beautiful house! How beautiful the house is!

b. It's time for dinner. It's time to have dinner.

c. Its body is hard. It has a hard body.

d. They have no legs or arms. They don't have any legs or arms.

e. It has no wings. It doesn't have any wings.

f. I like jumping. My hobby is jumping.

g. We like singing and dancing. Our hobbies are singing and dancing.

h. She can play the piano well. She is good at playing the piano.


1、 按要求写单词

cook(动词)cook driver(动词)drive

teacher(动词)teach worker(动词)work

student(动词)study writer(动词)write

sing(名词)singer dance(名词)dancer

play(名词)player make(名词)maker【制造者】

do(三单)does go(三单)goes

teach(三单)teaches watch(三单)watches

study(三单)studies fly(三单)flies

carry(三单)carries have(三单)has

father(同义词)dad mother(同义词)mum

father(对应词)mother brother(对应词)sister

uncle(对应词)aunt aunt(同音词)aren't

people(复数)people fish(复数)fish

factory(复数)factories policeman(对应词)policewoman

policeman(复数)policemen policewoman(复数)policewomen

man(复数)men woman(复数)women

snowman(复数)snowmen story(复数)stories

real(副词)really ill(同义词)sick

what about(同义短语)how about a lot of(同义短语)lots of

a lot of(同义词)many/much I'm(完整形式)I am

he's(完整形式)he is she's(完整形式)she is

you're(完整形式)you are it's(完整形式)it is

we're(完整形式)we are they're(完整形式)they are

Mr(对应词)Mrs/Miss high(同义词)tall

butterfly(复数)butterflies can(否定形式)can't

can't(完整形式)cannot can(过去式)could

policeman(同义词)cop firefighter(同义词)fireman

who's(同音词)whose speak(同义词)say/talk

UK(同义词)England UK/England(形容词)English

US(同义词)America US/America(形容词)American

China(形容词)Chinese Australia(形容词)Australian

wait(名词)waiter【服务员】 wear(同音词)where

warm(对应词)cool hot(对应词)cold

address(复数)addresses write(同音词)right

good(副词)well right(对应词)wrong

by(同义词)near/beside some(同义词)any

don't(完整形式)do not doesn't(完整形式)does not

after(对应词)before behind(对应短语)in front of

visit(名词)visitor usual(副词)usually

usually(同义词)often family(复数)families【家庭】

chat(动名词)chatting swim(动名词)swimming

run(动名词)running put(动名词)putting

sit(动名词)sitting get(动名词)getting

特殊:eat(动名词)eating meet(动名词)meeting

stop(动名词)stopping shop(动名词)shopping

特殊:sleep(动名词)sleeping jump(动名词)jumping

skate(动名词)skating make(动名词)making

take(动名词)taking live(动名词)living

give(动名词)giving have(动名词)having

parents(同义短语)father and mother

grandparents(同义短语)grandfather and grandmother

grandfather(同义词)grandpa grandmother(同义词)grandma

love(形容词)lovely friend(形容词)friendly【友好的】

grow(同义词)plant【种植】 come out(对应短语)get out

spring(对应词)autumn summer(对应词)winter

of course【当然】(同义词)sure too(同音词)to/two

too(同义词)also all(同义词)both

at Christmas(同义短语)on Christmas Day

have a good time(同义短语)have a lot of fun

buy(同音词)by nice(同义词)beautiful/pretty

on(对应词)under come(对应词)go

gift【礼物】(同义词)present late(对应词)early

open(对应词)close eat(同义词)have

eat(对应词)drink turkey(复数)turkeys

monkey(复数)monkeys child(复数)children

final(副词)finally happy(同义词)merry

happy(对应词)sad let's(完整形式)let us

I'd(完整形式) I would here's(完整形式)here is

there's(完整形式)there is you'll(完整形式)you will

children(名词所有格)children's parents(名词所有格)parents'

主格 I you he she it we you they

宾格 me you him her it us you them

物主 my your his her its our your their

2、 知识点

1. 从动词到名词的基本添加形式有:(1)加er,如:work-worker,

teach-teacher, play-player, wait-waiter。(2)加r,如:write-writer, drive-driver。(3)加or,如:visit-visitor, act-actor【演员】。(4)动词和名词同样形式,如:cook-cook。

2. 名词前面可用的几类限定词:(1)冠词:a/an/the(2)代词:some/any。(3)形容词:big/small/nice/cute。(4)物主代词:my/your/his/her/our/their。(5)名词,如:an Art lesson,a factory worker, men cooks。(6)动名词,如:a dancing/swimming lesson。(7)序数词,如:the first lesson, my second e-friend。

