




5. Backstabbing.5. “背后捅刀子”。

The name says it all. Stabbing your colleagues in the back, intentionally or otherwise, is a huge source of strife in the workplace. One of the most frequent forms of backstabbing is going over someone’s head to solve a problem. People typically do this in an attempt to avoid conflict, but they end up creating even more conflict as soon as the victim feels the blade. Anytime you make someone look bad in the eyes of their colleagues, it feels like a stab in the back, regardless of your intentions.顾名思义,在背后搞小动作,中伤同事,不管你是不是故意而为之,都是职场的巨大冲突来源。在背后捅刀子最常见的一种形式就是,未与他人商量就自己去解决一个问题。通常人们这么做是想避免冲突,但是最后当当事人发现弊端的时候甚至会造成更大的矛盾。任何时候,你让同事在别人面前没有面子,就感觉是在背后捅了同事的刀子,不管你的初衷是什么。

6. Negativity.6. 负能量满满。

Sometimes when you’re feeling negative and down, your mood can leak out and affect other people, even if you don’t intend it to. You were hired to make your boss’s and your team’s jobs easier, not harder. People who spread negativity through their department and complain about the work or other people complicate things for everyone else. If people always have to tiptoe around you so as not to dislodge that massive chip on your shoulder, they are unlikely to be willing to do it for very long.有时候你感到消极负面,你的情绪就会泄露出来并影响其他人,即使你不是故意的。雇主雇用你是让你减轻他和团队的工作的,而不是加重的。那些在部门里散布负面情绪,抱怨工作或抱怨他人的人,只会给别人加重负担。如果人们总是不得不从你身边踮着脚尖走过,只为了不会让你肩膀上的储存芯片有任何移动,他们肯定不会愿意持续这么干。

7. Gossiping.7. 说长道短。

People make themselves look terrible when they get carried away with gossiping about other people. Wallowing in talk of other people’s misdeeds or misfortunes may end up hurting their feelings if the gossip finds its way to them, but gossiping will make you look negative and spiteful every time, guaranteed.人们得意忘形地说别人的是非的时候真的很难看。沉湎于讨论别人的过错或不幸的人,最终可能会因事情发生在他们身上而伤害到自己的情绪。但是说长道短的行为不管任何时候,都会让你的形象很负面也让人憎恨,保证是这样的。

8. Bragging.8. 自我吹嘘。

When someone hits a home run and starts gloating as they run the bases, it’s safe to assume that they haven’t hit very many home runs. On the other hand, if they hit a home run and simply run the bases, it conveys a business-as-usual mentality, which is far more intimidating to the other team. Accomplishing great things without bragging about them demonstrates the same strong mentality—it shows people that succeeding isn’t unusual to you.当有人击出全垒打,然后在跑垒的时候开始得意洋洋,你就能百分之百肯定那个人不会击中过多少个全垒打。从另一方面来说,如果他们击中了一次全垒打,然后仅仅去跑垒就算了,那会传递一种“一切如常”的心态,这比别的团队更让人敬畏。获得成就又不自吹自擂,展示同样强大的心理素质——让别人相信,你们的成功是常事。

9. Announcing that you hate your job.9. 公然表示讨厌自己的工作。

The last thing anyone wants to hear at work is someone complaining about how much they hate their job. Doing so labels you as a negative person and brings down the morale of the group. Bosses are quick to catch on to naysayers who drag down morale, and they know that there are always enthusiastic replacements waiting just around the corner.工作中人们最不想听到的就是有人抱怨多么讨厌自己的工作。这么做只会给自己贴上“消极”的标签,打击团队的士气。老板们很快就知道哪些人拖垮团队的士气,同时也知道总会有更热情的候补人选正在等着。

Bringing It All Together小结

These behaviors may sound extreme and highly inconsiderate, but they have a tendency to sneak up on you. A gentle reminder is a great way to avoid them completely.以上这些行为也许听起来很极端很不考虑别人感受,但是你难免有这些倾向。如果有人能够温馨提醒,那么就会是一个彻底避免它们的好方法。


