
译林五年级上册unit4 Hobbies ( Checkout time and cartoon time)公开课教案

Teaching contents 教学内容

Cartoon time & Checkout time


Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标

1.能听懂、会读、会说、会用What do you/they like doing? What does he/she like doing?句型询问和回答某人的爱好。

2.能听懂、会读、会说cartoon time 中出现的词汇:about, idea, ice, hole, look out, wet .

3.能理解故事,流利的朗读并表演cartoon time。

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点

教学重点:学生能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事

Teaching procedures 教学过程

Step1.Free talk

1. Sing we all like climbing.

2.Free talk

1) T: what do they like doing?

S1:They like ...

2) T: what do you like doing?

S: I like ...

3) T: what does he/she like doing?

S: He/She likes ...

Step2. Presentation

1,Play a guessing game.

T: look ,what does he/she like doing? You can use He/she likes ... I think to answer the question .

2.listen and judge (finish checkout time)

【设计意图:由歌曲和游戏导入句型what do you like doing? What does he/she like doing?让学生进一步巩固这个句型,能正确完成checkout time.】

Step 3 Learn cartoon time


(PPT show Sam and Billy )

T:Who are they? What are they talking about? 教学 about

2,watch and judge

1)Sam and Billy likes skating.

2)They go skating this evening.

3)Billy is good at skating.

4)Billy sees the hole.

5)Billy likes skating now.

在做判断题的过程中,教生词 hole,ice wet

3 read and say :

Read the interesting sentences.

4 happy reading

1)read in roles

2)Read together

3)Act it out.

5 What do we learn from the story?


Step 4 development

1)(ppt)T:We all have many hobbies .I like ...in spring . I like ...in summer . I like ...in autumn . I like ...in winter.

2)T:You can talk about your hobbies like this in groups of four.

【设计意图 给学生一个明确的示范,让学生能大胆的踊跃的谈论自己的爱好,达到学以致用】

Step5 Summary

T: We all have some hobbies.Hobbies makes our life colourful.


Step5 Homework

1.Listen to the tape, try to recite and act Cartoon time with your friends.


2.Talk about what you like doing in different seasons with your friends or parents.


板书设计: Unit 4 Hobbies


