
If we just take the time to observe it, nature provides us with a fascinating spectacle. Over time, the inhabitants of our planet have woven complex relationships of collaboration, symbiosis, dependence and predation.,我来为大家讲解一下关于地球经常会发现什么事?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



If we just take the time to observe it, nature provides us with a fascinating spectacle. Over time, the inhabitants of our planet have woven complex relationships of collaboration, symbiosis, dependence and predation.


Earth is the planet of life. Running, crawling or flying, life abounds everywhere.


But for all this beautiful diversity to have proliferated, Earth has had to provide a favourable environment for around four billion years. What, then, were the conditions which enabled the blooming of life on Earth?


And could these conditions be present elsewhere, resulting in alternative ecosystems? In an attempt to answer these questions, scientists scour the cosmos for signs of life.


They've built giant telescopes with which to probe the universe and listen to the whispering of the stars. But space has remained resolutely silent.


Scientists have sent probes to the very edges of our Solar System. But all they have sent back have been images of planets inimical to life.


Over the last 25 years, however, astronomers have discovered thousands of incredibly diverse planets, in our galaxy alone. So many strange worlds, with no sign of life.


Not one other planet similar to our own. So could it be that Earth really is unique?


In this programme, scientists will tell the fascinating story of how Earth developed, how this ball of ice and dust became the planet of life. In their laboratories or out on the ground, they continue their research into the extraordinary circumstances which allowed life to appear and eventually transform this planet.


We're trying to understand, with all the possible outcomes, what it was that made the uniqueness of our system. It seems like Earth's climate fixed itself to always be favourable to life.


That's amazing. Each will explain the incredible saga from the viewpoint of their own discipline.


From the birth of our planet to today's ecosystems, it's a story punctuated by an incredible succession of lucky accidents. There's the analogy with the lottery.


The probability of winning is tiny. So in the game of planetary formation, forming a solar system with our Earth is like winning the lottery.


Scientists are only now fitting together all the various chapters of this turbulent history, our history, that of a succession of helpful nudges, lucky chances and beneficial cataclysms. Without a helping hand from Jupiter and Saturn, without the Moon, without hurtling comets, without the power of volcanoes, without the genius of certain microorganisms?


We would not be here. It's possible that life is a one-off, existing nowhere else, that only our planet has all the conditions necessary for life as we know it.


In that sense, Earth is probably unique. Although we may detect some life elsewhere, it will necessarily be completely different.


It was this mind-blowing series of improbable events that made Earth the possibly unique life-bearing planet it now is. The idea that Earth may indeed be unique could have been spawned by this famous photo taken on the Apollo 8 mission in 1968.


It changed our way of looking at Earth. There is our planet, floating like an oasis in the magnificent emptiness of space.


For the first time, there we all were — bacteria, mammals, insects and plants — on the same photo. Our planet… a unique ecosystem.


And even today, this photo hints that Earth, veiled with clouds and enveloped in its thin atmosphere, could be alone in the universe. The first reason Earth was able to become this welcoming blue sphere is because it's at just the right distance from the Sun, in a narrow zone not too hot and not too cold, where the temperatures are compatible with liquid water and life.


But planetologists have discovered that Earth's very presence in this Goldilocks zone is itself due to an amazing stroke of luck. When the Solar System was still young, this zone came close to being taken over by the planet Jupiter.


So how was Earth able to form here? Research into the answer to this puzzle has been carried out at Nice observatory.


Alessandro Morbidelli has written a new account of the birth of our Solar System. Working on the origin of planetary systems is like being a detective.

亚历山德罗·莫比德利(Alessandro Morbidelli)写了一本关于太阳系诞生的新书。研究行星系统的起源就像做一名侦探。

You arrive at the crime scene, and use the clues to try to work out what happened. From our Solar System as it is, we try to reconstruct how it formed and developed.


When we come up with a scenario, we get a shiver of excitement, thinking that maybe we've got close to what actually happened. Planetologists start from the present position of the planets, attempting to hypothesise a scenario of the Solar System's formation with the help of computer simulations.


Our Solar System, like all planetary systems, formed from a cloud of gas and dust that surrounded the young Sun 4.5 billion years ago. But our Solar System seems to have a very different structure from the majority of planetary systems discovered over the last few years.


We now think that our Solar System is pretty magic! A lot of chance events had to happen for it to be as it is.


