

Word of the Day:July 18, 2022



verb SANK-shun [ˈsæŋkʃ(ə)n]

What It Means

Sanction means both "to give effective or authoritative approval or consent to" and "to impose a penalty or economically or militarily coercive measures."

Sanction 指“给予同意或权威批准”和“给予惩罚;在经济或军事强制施压”。

SANCTION in Context

"Johnson himself was fined 50 pounds (about $63), making him the first British prime minister to be sanctioned for breaking the law while in office." — Jaweed Kaleem, The Los Angeles Times, 7 June 2022


Did You Know?

The noun sanction, meaning "authoritative approval" or "a coercive measure," entered English in the 15th century, and originally referred to a formal decree or law, especially an ecclesiastical decree. (The Latin sancire, meaning "to make holy," is an ancestor.) The noun's meaning then extended in different directions. By the end of the 17th century, it could refer to both a means of enforcing a law (a sense that in the 20th century we began using especially for economic penalties against nations violating international law) and the process of formally approving or ratifying a law. When the verb sanction appeared in the 18th century, it had to do with ratifying laws as well, but it soon acquired an additional, looser sense: "to approve."

名词 sanction是在15世纪进入英语,意思是“权威批准”或“强制措施”,最初指正式的指令或法律;如教会法令。(拉丁语 sancire 意思“to make holy「使神圣」”,指祖先。) 它随后扩展到了与之不同的含义。到17世纪末,它既指强制法律手段(在20世纪开始用于指对特别违反国际法的国家进行经济的处罚),也指正式批准的(或批准法律的)过程。当动词 sanction 在18世纪出现时,它同样与批准法律有关,但很快它就有了一个更广泛的含义:“to approve「批准」”。

Name That Synonym

Fill in the blanks to complete this verb that is a synonym of sanction: h _ m _ lo _ a _ e.



