
nail [neil] n. 指甲;钉子 vt. 钉,钉住

【习惯用语】①hit the nail on the head 做得对;正中要害②on the nail 立即,当场

naive [nɑːˈiːv] a. ①天真无邪的,朴实的





naked [ˈneikid] a. ①裸体的,无遮盖的


the naked facts 明显的事实


to be naked of weapons 不带武器

【习惯用语】①as naked as l was born (=as naked as my mother bore me) 赤条条,一丝不挂,赤身露体,裸体②strip (sb) naked 剥光③naked of 没有……的

namely [ˈneimli] ad. 即,换句话说

nap [næp] n. 小睡,打盹

napkin [ˈnæpkin] n. 餐巾

narrate [nəˈreit] v. 叙述

narration [nəˈreiʃ(ə)n] n. ①讲述,叙述



narrative [ˈnærətiv] a. 故事的,故事体的

【长难例句】In other words, there is a conventional story line in the newsroom culture that provides a backbone and a ready-made narrative structure for otherwise confusing news. 换句话说,在媒介机构的新闻采编室文化中存在着一套约定俗成的写作模式,为新闻报道提供了主干框架以及可直接套用的叙述结构。若没有这些,新闻内容就会一团混乱,让人摸不着头脑。

nasty [ˈnɑːsti; (US) næsti] a. ①肮脏的,下流的


nationalize [ˈnæʃənəlaiz] v. 国有化

nationwide [ˈneiʃənwaid] a. 全国的

native [ˈneitiv] a. 本地的;本国的

【习惯用语】①be native to 原产于②go native [fantee] (在殖民地的欧洲人)采取当地人的生活方式,过当地人生活 The tourists decided to go native and sample the local cuisine. 观光客们决定过一下土人生活并品尝当地佳肴。

naughty [ˈnɔːti] a. ①顽皮的,淘气的


It was naughty of Father to stay out so late. 爸爸在外面待到很晚是不对的。

naval [ˈneiv(ə)l] a. 海军的

navigate [ˈnæviɡeit] v. ①航行


navigation [næviˈɡeiʃ(ə)n] n. ①航海,航空;导航


navy [ˈneivi] n. 海军

nearby [ˈniəbai] a. 附近的

nearly [ˈniəli] ad. 几乎,差不多

【习惯用语】①not nearly 绝不,相差甚远,远非②pretty nearly 几乎,差不多

neat [niːt] a. ①整洁的,干净的;简洁的


Cats are neat animals. 猫是爱整洁的动物。


a neat retort 巧妙的反驳

【习惯用语】①as neat as a new pin [nine-pence, wax, a bandbox] 十分整洁,干干净净②neat and tight [trim] 干干净净③neat but not gaudy [美]麻利的,灵巧的

neatly ad. ①整洁地,干净地

necessarily [ˈnesəsərili] ad. 必然

necessary [ˈnesəsəri; (US) ˈnesəseri] a. 必要的;必然的

【长难例句】Many consumers seem to have been influenced by stock-market swings, which investors now view as a necessary ingredient to a sustained boom. 消费者似乎受到证券市场波动的影响,而这些波动在今天的投资者看来是经济持续增长的必然因素。

necessitate [niˈsesiteit] vt. 使成为必要,需要

neck [nek] n. ①颈,脖子②(可食动物的)颈肉③衣领,领子

【习惯用语】①get it in the neck 受到严厉责骂;受重罚②neck and neck 并驾齐驱;不分上下③risk one's neck 冒生命危险;拼命

necklace [ˈneklis] n. 项链

needle [niːd(ə)l] n. ①针,针状物;指针


knitting needles 编织毛衣的针

【习惯用语】needle in a haystack 大海捞针

negative [ˈneɡətiv] a. 否定的;消极的;负的

n. ①负数;底片,负片②没有迹象的;结果为阴性的

【试题精练】You can't learn anything with a(n)______attitude.

A. negative

B. practical

C. realistic

D. inconsistent

【答案】A. negative a. 消极的,反面的(与positive相对);否定的(与affirmative相对);负的,阴性的(如I have a negative opinion of/on the value of this idea. They assumed a negative attitude.)。practical a. 实际的,实用的。realistic a. 现实的,实际可行的;现实主义的,逼真的。inconsistent (with) a. 不连贯的,前后不一致的。

neglect [niˈɡlekt] vt. 疏忽,忽视;忽略

【习惯用语】①fall into neglect 渐被忽视[忽略]②in a state of neglect 处于无人照管的状态③treat sb with neglect 怠慢某人

【试题精练】Any student who______his homeworkis unlikely to pass his examination.

A. denies

B. refuses

C. neglects

D. reduces

【答案】C. neglect vt. 忽略,忽视;疏忽,玩忽;(由于疏忽)忘了,没做(neglect oneˈs work/duty; neglect+动词ing形式/to+动词原形)。deny vt. 否认,不承认;拒绝(给予,某人的要求)。refuse vt. 拒绝。reduce vt. 减少,缩小;简化。

negligible [ˈneɡlidʒəbl] a. ①可以忽略不计的

negotiate [niˈɡəuʃieit] vi. 谈判

【试题精练】This is a nasty corner for a large car to______.

A. negotiate

B. drive

C. proceed

D. match

【答案】A. negotiate vt. 顺利通过,成功超过;依交涉、协议做决定(如My horse negotiated the fence very well. The high jumper negotiated the bar very well.)。drive v. 驾驶。proceed vi. 进行,继续下去。match (with) v. (和……)相配,(和……)相称(注:根据这个句式,不定式to后面的动词应是及物动词,corner应是这个及物动词的宾语,因此只有negotiate才符合句意)。

nephew [ˈnefjuː, ˈnevjuː] n. 侄子,外甥

nerve [nəːv] n. ①神经


nervous [ˈnəːvəs] a. ①神经(质)的;紧张不安的


a nervous disease 神经病


【习惯用语】feel nervous about 不寒而栗,担心,害怕

nest [nest] n. 巢

net [net] n. 网,网络,网状物,净利,实价

a. 净余的,纯粹的

vt. 用网捕,净赚,得到

vi. 编网

[域]Network operations and service centers 网络服务商

network [ˈnetwəːk] n. ①网络,网络系统;广播(电视)网

【习惯用语】①a network of 一套……,……网②old boy [boyˈs] network [口]校友[同学]关系;[转]私人[熟人]关系

【长难例句】The system was redesigned to embrace the network and eventually steer it in a profitable direction. 该系统被重新设计以使其和网络相兼容,并最终使网络朝有利的方向发展。

neutral [ˈnjuːtrəl] a. ①中立的;中性的;中间的;不带电的

never [ˈnevə(r)] ad. 从不,永不;绝不

"Never too old to learn" is an idiom. “活到老学到老”是一句成语。

【习惯用语】Never mind. 别着急;别担心;没关系;别介意。

nevertheless [ˌnevəðəˈles] ad. 仍然,不过

【试题精练】Henry forgot to bring his admission card with him. ______, he was allowed into the hall to take the examination.

A. Moreover

B. Certainly

C. Nevertheless

D. Consequently

【答案】C. nevertheless ad. 仍然,然而,不过,尽管如此(如He's charming, nevertheless, I don't quite trust him. He was angry, nevertheless, he listened to me.)。moreover ad. 而且,此外。certainly ad. 必定,一定;当然。consequently ad. 因此,所以。

newsletter [ˈnjuːzˌletə(r)] n. 时事通讯,新闻简报