This suggests that our Solar System isn't a typical planetary system, but a relatively rare one. When we look at planets around other stars, we see that planets of a similar mass to Jupiter are found in Earth's spot.


This is important. If Jupiter was in this spot, Earth wouldn't be here.


The discovery, outside our Solar System, of giant planets similar to Jupiter but much closer to their star, posed a serious puzzle for astronomers, because giant planets of that kind cannot form in such zones. Planets form in a disc of gas and dust that surrounds the young star.


The giant planets form far out, where it's cold, where there's ice, which lets these planets grow to a huge size. Like a snowball rolling down a snowy hill, the planet grows ever bigger as it gathers to itself all the dust in its path.


When a planet gets big enough, when it acquires enough mass, it migrates inwards towards the star. Understanding this phenomenon was a real revolution.


Planetary migration explains why the majority of giant planets discovered elsewhere in the galaxy don't stay in their distant orbits. As they form, they spiral inwards towards their star.


But in that case, why didn't our own giant, Jupiter, migrate closer to the Sun? Why did it stop just in time, leaving the space free for the future Earth?


Saturn is very important. This is a giant planet too, and as we've studied the dynamic between Jupiter and Saturn, we've realised that Saturn was able to stop Jupiter's migration and even reverse it.


So, Jupiter started migrating to the Sun, but when Saturn appeared there was a complicated gravitational effect which reversed the migration, and the planets moved further from the Sun. Thanks to Saturn, the giant planet Jupiter changed trajectory.


It left the inner zone of the Solar System. And it was this change of course that saved Earth's future.


Without the intervention of Saturn, Jupiter would have ended up in the zone where Earth now is. Earth would never have formed, and we would not be here.


Our planet was luckier than its future neighbour, Mars. Because on its migration Jupiter passed through the zone where Mars was forming.


The giant planet swallowed up a lot of the material available, leaving only crumbs for Mars. Our neighbour would end up with one tenth the mass of Earth, which in turn reduced its possibility of maintaining an atmosphere favourable to life.


We're understanding how planetary migration totally changes how the planets get distributed, their size, their position in space… And the collisions between these objects, before they stabilise as planets, make the system develop in its own particular way.


Narrowly saved by Saturn, our planet could keep on growing. And being just the right distance from the Sun, meant that it would later have liquid water on its surface.


And yet, 4.5 billion years ago our planet was completely dry. It formed in the rocky zone of the Solar System, gathering up dust with barely any water content.


So where did this water, which would later give us our oceans, come from? After initially endangering our young Earth, Jupiter would give it a helping hand.


We think that the formation, the growth and the migration of Jupiter let these bodies which formed far out in the Solar System, cold bodies with water, be sent towards the inner zone, where they crashed into the still forming Earth, contributing their elements to it. These bodies, asteroids and comets, enriched the chaotic ball of matter which Earth then was with water.


But as our planet started to solidify, the water molecules remained trapped under the surface, in the magma. Yet an essential mechanism for our planet's future was already in place and starting to bring some of that water to the surface.


It's a mechanism that's still very active today. These volcanoes, these mountains of fire, have been helping to bring water to the surface from the very beginning.


In Earth's youth, there was a lot more volcanic activity than today. When you first think about a volcano, you think of lava, danger and life-threatening eruptions.


But volcanoes were essential for life as we know it.?It's the destruction of San Juan village, by the volcano Parícutin in 1944.


The people had to move away. It was a real catastrophe.


The artist has made the volcano quite small, yet the whole region was devastated. Yes, it appeared from nowhere in a cornfield.


No one could have expected it. When the village was destroyed it was still quite small.


Volcanoes aren't inimical to life. On the contrary, they were necessary for life to develop throughout Earth's existence.


Are such explosions common? They happen… not that often.


I've been here six years, and I've seen four or five. With an explosion like that, ash may fall on surrounding villages.


What's the gas made of? It's 95% water vapour.


In all volcanoes around the world, it's mostly water vapour. The water vapour spat out by the volcanoes allowed the water trapped in the Earth's bowels to make its way to the surface.


This has always been an essential mechanism for keeping our planet hydrated and alive. 4.4 billion years ago, thanks to the volcanoes, Earth's sky changed, filling with clouds.


Diluvian rain started to lash the surface, it rained for millions of years, and the first oceans formed. Yet barely had they appeared than they could have just as quickly evaporated.


The difficult bit is having liquid water. You don't just need H2O, you need enough atmospheric pressure.


