
被蚂蚁咬了的人和赫耳墨斯(The man bitten by the ant and Hermes)



A philosopher saw a ship wrecked by the sea, and all the sailors and passengers on board were drowned. He complained that God was unfair. For a sinful man, he occasionally took the ship and let all the innocent people on the ship die. While he was thinking deeply, he felt surrounded by a large group of ants. The philosopher was standing by the ant nest. An ant climbed onto his foot and bit him. He immediately trampled them all to death with his feet. Then Hermes came out. He beat the philosopher with a stick and said, "you yourself treat many poor ants like God. How can you be a judge of the way of heaven“

Moral: people should not be critical of others, because they will inevitably make the same mistakes.

丈夫和妻子(Husband and wife)


寓意:事情常常可以由小见大,由表及里。Someone's wife has a very strange temper. She is difficult to get along with everyone in the family. The husband wanted to know whether she and her family were the same, so he found a good excuse to send her back to her family. Just a few days later, she came back. Her husband asked his wife how her family treated her. She replied, "those cattle herders and shepherds don't give me a good face." her husband said to her, "ah, honey, if those shepherds who go out early and return late can't get along well with you, what will the people who live with you all day do to you."

Moral: things can often be seen from small to large, from outside to inside.

惹是生非的人(A troublemaker)



A troublemaker bet that he could prove that Delphi's oracle was a lie. On the appointed day, he held a sparrow in his hand, covered his hands with a wide cloak, and went straight to the temple. When he entered the temple and stood in front of the statue, he asked God, is the thing in my hand alive or dead? In fact, he had already planned in his heart. If God said it was dead, he would take out the live sparrow. If God said it was alive, he would strangle the sparrow in his hand and take it out again. Don't you have to say the result yourself? But his funny thoughts were already seen by God, so God told him that you are a bad fellow, and that what you have in your hands is alive or dead, and you are the one who has the final say, and dare to show off here.

Moral: don't show off your cleverness at will. It's a neglect of people who are really smart and authoritative.

自吹自擂的人(A boaster)



A pentathlon athlete was often criticized by the local public for his lack of courage during the competition, so he had to leave his hometown to make a living. After a period of time, he came back and boasted to everyone that he had achieved many excellent results in various places, especially in Rhode Island, which set such a high long jump record. No matter which Olympic winner could only bow down. He added that those who witnessed the event at that time could testify for him as long as they were present at the moment. At this time, a bystander shouted, "my friend, if you are telling the truth, you don't need any witnesses at all. Just regard this as Rhode Island and jump."

Moral: but you don't have to waste your words to testify by action.




A long time ago, there was a blind man. His tactile nerve was very sensitive. No matter what animal he put in his hand, he could tell what animal it was as long as he touched it gently. Once someone put a wolf's cub in his hand and asked him to guess what animal it was. After repeatedly touching it with his hand for several times, he was still a little unsure. He said, "I guess this animal is not the cub of fox, the cub of wolf, or the cub of other carnivores. I can't be sure. But one thing I'm sure is that we must not put this animal cub in the sheep."

Moral: the nature of bad people may not be able to hide, and they can be noticed through appearance.



