



评论翻译Linda M. Luera, studied at Mira Costa College, Oceanside, CAI am really curious why anyone would think that Mexico is not a developed country. Sure it is still behind in many ways than the US but they are catching up pretty fast. It is not a 3rd world country that is for sure.Unlike the US , Mexico has solved their health care problem and now they have health care for everyone .我好奇的是为什么所有人都认为墨西哥不是一个发达国家呢。当然墨西哥在很多方面依然落后于美国,但他们正在快速追赶。可以肯定的是墨西哥不是第三世界国家。与美国不同的是,墨西哥已经解决了自己的医疗保健问题,现在每个墨西哥人多能享受到医疗保健服务。Mexico has been improving all the countries infrastructure with new highways and bridges.Even though the wages in Mexico are so very very low, everyone has a cellphone with internet .They have some very fine universities in which many people from all over the world attend.Everyone has running waterUnlike the US , when you work your employer has to put money into an account so that after a few years you are able to purchase your own home.墨西哥一直在通过新建高速公路和桥梁来改善国家的基础设施。尽管墨西哥的工资非常非常低,但每个人都有可以上网的手机。墨西哥有一些非常好的世界大学,世界各地有很多的留学生到墨西哥来留学。每户人家都有自来水。不像美国,墨西哥人工作之后,雇主必须定期往某个账户中汇钱,这样几年之后你就可以购买自己的房子了Mexico has the 15th largest nominal GDP and the 11th largest by purchasing power parity. The Mexican economy is strongly lixed to those of its 1994North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) partners, especially the United States.按照名义GDP计算,墨西哥的经济规模位列世界第十五,按照购买力平价计算就是世界第十一。墨西哥的经济和1994年签订的《北美自贸协议》的伙伴密切相关,尤其是和美国。In 1994, Mexico became the first Latin American member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). It is classified as an upper-middle income country by the World Bankand anewly industrialized country by several analysts.The country is considered both a regional power and a middle power,and is often identified as an emerging global power.1994年,墨西哥成为第一个进入经合组织的拉丁国家。墨西哥被世界银行归类为中上收入国家。一些分析家认为墨西哥是新兴工业国。墨西哥是区域强国,也是中等强国,而且还被经常认为是一个新兴的全球大国。Due to its rich culture and history, Mexico ranks first in the Americas and seventh in the world for number ofUNESCO World Heritage Sites.Mexico is an ecologically megadiverse country, ranking fourth in the world for its biodiversity. Mexico has many tourists: in 2016, it was the eighth most-visited country in the world, with 35 million international arrivals.由于拥有丰富的历史和文化,墨西哥在联合国教科文组织世界遗产的数量上位居美洲第一和世界第七。墨西哥是一个生态多样性极强的国家,其生物多样性在世界上排名第四。每年有很多游客回到墨西哥旅游:2016年有3500万旅客到访墨西哥,在全球最受欢迎的旅游目的地中,墨西哥排名第八Mexico is a member of the United Nations (UN), the World Trade Organization (WTO), the G8 5, the G20, and the Pacific Alliance trade bloc. By 2050, Mexico could potentially become the world's fifth or seventh largest economy.Mexico does not have problems with any other country on this planet. They are neutral and no one has to worry about being nuked.墨西哥是联合国,世界贸易组织,八国集团(G8 5),二十国集团,太平洋贸易联盟集团成员国。到2050年,墨西哥可能会成为世界第五大或第七大经济体。墨西哥与世界上的任何国家都没有冲突。墨西哥是中立的,所以不需要担心遭到核打击。Marco ChiappAll the data you’re using to claim that Mexico is a developed country is not the data used to measure the development of a country.The UN and most international organizations use the Human Development Index to classify countries as developed (very high, or above 0.800) or not. In Latin America, only Argentina and Chile have a very high HDI.