





access 既是名词又是动词。作名词是不可数名词,作动词是及物动词。基本含义是进入某个地点的“入口,通道”,引申含义是“接近或取得......的方法,手段或权利” 。


1) access: 通向...的入口/路径 (不可数名词)

例如:This is the only means of access to the village.这是进入这个村子的唯一入口。

例如:The temple is famous, but very difficult of access.那个寺庙很有名,但(去的路)很不好走。

2)access:(接近某人、某事物的)机会或权利 (不可数名词)

例如:I demanded access to a telephone.我要求有权使用电话。

Only high officials have access to the president.只有高级官员才可以接近总统。

Having access to a good library is really important for a student. 能有一个好的图书馆用对一个学生来说很重要。



例句:These files are supposed to be accessed every day so that they are always up to date.这些文档要每日存取,这样才能不断更新。


1))have access to,表示“使用;接近;可以利用”的含义。

例句:The only way to have access to the bosses is to appear to be a customer.想要接近这些老板,唯一的途径就是以顾客的身份出现。

The country has no access to foreign loans or financial aid. 该国得不到任何外国的贷款或经济援助。

2)access to 通路,接近;机会或权利

Access to employees’ records is restricted. 查看雇员档案的权利是受到限制的。

Students need easy access to books. 学生们需要方便地借阅图书。

We finally found the access to the mountain village. 我们终于找到了通往山村的路。

3)be easy(difficult / hard) of access 容易(难)进入/接近;

This place is easy of access. 这地方四通八达。

That village is difficult of access. 那个村子的路很难走。

4)get access to,表示“ 获得;接近;可以使用”的含义。

例句:It depends on where you are and what you can get access to.这取决于你所在的位置以及你可以使用的网络。

5)market access,表示“市场准入;进入市场;开放市场”的含义。

例句:The European Union needs to reduce barriers to market access.欧洲联盟必须减少市场准入方面的壁垒。

6)data access,表示“ 数据存取”的含义。

例句:If your data access code catches an exception, do not ignore it.如果数据访问代码捕获了一个异常,不要忽略它。

7)network access,表示“网络接入;网络访问”的含义。

例句:Network access is typically controlled by a firewall or a router.数据库访问通常由防火墙或路由器控制。

8)free access,表示“自由访问;自由存取;自由入口”的含义。

例句:I want free access to your innovations, but I want exclusive control.我想无偿使用你的创造,但又想要专有权。

9) access control ,表示“访问控制”的含义。

例句:All access control decisions rest with the administrator.所有访问控制决策取决于管理员。


1) 这三个词都有“方法”的意思,但有差别。

access 是(接近或进入)某地的方法;



如:The only access to the farm house is across the field. 进入这个农舍的唯一方法就是穿过这片田地。

Have you found the correct approach to subject? 你找到了解决这一问题的正确方法了吗?

He likes taking his own way. 他喜欢采用自己的方式行事。

此外,这三个词都可接to: access to(通路,方法,机会或权利); approach to (通路,方法,态度);way to(通路,方法,机会或权利)。

但access to和approach to 中的to 是介词,后接名词或动名词;way to 中的to既是介词又是不定式的符号,当way作“通路”解时,to 是介词;后接名词或动名词;当way作“方法”解时,to是不定的符号,后接动词原形。

如: Students must have access to good library.学生要有用好图书馆的权利。

Years later his son Charles recalled his father’s approach to money. 几年之后, 他的儿子查尔斯回忆起他的父亲对待钱的态度。

The teacher has a strange way to make his classes lively and interesting. 这位老师有种奇特的方法,能让他的课上得生动有趣。

He asked me the way to the station. 他问我去火车站的路。



Every student has free access to the library.


People in that mountain area had no access to education.

3) 到河边去的唯一通道就是穿过田野。

The only access to the river is across the fields.

4)填空:The home is situated within______ _______ of shops and other facilities.

(房子位置便利,距离商店及其他设施都不远。)The home is situated within easy access of shops and other facilities.

5)We will be exploring different_____________ to gathering information.

我们将探索收集信息的不同方法。We will be exploring different approaches to gathering information.

6) Everyone has _____ ______ the same information.

每个人都能得到同样的资讯。Everyone has access to the same information.



fun是不可数名词,其前不能用a/an修饰,本身也没有复数形式。不能用very修饰,但可用great, much, a lot of,more等修饰。一般有三个意思:a.玩笑,嬉戏;b.娱乐,乐趣;c. 有趣的人或事

如:a. He is full of fun. 他很爱开玩笑。

b. What fun ! 真有趣!