An atmosphere. On the Moon there's no atmosphere, so there's never been any liquid water.


If Earth's atmosphere hadn't been dense enough, the water would have evaporated into space in the form of vapour. Fortunately, the gas produced in abundance by the volcanoes maintained enough of an atmospheric pressure for Earth to be able to hold on to its early oceans.


But the oceans of the young Earth soon faced another danger, that of freezing over. The Sun was still weak, 30% less bright than it is now.


Earth therefore needed a greenhouse effect to keep its surface warm enough and its water in a liquid state. This greenhouse effect appeared very early on in Earth's history, thanks to the water vapour and CO2 abundantly present in the atmosphere.


Today, of course, we know that CO2, increased by human activity, is a bad thing. Too much isn't good.


But we needed some back then. And still do.


If there wasn't a bit in the atmosphere, the surface temperature would be 15 degrees colder. And back then, with the Sun younger and less bright, it would have been much colder.


Earth would have been frozen, about minus 60 degrees, so not favourable to life. The volcanoes were yet again contributing to making Earth habitable.


In their exhalations they were constantly spewing out huge quantities of CO2 along with the water vapour. The CO2 spat out by the volcanoes accumulated, the greenhouse effect increased, the ice melted and the oceans thawed.


We think this happened 400 to 500 million years ago. We call this period Snowball Earth.


Earth emerged from it like that. The greenhouse effect increased, and we got back a climate with liquid water, favourable to life.


But with the constant eruptions, the CO2 from the volcanoes was steadily accumulating in the young Earth's atmosphere. The greenhouse effect could have got out of control, turning our planet into a furnace.


Fortunately, there was a safety valve. CO2 can dissolve in water.


Over millions of years, it is trapped in calcareous formations, and no longer acts as a greenhouse gas. It remains trapped, inert, at the bottom of the ocean, in mineral form.


The quantity of CO2 in the atmosphere, then, varies depending on the amount of liquid water on Earth's surface. Over very long timescales, this mechanism regulates our planet's climate.


A fascinating thing about Earth, which may make it unique, is that all through its very long existence, all four and a half billion years, variations in the luminosity of the Sun have been compensated for by a variable greenhouse effect. It's like a sort of geophysical thermostat keeping the Earth always inhabitable, with oceans on the surface.


But this thermostat needed one more tweak to get it working perfectly and make our planet truly favourable to life. Over hundreds of millions of years, all the CO2 in the atmosphere could have ended up trapped in the form of calcareous rock at the bottom of the ocean.


There wouldn't have been enough in circulation to keep the thermostat going and it would have broken down. A mechanism possibly unique to our planet allowed for the reinjection of CO2 into the atmosphere: plate tectonics.


You have to realise that the Earth has a sort of crust of cold and solid rock. Inside, there's warmer rock, the mantle, which changes shape.


This is softer. So you might imagine that the crust forms a solid, complete shell, like an eggshell around a softer inside.


But that's not right. The movements of the shifting rock on the inside were powerful enough to rub up against the crust and crack it in places.


The Earth's crust is fragmented into ten plates, which are displaced by the movements of the mantle. Where the plates come together, they crunch over each other, dragging the rocks that were at the bottom of the ocean deep into the bowels of the Earth.


Thus does the CO2 recycling begin. Under the enormous pressure and heat, the rocks melt, and the magma is spewed back out onto the surface, taking the CO2 with it.


The CO2 escapes in gas form during volcanic eruptions. Finally back in the atmosphere, the CO2 may or may not be captured again by the oceans, depending on climatic conditions.


The circle is complete. It's a very particular geophysical thermostat, which we think has really controlled the climatic conditions on Earth and made life possible.


If you changed the plate tectonics just a little, having slightly more or fewer than ten plates, the recycling and CO2 concentration would have been different, and the biosphere would have evolved differently. And this begs another important question.


This plate tectonics, which seems to be the key, the key to life on Earth… Is plate tectonics something really common in the rest of the galaxy, or something unique or very rare?


In the Solar System, you don't find it anywhere else. Plate tectonics may be the factor which Earth's neighbouring planets lacked for life to appear and survive there.


Yet one of the Solar System's other rocky planets did get off to a good start. Early in its history, with volcanoes, CO2 and water, Mars enjoyed an environment similar to Earth's.


So there was an environment. Imagine a blue Mars with lakes and rivers.


Some think there was an ocean in the northern hemisphere. So it was an environment favourable to life.