你使用的那些用来声称墨西哥是发达国家的数据并不能用来衡量一个国家的发展程度。联合国和大部分国际组织是用人类发展指数来将国家归类为发达国家(指数很高,要在0.8以上)与非发达国家的。在拉丁美洲,只有阿根廷和智利拥有极高的人类发展指数。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处Another measure is the GNI and GDP per capita, and Mexico is still below $20,000 in both measures.You claim that Mexico is developed because it has the 11th largest economy in the world. Well, in that case India (3rd largest economy) must be much more developed than Switzwerland (40th place)!另一个衡量指标是人均国民收入和人均国内生产总值,墨西哥的这两项指标都不到两万美元。你可以因为墨西哥是世界第十一大经济体而声称墨西哥是一个发达国家。那么在这种情况下,印度(世界第三大经济体)肯定应该比排名第四十的瑞士更加发达吧And UNESCO world heritage sites doesn’t make a country developed!Mexico is a developing country and like other Latin American countries (except perhaps Chile, Argenrina, Uruguay and Panama) it will take its time to reach other developed countries.一个国家发达不发达看的不是联合国教科文组织的世界遗产数量像其他拉丁美洲国家一样(可能要除智利,阿根廷,乌拉圭和巴拿马以外),墨西哥就是一个发展中国家,墨西哥需要时间才能发展到发达国家的水平原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处Daniel MuroWhile what you point out is true , Mexico has a much higher population than Argentina or Chile though. What you don’t know is that Argentina is not as well developed outside of Buenos Aires. If you want to compare regions though consider that San Pedro Garza Garcia of Mexico is comparably wealthy to Milan, Italy, which is Italy’s wealthiest large city.虽然你说的没有错,但墨西哥的人口要远远超过阿根廷和智利。你不知道的是,除布宜诺斯艾利斯之外,阿根廷其余地方根本就没有那么发达。如果你想在区域之间进行比较的话,那么可以和墨西哥的圣佩德罗加尔萨加西亚比一下,这个地区的富裕程度相当于意大利最富裕的城市米兰。Mexico is part of the OECD. To get into the OECD you have to have a certain standard of living, industrialization, and economic size and why countries like Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Russia, etc. are not part of the OECD. Since most of these countries are not doing as well now, some like Russia, Argentina, and Brazil are trying to gain entry into the OECD. Mexico exports more than almost all the country exports of Latin America, save Brazil, combined.墨西哥是经合组织的成员国。要想加入经合组织,你就必须要有相当的生活及工业化水平,以及具备一定的经济规模,为什么像阿根廷,巴西,中国,印度,俄罗斯等国无法进入经合组织,因为这些国家大部分现在表现得都不好,一些国家像俄罗斯,巴西,阿根廷正在努力想要进入经合组织。墨西哥的出口几乎超过了除巴西以外所有拉丁美洲国家的出口总和。Mexico has a lot more multinationals than does Argentina and Chile, and in fact Mexican corporations and businessmen (like Carlos Slim, etc.), own many of the most important companies in many industries in Argentina, Colombia, Chile, etc. Right now Mexico has the lowest public debt of any large industrialized nation on Earth, save perhaps Russia, yet Mexico is building one of the largest airports in the world (designed by reknowned British architect Norman Foster), high speed rail lines, and even a hyperloop is in the plans. There are skyscrapers going up left and right in Mexico City.Argentina also has had to fight to have the country included in the G20, while Mexico’s economy has been a safe member for a while now.墨西哥现在跨国企业得数量要比阿根廷智利多得多,事实上,阿根廷,哥伦比亚,智利等国在许多行业中最重要的很多企业现在都在墨西哥企业和商人手中。可能除俄罗斯以外,墨西哥的公共债务是世界上所有工业大国中最低的。而且墨西哥正在建造世界上最大的机场之一(由著名的英国建筑师诺曼·福斯特设计),高速铁路,甚至就连超级高铁也在规划之中。墨西哥城现在到处都是摩天大楼。阿根廷现在还要为进入二十国集团而奋斗,而墨西哥早就已经加入这个组织了