It is more fun to go with someone than to go alone. 偕伴同去比自己独自去好玩。

We had lots of fun at the picnic. 在这次野餐中,我们玩的很开心。

The play at the theatre was very poor fun . 剧场里上演的那台戏太没意思了。

It’s not much fun going to the party alone. 独自一人去参加聚会没什么意思。

She’s great fun to be with. 同她在一起很有意思。

Why don’t you come with us? It’ll be great fun. 干吗不同我们一起去呢?很有趣的。

c. Swimming in the sea is great fun on holiday. 在海里游泳是假期里一大乐事。

Halloween is great fun for children today. 如今,万圣节给孩子们带来很大的乐趣。


1)make fun of (习语)取笑某人

例如: It’s wrong to make fun of a cripple. 嘲笑残疾人是不对的。

2)have fun 玩得高兴,过的快活。后面常接 (in)doing sth.

We had great fun ( in )comparing our baby pictures. 我们比较宝宝的照片觉得很有趣。

3)there is fun (in)doing sth. 做某事很开心

There’s no fun in spending the sunday doing nothing. 这个星期日无事可干,很无聊。

There's no fun in spending the whole evening playing cards. 整个晚上打扑克牌没有意思。

4) 注意for fun(为了高兴,为了好玩)与in fun(不是当真的,闹着玩的,开玩笑地)意思不同。请比较:

I am not saying it for fun. 我说这话并不是在开玩笑。

He said so only in fun. 他这样说只是开开玩笑。

5) It’s fun后接不定式或动名词均可,意思基本相同。如:

It’s great fun sailing a boat.= It’s great fun to sail a boat. 扬帆驾舟十分有趣。

6)for fun of it 闹着玩儿

I’m learning to cook, just for fun of it . 我正在学做饭,做着玩儿而已。

三、fun 与funny 用法辨析

1) fun是名词;funny是形容词。

a funny party一次有趣的聚会(形容词做定语);

a fun story 一个有趣的故事(名词作定语/也有词典认为是形容词);


如:He is one of the funniest people I’ve ever known. 他是我所见到过的最滑稽可笑的人。

My sister is a fun person. 我妹妹是一个有趣的人。

2)funny 还有其他的意思,有的含有贬义:

a)有病的,不舒服的: she felt a bit funny . 她觉得有点不舒服。

b) 失常的,不诚实的:There is something funny about the cellphone, it won’t work. 这部手机有点失常,打不通。

c)奇怪的,难以理解的:Her behavior was rather funny. 她的行为颇为古怪。


d) 狡猾的,捣乱的: He told his pupils not to try anything funny. 他告诉他的学生不要捣乱。


如:How fun it is! 多有趣呀!(从娱乐方面来说) How funny it is! . 真滑稽!




This funny idea is puzzling。


There is something funny about the matter.

3) 他是一个有趣的人,他总是给别人带来乐趣。

He is a funny man , but he always gives others much fun.


Skating is great/good fun.


Mike is great fun, we all enjoy being with him.


We have a lot of fun today.


It’s fun to go to work every day. = It’s fun going to work every day.

8)改错:it’s a fun thing. But she put the book on the table five minutes ago and now it can’t be found. (a fun →fun)




The movie impressed me deeply.那部影片给我留下了深刻的印象.

His sincerity impressed her. 他的真诚打动了她。

He impressed her with his sincerity. 他的真诚打动了她。

The play impressed its spectators with its sense of humor.这部戏以其幽默的的风格给观众们留下了深刻的印象。

She was deeply impressed by/with the scenery in Guilin.桂林的景色给她留下了深刻的印象.

It impressed me that she remembered my name .令我佩服的是她还记得我的名字。

They tried to impress a design on the table - cloth. 他们试图在桌布上印一个图案。

Please impress what you see on your mind.请把你见到的牢记在心.