All would seem to have been set up, then, for the planet to function in a similar fashion. The current state of the red planet, however, clearly shows that something went wrong.


Mars cooled down much faster. Since Mars is half the size of Earth, it's a bit like comparing a huge pot of hot water to a cup of tea.


The big pot cools slower than the cup of tea, which is Mars. The inside cooled faster.


So there was no chance, as we understand it, for plate tectonics to arise. There was no recycling that could maintain a climate favourable to oceans for billions of years.


Mars had hundreds of millions of years. And thereafter it became a very sterile planet.


Mars's tragedy is that it is too small, and fell into a deadly spiral. Because of its smaller mass, there was insufficient gravity to hold on to its atmosphere, the drop in atmospheric pressure was inexorable, and the solar wind swept it all away.


Some of the water evaporated, the rest froze. Blue Mars became red Mars, a victim of its own small size.


So you think, Earth is just the right size! So why is there no plate tectonics on Venus, which is the same size as Earth?


Why is that? Unlike Earth, Venus has hardly any water.


The water's all gone, and the mantle is very dry, not very lubricated. It can't move much or displace any plates on the surface.


So Venus has a sort of unbroken shell all around the planet. It doesn't have the mechanism that Earth has.


So it's not just important to be the right size, but to have water in the mantle. Earth has enough water to lubricate its plate tectonics.


Venus doesn't. And yet the two planets were formed from the same materials.


One very special event during the Earth's youth could have hydrated its depths. This is the idea.


For the mantle to have got sufficiently hydrated, sufficiently "lubricated", early in its existence Earth suffered a huge cataclysm. We think that the young Earth was struck by another planet the size of Mars, which we call Theia.


A few tens of millions of years after its birth, Earth suffered a cataclysm which almost destroyed it outright. The chaos of the Solar System's origins still reigned.


Imagine, around Earth, hundreds of moons or dozens of the planet Mars. Colliding repeatedly, these objects grow and form planets.


Suddenly, an object the size of Mars comes towards our Earth, and crashes into the surface at a speed something like 15 kilometres per second. Theia crashed into Earth.


The energy released by this enormous collision was equivalent to hundreds of billions of hydrogen bombs. The impact is so violent that the impacting object is destroyed.


The surface of the Earth is completely liquefied, and the core of the impacting body penetrates the Earth's mantle, becoming part of the Earth's core. We think the Earth's core fused with that of the impacting body.


The collision was so violent that the water contained in Theia was driven deep into Earth's core, mixing with the water already present there. In this way, Theia hydrated the depths of Earth's mantle, making it possible later for the plate tectonics system to function.


It's speculative, but if it's right it's impressive. It shows us that for life to have existed on Earth all this time we needed that chance impact very early in Earth's history, to hydrate the mantle, maintain its lubrication, and have this phenomenon, this geophysical thermostat, all throughout the planet's existence.


This seeming catastrophe would end up being beneficial in another way, as Earth gained a new companion, which would play a major role in the blossoming of our ecosystem. Out of the cloud of debris resulting from the collision, a new body would gradually form.


The Moon. The Earth-Moon system is unique in the Solar System and, as far as we now, in the galaxy.


It's a very particular system where both objects are large objects. This is why certain astronomers talk of a "double planet".


Barely had it come into existence, then the Moon was already exerting a powerful influence on the Earth because of its considerable size. The history of the Earth-Moon relationship has been studied very closely, thanks to the Apollo missions.


The Apollo missions placed reflectors on the Moon's surface. These reflectors are used today to reflect back laser beams emitted from Earth, such as this one behind me.


There's a regular emission from here, the Calern plateau in France. Today, many observatories around the world, like this one in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, monitor the Moon closely.


Every night, scientists use a laser beam to make a precise measurement of its distance from Earth. These are important experiments because we can measure how long it takes the laser beam to go to the Moon and back.


So we can measure, in real time, the distance to the Moon. One major finding, which we sort of knew before but are now sure of, is that the Moon is moving away.


It's moving away at a speed of 3 or 4 centimetres per year. These measurements have shown that, when it formed, the Moon was much closer to the Earth than it is today.


Soon after the Moon formed, if anyone had been here to see the Moon, it would have been gigantic in the sky because it was so close. Now it's 380,000 km from Earth.


But 4 billion years ago we think it was only 15,000 km distant. The proximity of the Moon had a first consequence of creating bigger tides and therefore maybe stimulating biological evolution.