3. 名词复数的基本添加形式:(1)加s,如:boy-boys, girl-girls。

(2)加es,如:mango-mangoes, peach-peaches。(3)y变i加es,如:cherry-cherries, library-libraries, study-studies, butterfly-butterflies。(4)单数和复数同样形式,如:fish-fish, people-people。(5)不规则变化,如:child-children。

4. 动词三单形式的基本添加形式:(1)加s,如:work-works, write-writes。(2)加es,如:teach-teaches, watch-watches。(3)y变i加es,如:study-studies, fly-flies, carry-carries。(4)不规则变化,如:have-has。

5. 从名词到形容词的基本添加形式:(1)加y,如:sun-sunny, fun-funny, rain-rainy, snow-snowy。(2)加ly,如:love-lovely, friend-friendly。

6. 从形容词到副词的基本添加形式:(1)加ly,如:real-really, final-finally, usual-usually。(2)不规则变化,如:good-well。

7. 可能实现的愿望,用一般现在时,如:I wish I can swim/skate/...

不可能实现的愿望,用一般过去时,如:I wish I could fly.

8. 英国和美国的文化差异对比:

in the UK in the US

the ground floor the first floor

a policeman a cop

a fireman a firefighter

football basketball

9. 常用的动词短语:write stories, help sick people, make sweets/cakes/robots/cars, work at home/school, work on a farm, work in a factory/hospital, restaurant, play football/basketball/table tennis,

play the piano/violin/guitar, send an email/emails, live in China/Canada/

Australia/the UK, speak English/Chinese, study English/Chinese, go fishing/swimming/skating/running, wait a minute, wait and wait, chat on the Internet, go to the cinema/park/zoo/library/playground, fly kites, have picnics, play with cats/toys/friends, have breakfast/lunch/dinner, visit grandparents, grow flowers/roses, watch TV/films/cartoons, come/get out, look out, have a good time, have a lot of fun, buy presents, buy a Christmas tree, go to see Father Christmas, put some pretty things on the Christmas tree, put our presents under the tree, put a stocking on our beds, wait for presents, wake up early, open our presents, have a big lunch/dinner, eat a turkey, eat Christmas pudding, go shopping, fold a card, draw a picture, write your message, write your name, get juice on my jacket, get yourself wet, sing Christmas/New Year/birthday songs, look sad/happy/great/nice/pretty/cute/tired/afraid/...do my/your/his/

her/our/their homework, do housework, go to bed/school, read stories/


10. 频率副词:always, usually, often, sometimes。

11. 顺序副词:first, next, then, finally。

12. 时间前介词的用法,如:

(6) "在几点"用at,如:at five o'clock at four forty。

(7) "在上午/下午/晚上"用in,如:in the morning/afternoon/evening

注:in the evening(同义短语)at night

(8) "在某天"用on,如:on Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/

Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday; on Christmas Day, on New

Year's Day, on Children's Day, on Christmas Eve。

(9) "在某天的上午/下午/晚上"用on,如:on Monday morning。

(10) this, every, tomorrow加时间,不用介词,如:this afternoon,

every Tuesday tomorrow evening

13. 常用动词与介词搭配:(1)write an email/a letter to him, send an email/a letter to her, give presents/cards to them,show your new skirt to me。(2)buy presents for us, make cakes for me。

14. 一些常用的日常交际用语:

(1) What/How about you? 你呢?

(2) Really? 真的吗?

(3) I wish I could fly! 我希望我会飞!

(4) Wait a minute. 等一会儿。

(5) Water turns to ice. 水结冰。

(6) You're right/wrong. 你是对的/错的。

(7) Don't worry. 别担心。

(8) Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter comes. 春/夏/秋/冬天来了。

(9) Sure! 当然!

(10) It looks great! 它看起来很棒!

(11) Merry Christmas! 圣诞节快乐!

(12) Happy New Year! 新年快乐!

(13) Happy birthday! 生日快乐!

(14) Here's a card for you. 这儿是一张卡片给你。

(15) This card is for you. 这张卡片是给你的。

(16) What's wrong with him? 他怎么了?

(17) What's the matter with her? 她怎么了?

3、 句型转换

1. I'm a doctor.

否定句:I'm not a doctor.

一般疑问句:Are you a doctor?

肯定回答:Yes, I am. 否定回答:No, I'm not.

划线提问:I'm a doctor.

(1) What do you do?

(2) What are you?

(3) What is your job?

2. My mother is a nurse.

否定句:My mother isn't a nurse.

一般疑问句:Is your mother a nurse?

