
#头条创作挑战赛#He claimed he would begin to lay out employees right off the bat. 他声称他将立即开始裁员,我来为大家讲解一下关于英语中的高级表达?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!




right off the bat 马上;立刻

He claimed he would begin to lay out employees right off the bat. 他声称他将立即开始裁员。


  1. right away
  2. at once
  3. in a flash
  4. in the blink of an eye
  5. at the drop of a hat
do sth off sb's own bat 自觉主动做某事

Some handed in their resignation letters off their own bat. 有些人主动递交了辞职信。

drop the ball 失误,犯错 ==== carry the ball 承担责任
  1. He has dropped the ball on the negotiation with potential suppliers. 他把跟潜在供应商的谈判搞砸了。
  2. Now it's your time to carry the ball for winning back the confidence of our suppliers. 现在轮到你承担起赢回供应商信心的责任了。
weep/cry buckets 大哭 == burst into tears 突然大哭 === burst into laughter 突然大笑
  1. She burst into laughter. 她突然大笑。
  2. He burst into bears. 他突然大哭了起来。
  3. The movie is so touching that I can't help crying bucket. 电影太让人感动了以至于我都忍不住落泪。
hit the big time 出名;走红 == hit (it) big 十分成功
  1. She hit the big time with the picture. 她因一张照片而走红。
  2. His concert hit it big. 他的演唱会很成功。
hit the mark 达成目标 === miss the mark 没达成目标
  1. He hit the mark and got his driver's license. 他达成了目标,拿到了驾照。
  2. She missed the mark and failed the English exam. 她没有达成目标,英语考试不及格。
hit the ground running 雷厉风行; 一举成功

We need a leader who can hit the ground running and lead the company out of the woods. 我们需要一位可以立刻开始行动,带领公司脱离困境的领导者。

burn sb's bridges == burn sb's boats 破釜沉舟

Do you have the courage to burn your boats? 你拥有破釜沉舟的勇气吗?

float sb's boat 为某人所喜欢

Sorry, your ideas don't float my boat. 对不起,你的创意我不喜欢。

miss the boat 错失良机

I don't want to miss the boat again. 我不想再失良机。

rock the boat 添麻烦

Try not to rock the boat during the election. 选举期间,尽量不要惹是生非。