The tides caused by the Moon churned up the oceans and contributed to the dynamism of our ecosystem. The mutual attraction between the two bodies also had a crucial effect on Earth's rotational axis.


The effect wasn't just the tides, it was much more. It stabilised the famous tilt, the angle of 23 degrees by which Earth's axis is tilted in relation to its trajectory around the Sun.


And this angle has stayed constant for billions of years. If the Moon hadn't been there, Earth's rotational axis would have oscillated, causing rapid changes in the climate.


This could have had huge consequences on evolution. With rapidly alternating periods of glaciation and warming, for example.


The Moon helped the Earth maintain a climate stable enough for the slow and gradual evolution of life. Without the Moon, the Earth would have been faced with the same upheavals as its neighbour Mars.


The moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos, are so small that they play no stabilising role on the rotational axis. There have been very big variations in the rotational axis of Mars.


What's more, this rotational axis has moved all around the surface of Mars. Mars became a desert; Earth, a garden of Eden.


The present Earth-Moon system is the result of a long series of accidents, making the Earth and Moon a unique couple. Earth now had a stable climate, an atmosphere and liquid water.


Surely everything was perfectly set up for life to appear and evolve. But Earth still lacked the basic ingredients of life: organic molecules.


All living things on Earth are made of the same building blocks: long carbon-based molecules. Scientists now think that a large proportion of these molecules came from outside planet Earth.


The organic molecules, the basic elements necessary for life, are found in space. They're in meteorites.


Some are 60% organic material, which is huge. And a lot fell to Earth.


The original organic molecules, which may have sown the seeds of life on Earth were present in the distant cold zone of the solar system. But how did these building blocks of life travel to our planet?


The Rosetta mission, the first to ever attempt landing a module on a comet, shed some light on this mystery. Jean-Pierre Bipring was one of the scientists behind this audacious mission.

罗塞塔任务是首次尝试在彗星上着陆太空舱,这为解开这个谜团提供了一些线索。让-皮埃尔·比普林(Jean-Pierre Bipring)是推动这项大胆任务背后的科学家之一。

This is what we saw on 14th July 2014. When we got this, we thought: "We can't land on that, it's not feasible."


This is tiny. The whole thing is only four kilometres. And it's revolving around an awkward axis.


We thought we'd never find a spot to set down on, it was crazy. A few months later, the probe Philae managed despite all the difficulties to touch down on the comet Chury.


Here you see Philae's leg, an object made just a few years ago, and here, the oldest object in the Solar System, the same as when it formed 4.6 billion years ago. It was the first time, and it won't happen again soon, that we set something down on a comet.


With the first analyses, the scientists realised that comets are very different from what they had supposed. There's no water on this comet's surface.


There isn't an ounce of ice. We thought it'd be mostly ice, with a few molecules.


Not at all. All we see here is organic material.


Thanks to the Rosetta mission, scientists discovered that comets are abundant in the building blocks of life. Up until then, they had thought that only asteroids, little rocky bodies, were thus endowed.


Since the birth of the Solar System, comets and asteroids have gravitated in the colder regions, where they capture and store these original organic molecules. Then these comets and asteroids, veritable messengers of life, transport these molecules into the inner zones of the Solar System.


As they pass close to a planet, they disseminate these building blocks onto the surface, providing it with the wherewithal for life. Scientists are keen to undertake laboratory analysis of organic molecules similar to those which fell into Earth's oceans.


This was the aim of the Hayabusa2 mission, launched by the Japanese space agency: to bring back to Earth a few fragments of this original organic matter. The sample was collected in July 2019,300 million kilometres from Earth.


The mission was a success. This is the moment when it touched down.


You see the leg touching down. It's mind-blowing.


Then you see it take off again. The principle for taking samples is for it not to linger.


It touches down, fires a bullet, and leaves again with the debris. It takes a few seconds.


And it all happens very far from Earth, of course. It's completely mind-blowing.


We hope that in the sample there's carbonaceous material, from which, we think, life on Earth began. The probe is bringing back a tenth of a gram of these precious building blocks of life, similar to those which landed on the planets of our Solar System some four billion years ago.


From this material, we want to find out what the initial ingredients were which, in the waters of Earth's primordial oceans, made possible the great chain of terrestrial biology. Comets and asteroids could be the missing links of a long chain.


The chain began with the simple molecules found in the early cloud dusts, and culminated with the building blocks of life from which life on Earth first sprang. The chain leading to life.