肯定回答:Yes, she is. 否定回答:No, she isn't.

划线提问:My mother is a nurse.

(1) What does your mother do?

(2) What is your mother?

(3) What is your mother's job?

3. His parents are workers.

否定句:His parents aren't workers.

一般疑问句:Are his parents workers?

肯定回答:Yes, they are. 否定回答:No, they aren't.

划线提问:His parents are workers.

(1) What do his parents do?

(2) What are his parents?

(3) What are his parents' jobs?

4. That man is my father.

否定句:That man isn't my father.

一般疑问句:Is that man your father?

肯定回答:Yes, he is. 否定回答:No, he isn't.

划线提问:(1) That man is my father.

Who is that man?

(2) That man is my father.

Who is your father?

(3) That man is my father.

Which man is your father?

(4) That man is my father.

Whose father is that man?

5. Amy is my e-friend.

否定句:Amy isn't my e-friend.

一般疑问句:Is Amy your e-friend?

肯定回答:Yes, she is. 否定回答:No, she isn't.

划线提问:(1) Amy is my e-friend.

Who is Amy?

(2) Amy is my e-friend?

Who is your e-friend?

(3) Amy is my e-friend.

Whose e-friend is Amy?

6. His name is Peter.

否定句:His name isn't Peter.

一般疑问句:Is his name Peter?

肯定回答:Yes, it is. 否定回答:No, it isn't.

划线提问:His name is Peter.

What is his name?

7. Mike is twelve years old.

否定句:Mike isn't twelve years old.

一般疑问句:Is Mike twelve years old?

肯定回答:Yes, he is. 否定回答:No, he isn't.

划线提问:(1) Mike is twelve years old.

How old is Mike?

(2) Mike is twelve years old.

Who is twelve years old?

8. Helen can speak Chinese.

否定句:Helen can't speak Chinese.

一般疑问句:Can Helen speak Chinese?

肯定回答:Yes, she can. 否定回答:No, she can't.

划线提问:(1) Helen can speak Chinese.

What can Helen do?

(2) Helen can speak Chinese.

What can Helen speak?

(3) Helen can speak Chinese.

Who can speak Chinese?

9. Tom likes Maths.

否定句:Tom doesn't like Maths.

一般疑问句:Does Tom like Maths?

肯定回答:Yes, he does. 否定回答:No, he doesn't.

划线提问:(1) Tom likes Maths.

What subject(s) does Tom like?

(2) Tom likes Maths.

Who likes Maths?

10. Nancy studies Chinese at school.

否定句:Nancy doesn't study Chinese at school.

一般疑问句:Does Nancy study Chinese at school?

肯定回答:Yes, she does. 否定回答:No, she doesn't.

划线提问:(1) Nancy studies Chinese at school.

What does Nancy do at school?

(2) Nancy studies Chinese at school.

What does Nancy study at school?

(3) Nancy studies Chinese at school.

Who studies Chinese at school?

(4) Nancy studies Chinese at school.

Where does Nancy study Chinese?

11. Nancy studies Chinese after school. (划线提问)

When does Nancy study Chinese?

12. Yang Ling likes dancing.

否定句:Yang Ling doesn't like dancing.

一般疑问句:Does Yang Ling like dancing?

肯定回答:Yes, she does. 否定回答:No, she doesn't.

划线提问:(1) Yang Ling likes dancing.

What does Yang Ling like doing?

(2) Yang Ling likes dancing.

Who likes dancing?

13. We always wear warm clothes in winter.

否定句:We don't always wear warm clothes in winter.

一般疑问句:Do you always wear warm clothes in winter?

肯定回答:Yes, we do. 否定回答:No, we don't.

划线提问:(1) We always wear warm clothes in winter.

What do you always do in winter?

(2) We always wear warm clothes in winter.

What do you always wear in winter?

(3) We always wear warm clothes in winter.

When do you always wear warm clothes?

(4) We always wear warm clothes in winter.

Who always wears warm clothes in winter?

14. Fish eat oranges.

否定句:Fish don't eat oranges.

一般疑问句:Do fish eat oranges?

肯定回答:Yes, they do. 否定回答:No, they don't.

划线提问:Fish eat oranges.

What do fish eat?

15. Bobby has some fish.

否定句:Bobby doesn't have any fish.

一般疑问句:Does Bobby have any fish?

肯定回答:Yes, he does. 否定回答:No, he doesn't.

划线提问:(1) Bobby has some fish.

What does Bobby have?

(2) Bobby has some fish.

Who has some fish?

16. We often have dinner with our grandparents at weekends.

否定句:We don't often have dinner with our grandparents at weekends.