She impressed (it)on me that I must come home early.他让我记住一定早点回家。



Time has left its impress upon him. 时代给他留下了痕迹。

The suspect's shoes left impresses in the snow. 嫌疑犯的鞋子在雪地里留下了压印。

Their honesty and hospitality leave an indelible impress on her life.他们的诚实与好客给她一生留下了难以磨灭的印象。

We should first know the impress of one's personality. 我们要首先掌握一个人的性格特征。

3)impression(动词 impress的名词形式 )

I got the impression that she ‘d like to have a word with you. 我觉得她可能想跟你谈一谈。

4)impressive (impress的形容词形式) 给人印象深刻的

The church mentioned in the text is an impressive building.课文中提到的教堂给人留下了深刻的印象。


1)fail to impress 让人叹为观止

The Great Canyon never fails to impress. 大峡谷永远让人叹为观止。

2) impress sb. with sth. 某人/物给某人留下……印象

例如:The girl with cancer has impressed her doctors with her courage and determination.那个身患癌症的女孩的勇气和决心给医生们留下了深刻印象。

3))be impressed with 对…… 印象很深;be impressed by 被……所感动;对…… 印象很深;令人佩服;

例如:He will be impressed with our 20th century way of life. 他会对我们20世纪的生活方式印象深刻。

I was greatly impressed by the headmaster‘s speech. 我被校长的话深深的感动了.

I was quite impressed by the facilities at the new school. 那所学校的设备令我印象深刻。

I was quite impressed by your typing ability. 你的打字能力令我十分佩服。

4)impress sth on / upon sb.= impress on sb. sth. 使某人铭记某物

例如:Mother impressed the importance of working hard on me .母亲使我铭记努力工作的重要性。

5)impress on sb. sth. … 使某人牢记某事

My father impressed on me the value of hard word. 我父亲叫我牢记勤奋工作的价值.

6) be impressed on one’s mind/memory ……被印在脑海里

例如:The old woman's words were deeply impressed on my memory. 老妇人的话深深印在我的记忆中。

7) impress sb as...给某人留下......的印象

例如:She impressed me as being very rude. 她给我的印象是很粗鲁。


have impression of 有……的印象

He had a vague impression of rain pounding on the hard-packed earth.他隐约的记得雨点打在坚实的地面上的情景。

leave …… impression on sb. 给某人留下了…… 印象

Her words left a lasting impression on me .他的话给我留下了难忘的印象。

The experience made an indelible impression on me. 那次经历使我难以忘怀。


1)give a bad/good impression to sb.;make a good/bad impression on sb. 给某人留下了好/坏的印象

Mary’s self-introduction gave a good impression to me. Mary’s self-introduction made a good impression on me.玛丽的自我介绍给我留下了良好的印象。

2)under the impression of / that原以为是……

I’m sorry. I was under the impression that you were general manager of your company. 对不起,我原以为你是你们公司的总经理。

三、affect, influence, impress等辨析:

1)这些动词均含“影响”之意。 affect作主语通常是物而不是人,指一物对另一物产生的消极影响。

如:The amount of rain affects the growth of crops. 雨量影响作物的生长。


如:Mr. Smith is a man of influence in this town. 史密斯先生是这个镇上有权势的人物。


如:I was very impressed by his story. 他的故事深深打动了我。

2)impress sth. with与 impress sth. on两个都有“留下印象;使……明白重要性”的意思。

区别在于with后面接something; on后面接somebody。

如:1)The girl impressed her friend with her sense of humor. 这个女孩的幽默感给她的朋友留下了深刻的印象。

2)He impressed the importance of their work on them.他使得他们铭记住这项工作的重要性。

3)be impressed by和 be impressed with:都有“对......留下了深刻的印象;被……所感动”。

例如:I was very impressed with their craftmanship.他们的工艺给我留下了深刻印象.

I believe the audiences will be deeply impressed by the story and scenery.我相信这部影片的情节和场面一定会给观众留下深刻印象。

by 和with 起的作用基本相同,表述的是被打动的理由,而by更强调这个理由, with弱一点。一般来说,with和by后面都可接something。



1) Deeply _____________(impress) by its beauty, I fell love with Guilin.

2) I was impressed ________the beauty of Zhangjiajie. (with, at , of, on )

3) Hangzhou is such an ___________ city that it often makes a strong ________ on visitors and its sights never fail to _______ foreign tourists. (impress)


a.使我印象深刻的是她的勇气;b.这个场景给我留下深刻印象;c. 上海留给她好的印象


答案:1)impressed 2)with 3) impressive; impression; impress 4)a.What impressed me most is her courage.;b.The scene impressed me ;c. Shanghai left/made her a good impression; Shanghai left/made a good impression on her; Shanghai gave a good impression to her.; d. We were impressed with /by his courage. (He impressed us with his courage.)


