



英文名称:In the twenty-second year of the republic of China, sun xiaotou rated coins


规格:一 枚







1894年11月24日,孙中山在檀香山创立兴中会 。1905年(光绪三十一年)成立中国同盟会。1911年10月10日(宣统三年)新军中的革命党人暗中联络,决定当天晚上起义。辛亥革命后被推举为中华民国临时大总统(任期1912年1月1日——1912年4月1日)。1925年3月12日,孙中山因癌症在北京逝世。1929年6月1日,根据其生前遗愿,葬于南京紫金山中山陵。1940年,国民政府通令全国,尊称其为“中华民国国父”。






英文名称:BCoinage factory silver





造币总厂光绪元宝库平七钱二分银币,钱币正面珠圈内铸有满、汉文“光绪元宝”四字,珠圈外上镌“造币总厂”四字,代表着造币的省份,下镌“库平七钱二分”六字,字体端庄大气,在珠环与齿状装饰圈中间的上部,左右分别有两个凸起的防伪圆点。银币的背面,一条张牙舞爪的蟠龙,刻印的栩栩如生,代表了帝王神圣不可侵犯的权威和尊严。龙的周围遍布朵朵龙云,正上方有“光绪年造”四个楷体字,下端英文“TAI-CHING-TI-KUO SILVER COIN”字样(大清帝国银币)。此钱币品相较好,形制规整,质地优良,呈自然包浆,但字体、纹饰均清晰可辨,字体笔法流畅,纹饰刻制工细,存世量稀少,具有较高的收藏价值。




英文翻译:Shuangfan coin in the Republic of China is one of the most famous mechanism coins in China in recent years. The reason why it is famous is mainly because of its historic and rare nature. According to relevant information, most of this coin is made in the Shanghai Central Mint, the current retained value of the general only one yuan and the middle of the two. Because the national government at that time carried out the policy of "fiat currency", it was not allowed to circulate the silver yuan currency privately among the people, so the Shuangfan coin of the Republic of China was less circulated in the market.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: the twenty-second year of the republic of China sun xiaotou rating coin

English Name: In the Twenty-Second Year of the Republic of China, Sun Xiaotou Rated Coins

Category: Miscellaneous

Specification: One piece

Appearance: Beautiful

The 22nd Shuangfan of the Republic of China was cast by the Shanghai Central Mint in the 22nd year of the Republic of China. The whole coin is cast in snow silver, with the words "22 years of the Republic of China" cast at the top of the front, and the lower end as the profile of Sun Yat-sen. On the back, there are "one circle" cast at both ends of the center, and a pair of sailboats are riding the wind and waves in the middle. The coin text is clear, the pattern is exquisite, the head is vivid and vivid, the casting technology is very exquisite, and the collection is well preserved, its color and lustre is natural, although a little rust does not hinder its product phase, but more natural and delicate, the depth of text and text is appropriate. In the coin, Sun Yat-sen's head is lifelike. The design is novel and the foundry is exquisite.

Sun Yat-sen was a great forerunner of China's democratic revolution. He initiated and led the Revolution of 1911, which completely overthrew the feudal dynasty that had lasted more than 2,000 years in China. In order to let the world remember Sun Yat-sen's great achievements, a large number of coin versions with Sun Yat-sen's head were issued during the Republic of China. Now it is one of the most popular coin collections.

The sailing coin of the Republic of China is one of the ten famous products in the modern Chinese mechanism coins. It is famous because of its historic and rare nature. According to relevant information, Sun Yat-sen's head of the double sail coin, more by the Shanghai Central Mint produced by the completion of.

On November 24, 1894, Sun Yat-sen founded the Xingzhong Society in Honolulu. In 1905 (the thirty-first year of Guangxu Emperor), the Chinese Tongmenghui was founded. On October 10, 1911 (three years of Xuantong) the revolutionary party in the new army secretly contacted and decided to revolt that night. After the Revolution of 1911, he was elected as the Provisional President of the Republic of China (his term of office was from January 1, 1912 to April 1, 1912). Sun Yat-sen died of cancer in Beijing on March 12, 1925. On June 1, 1929, he was buried in Zhongshan Mausoleum of Purple Mountain in Nanjing according to his will. In 1940, the Nationalist Government decreed that he was the "Father of the Republic of China".