一般疑问句:Do you often have dinner with your grandparents at weekends?

肯定回答:Yes, we do. 否定回答:No, we don't.

划线提问:(1) We often have dinner with our grandparents at weekends.

What do you often do at weekends?

(2) We often have dinner with our grandparents at weekends.

When do you often have dinner with your grandparents?

(3) We often have dinner with our grandparents at weekends.

How often do you have dinner with your grandparents at weekends?

17. Tim sometimes flies a kite in the park on Saturdays.

否定句:Tim doesn't sometimes fly a kite in the park on Saturdays.

一般疑问句:Does Tim sometimes fly a kite in the park on Saturdays?

肯定回答:Yes, he does. 否定回答:No, he doesn't.

划线提问:(1) Tim sometimes flies a kite in the park on Saturdays.

What does Tim sometimes do in the park on Saturdays?

(2) Tim sometimes flies a kite in the park on Saturdays.

Where does Tim sometimes fly a kite on Saturdays?

(3) Tim sometimes flies a kite in the park on Saturdays.

When does Tim sometimes fly a kite in the park?

(4) Tim sometimes flies a kite in the park on Saturdays.

How often does Tim fly a kite in the park on Saturdays?

18. People usually buy presents for their family at Christmas.

否定句:People don't usually buy presents for their family at Christmas.

一般疑问句:Do people usually buy presents for their family at Christmas?

肯定回答:Yes, they do. 否定回答:No, they don't.

划线提问:(1) People usually buy presents for their family at Christmas.

What do people usually do at Christmas?

(2) People usually buy presents for their family at Christmas.

When do people usually buy presents for their family?

(3) People usually buy presents for their family at Christmas.

How often do people buy presents for their family at Christmas?

19. Children often put stockings on their beds on Christmas Eve.

否定句:Children don't often put stockings on their beds on Christmas Eve.

一般疑问句:Do children often put stockings on their beds on Christmas Eve?

肯定回答:Yes, they do. 否定回答:No, they don't.

划线提问:(1) Children often put stockings on their beds on Christmas Eve.

What do children often do on Christmas Eve?

(2) Children often put stockings on their beds on Christmas Eve.

Where do children often put stockings on Christmas Eve?

(3) Children often put stockings on their beds on Christmas Eve.

When do children often put stockings on their beds?

(4) Children often put stockings on their beds on Christmas Eve.

How often do children put stockings on their beds on Christmas Eve.

20. Mike always has a big lunch on Christmas Day.

否定句:Mike doesn't always have a big lunch on Christmas Day.

一般疑问句:Does Mike always have a big lunch on Christmas Day?

肯定回答:Yes, he does. 否定回答:No, he doesn't.

划线提问:(1) Mike always has a big lunch on Christmas Day.

What does Mike always do on Christmas Day?

(2) Mike always has a big lunch on Christmas Day.

When does Mike always have a big lunch?

(3) Mike always has a big lunch on Christmas Day.

Who always has a big lunch on Christmas Day?

(4) Mike always has a big lunch on Christmas Day.

How often does Mike have a big lunch on Christmas Day?

21. 同义句。

(1) There isn't a swing in the playground.

There is no swing in the playground.

(2) There isn't any milk in the glass.

There is no milk in the glass.

(3) There aren't any sweets in the box.

There are no sweets in the box.

(4) They don't have any legs or arms.

They have no legs or arms.

(5) Bobby doesn't have any fish.

Bobby has no fish.

(6) Her hobby is making cakes.

She likes making cakes.

(7) He can skate very well.

He is good at skating.

(8) What a cute dog!

How cute the dog is!

(9) What beautiful flowers!

How beautiful the flowers are!

(10) It's time for breakfast.

It's time to have breakfast.

(11) My cousin likes swimming too.

My cousin also likes swimming.

(12) I like running. My brother likes running too.

My brother and I both like running.

(13) I sit behind him.

He sits in front of me.

(14) Her eyes are big.

She has big eyes.

(15) We always have a lot of fun at Christmas.

We always have a good time at Christmas.

(16) What do your parents do?

What are your parents?

What are your parents' jobs?

(17) Who's your e-friend?

What's your e-friend's name?

(18) Billy always eats a lot at weekends.

Billy always eats much at weekends.

(19) I usually buy some presents for my family at Christmas.

I usually buy my family some presents at Christmas.

(20) Let me send an email to my e-friend first.

Let me send my e-friend an email first.

(21) Mr Rose often shows us all the lovely roses.

Mr Rose often shows all the lovely roses to us.

(22) What's wrong with him?

What's the matter with him?



