英语口语 翻译(英文夜读PeopleWho)

英语口语  翻译(英文夜读PeopleWho)(1)

英语口语  翻译(英文夜读PeopleWho)(2)

"Freshman","beginner","newcomer"...,no one would like to be defined by these labels, but that was the situation I had to face after entering NUDT. Being totally ignorant of the world around me, I was just like a drop of water thrown into the sea, vulnerable and helpless. I feared the unknown.

Just like Helen Keller meeting her tutor Anne Sullivan for the first time, I met my instructors - those who would go on to lead me towards the right path. Their burning enthusiasm, their sense of responsibility and their unrelenting persistence have inspired me to follow their examples.

My first instructor was Fang, my basic training squad leader from Group Four. Unlike monitors responsible for a big class in high school, this "monitor" seemed far less powerful, in charge of no more than eight cadets. Her influence on me has been tremendous, nevertheless.

When we first met her, Fang was thought to be strict and hard to get along with, often wearing her "poker face". When viewing her "moments", however, we learned that she was a cooking enthusiast. During our wilderness survival training, she took the responsibility of filling our empty stomachs.

We all liked her. For newcomers to the army like us, Fang was regarded as our first teacher and a helpful friend. Being trustworthy, strong-minded and quite experienced, she guided us and supervised us with patience. For example, she taught us the rules and regulations of the army, and introduced us to useful strategies for academic learning. Following her guidance and footprints, I felt more attached to my new home and my many fellow cadets. You could say that she helped make us feel like a big family.

But life in the military can get really tough. I often have to deal with loads of work and unbearable pressure. With the company and support from my second instructor, and best friend, Jing, however, I was able to experience magic that I'd never even imagined.

Once in a three-kilometer running test, I felt exhausted and was about to give up. To my surprise, Jing, who had taken the lead in the race, slowed down to match my pace. She kept telling me things like, "Never give up! You'll succeed as long as you persist!" With her by my side, giving constant encouragement, I refused to stop, even if I felt like dying. As a result, both of us got a passing grade - the best for me, and the worst for her, of course.

During boot camp, we remained almost inseparable. After the training was over, we managed to stay in touch, every day, in between our tight schedules. I will never get bored of her interesting soul and dynamic mind.

Having the most profound impact on me, though, is my instructor, Professor Chen, a mighty woman to whom I show my greatest respect and gratitude. Infusing remarkable enthusiasm into her scientific work, she instructs us with her innovative personal style. Though we are freshmen, she encourages us to discover our unique focus within our major. She also helps us explore that focus by giving us access to relevant academic meetings.

One conversation with Professor Chen, in particular, turned out to be a turning point in my life at NUDT. It was a quiet and warm afternoon when I answered her phone call. During our talk, she encouraged me to strive for my academic goals, and informed me of her "secret learning skills". I supposed my goals could be complicated and difficult to achieve, but she explained them to me in a quite clear and simple way. The lesson ---"Do the right thing, at the right time", though simple, is one of the most important things that I have learned from my instructors. I have taken it as my motto.

"Freshman","beginner","newcomer" are all synonyms for green hands – for those lacking experience. Thanks to my teachers and friends in NUDT, these labels have now become associated with something else– with opportunities, with freshness and with curiosity for the unknown. Each of my instructors has offered so much to me: their guidance, support and encouragement have been just like light. What they have shared with me has empowered me with an undaunting spirit to face any uncertainty ahead.

作者 | Zhang Mingyuan

配音 | Deng Lingfan

编辑 | Luo Yalan