Rating currency, the so-called rating currency is by the rating company, authenticity identification, score and then use acrylic transparent box sealed, so that it is no longer oxidizing, can also be very good to protect the appearance of the coin, for coin fidelity, if it is a copy is not allowed into the box rating. To escort the transaction of coins, there is no doubt in the antiques collection world the collection price is extremely high, which is the so-called ripe goods, which is also the first sign of the maturity of the coin market.

This twenty-two Shuangfan coin in 1933 is also known as the "father of the nation silver coin", so that future generations can remember the great man of Sun Yat-sen. This coin looks fine, no ke is missing, damaged, the original light patina, silks and satins bottom light, for the PCGS rating currency commonly known as the box of COINS, P and P coin box has no counterfeit, can be at ease collection, perfect appearance, this coin coin collection value most appearance, appearance is coin collecting life, after a long time can have such a quality, is very rare, the father currency of high value for collection.

Guangxu 34 years (1908) Tianjin Mint General Factory cast. At that time, the Qing government, in order to monopolise the coinage power, tried to recover the coinage rights of the provinces for many times. However, when the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded Beijing, the matter came to nothing. The predecessor of the Mint General Factory was the then-governor of Zhili Province, Beiyang "General Bureau of Coinage Silver". After 1905, it was renamed "Mint General Factory". Yuan Shikai, a minister, was responsible for overseeing the construction of the Imperial Mint General Factory in Tianjin. In 1908 the official start of the coinage factory Long Yang casting, the coinage Long Yang general factory, casting is excellent, aesthetically pleasing, and silver, and weight are up to the standard level, market circulation, is the merchant's welcome, but as a result of casting time is short, the coin of circulation in the market is not much, but it is also the honour of the currency, During the period of the Republic of China, there were coin collectors to collect it, which shows its preciousness.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Mint General Plant Silver Coin

English name: Bcoinage Factory Silver

Category: Miscellaneous

Specification: One piece

Appearance: Beautiful

Coin factory guangxu seven money yuan treasure ping binary silver COINS, coin positive bead was full to the circle, the Chinese "guangxu ingots" four words, bead engrave on the outer circle "coin factory" four words, representing the coinage of the province, engrave the "library flat seven binary" mani, font dignified atmosphere, with dentate decoration in ZhuHuan circle in the middle of the upper, left and right sides respectively with two convex anti-counterfeiting dot. On the back of the silver coin, a dragon with jaws and claws, carved lifelike, represents the sacred authority and dignity of the emperor. The dragon is surrounded by dragon clouds. There are four regular characters "made in the year of Guangxu" on the top, and the English words "TAI-CHING-TI-KUO SILVER COIN" on the bottom (Qing Dynasty SILVER COIN). This coin is relatively good, regular shape and structure, fine texture, natural envelopment, but the font, decoration are clear and recognizable, the font is smooth, the decoration is fine, the existence is rare, has a high collection value.

This silver coin has soft bottom light, natural silver light, silver oxide traces, clear font, clear outline, and full pressure performance. It is a genuine silver coin to open the door and has a high collection value.

Guangxu Yuanbao is the first large denomination currency in circulation in the Qing Dynasty. It is the first batch of printing and circulating currency to introduce overseas technology in China. It also contains a certain historical significance for today. Due to the limitations of the Qing government at that time, most of Guangxu Yuanbao were made by the machine of the famous London Birmingham Mint Co., Ltd., which can be described as a combination of Chinese and Western culture, naturally adding some Western culture and color. However, after the collapse of the Qing government, the machine was also destroyed, so it could not be rebuilt in the future. The number of circulation and existence decreased year by year over time, which also caused one of the reasons for the high price of guangxu ingot today. The development process of the Guangxu ingot made by the Mint General Factory reflects the advance and retreat of China's monetary policy in the late Qing Dynasty, and records a historical bumping. It is a rare silver coin treasure known to all, and it has become a star collection in the ancient coin collection.


