









Frank Abagnale

In the Hollywood blockbuster, Catch Me if You Can, Leonardo DiCaprio plays Frank Abagnale. Abagnale was a precocious teen con man who got away with some of the most outrageous cons in modern history.

Abagnale impersonated an airline pilot, a doctor, and an attorney all before his 21st birthday. He was able to elude authorities for many years before finally being arrested and jailed in Europe. He was ultimately extradited to the United States, he escaped from the airplane onto the tarmac at JFK and was on the lamb shortly before he was arrested while trying to enter Canada.

Abagnale turned his life around and has actually been working with the F.B.I. for almost 40 years and owns a consulting firm.

Victor Lustig

The man who sold the Eiffel Tower. Lustig took advantage of a newspaper article describing the high costs for maintenance for the tower. The tower was built for the 1889 Paris Exposition and was never intended to be a permanent structure.

The city of Paris was struggling to pay for the tower and Lustig saw an opportunity.

He sent official-looking letters to the largest scrap metal dealers in Paris offering them the opportunity to bid on the contract to tear down the tower for scraps. He required that the dealers keep this offer hush-hush as not upset fellow Parisians who didn’t want the tower turned into a pile of scrap metal.

Lustig took the scrap metal dealers to tour the tower in limousines and set up his workspace in the fanciest hotel in Paris.

One of the dealers fell for the con hook, line, and sinker. Andre Poisson. Poisson had even gone so far as to offer Lustig a bribe to make sure that he was the winning bidder. Poisson gave Lustig $70,000 and never saw him again. Poor Poisson was so embarrassed at being conned that he never even went to the authorities to report Lustig.

Lustig ended up in the United States after fleeing Paris. He set up shop as a counterfeiter. He was working with a chemist and making very convincing fake money.

Lustig was ultimately caught when his girlfriend called in an anonymous tip after discovering that he was cheating on her.


1. blockbuster:非常成功的书(或电影)

2. precocious:早熟的

3. con:骗局

4. outrageous:骇人的;反常的;令人惊讶的

5. impersonate:冒充

6. attorney:律师

7. elude:躲避

8. jail:监禁

9. extradit:引渡

10. tarmac:停机坪

11. permanent:永久的

12. scrap:碎片;废料

13. limousine:豪华轿车

14. hook:诱饵

15. flee:逃跑

16. counterfeiter:伪造者

17. ultimately:最终

18. anonymous:匿名的




1. What is the rough margin (in days) between a solar year and a lunar one?

2. What is the key to the exact division of of years by days and months?

3. How many days is there in a leap year?

4. How can the surplus of the solar over the lunar year be rectified in a lunar calendar?

5. What was the Egyptians’ formula for the solar year?







