

我们都知道bless(动词)是祝福,如美国奥巴马总统经常在他演讲的最后说的"God bless you all". 当我们使用bless的被动语态的时候,“be blessed”就是和我们中文的“有福气”意思很接近了。

You are so blessed to have a boy and a girl. 有真是有福气啊,有儿有女。

I am blessed to have you as my best friend. 有朋友如你,我真是有福气啊!


1. be blessed with sth/sb(to have something good such as ability, great happiness, etc.):赋有(能力)等,享有(幸福)等

She is blessed with excellent health. 她身体很好,是一种福气。

We are blessed with five lovely grandchildren. 我们很有福气,有5个可爱的孙子孙女。

  1. bless you, him, her, etc.表示满意或者感谢

Sarah, bless her, made me a cup of tea. 真得感谢Sarah, 她给我沏了一杯茶。

  1. bless you.(said to sb after they have sneezed) 这句是用在别人打喷嚏的时候说。


和bless有关的习语有:a blessing in disguise.(something that seems to be a problem at first, but that has good results in the end一些开始看起来是问题,最后却出现好的结果的事情)因祸得福,祸中有福。blessing是名词,in disguise固定表达,伪装的。胡歌主演的电视剧《伪装者》就是disguise的名词,disguiser.

此外,blessing还表示赞同,许可,批准(approval of or permission for sb):

The government gave its blessing to the plans. 政府批准了这些计划。

He went with his parents' blessing. 他是得到父母的同意去的。

最后,blessing还有一个意思:something that is good or helpful. 好事,有益之事。

The lack of traffic is is one of the blessings of country life. 来往车辆少是乡村生活的一大好处。

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