
The list of countries where travelers can go live and work remotely is growing梦想成真的机会来了:度假岛喊你去远程工作

Always wanted to live abroad? Now may be your best chance.


More countries are inviting travelers to trade their home offices for the opportunity to live and work abroad during the pandemic.


Some countries are shifting away from traditional tourism models that rely on a stream of short-term visitors in favor of travelers who are willing to stay for longer periods.


These destinations are enticing this new batch of “digital nomads” with low Covid-19 rates, decreased costs of living and a slower, more relaxed pace of life.



Starting Aug 21, remote workers can apply to live and work on the 35-square-mile island of Anguilla, a British overseas territory that has registered only three Covid-19 cases to date.


A press release issued by the Anguilla Tourist Board on Aug 19 quoted Kenroy Herbert, the board’s chairman, as saying the territory is “targeting a new clientele we call digital nomads, who will come and work remotely from Anguilla on extended stay visas.”


Priority to enter Anguilla is being given to applicants from “low-risk” countries, defined as those with less than 0.2% infection rate, as well as long-stay travelers.


A stay under three months costs $1,000 for individuals and $1,500 for a family of four. Entrance fees, which double for longer stays, cover two Covid-19 tests, a digital work permit and other costs.


Unlike other destinations, Anguilla asks only for a “brief description” of the type of work one will do while there.



Travelers who apply for new year-long work visas to Barbados know within five working days whether their visa request is confirmed.


There is free Wi-Fi throughout the island, including restaurants, cafes, public libraries and public parks. Visa holders can send their children to private schools or pay a small stipend to attend a state-owned public school.



Bermuda is appealing to those working at cramped home offices by touting its pink beaches, crystal waters and 18 miles of walking paths.


* 来源:China Daily;Edited by Jesse


Mariah Carey's Tweets牛姐 玛利亚凯丽的推特最新发言

Mariah Carey's Tweets Had Fans So Confused, But She Just Explained Them!

(亲爱的“牛姐”)玛丽亚凯莉 发了一条让粉丝们非常困惑的推文,(幸好)她刚才终于现身解释了!


Mariah Carey‘s fans were so confused today after seeing her latest tweets, and some people were even wondering if she had been hacked based on the messages being sent out!


Now, the Grammy-winning singer is explaining what she meant by those tweets, which were indeed written by her.


In all caps, Mariah first wrote “THANKSGIVING IS CANCELLED” at around 2pm EST on Monday (September 21).


She followed that tweet with four more tweets that read, “THERE CAN BE MIRACLES,” “CALAMITY AND DOG HAIR,” “RESTING IN PIECES,” and finally “ONE SUMMER NIGHT, WE RAN AWAY FOR A WHILE…”


Some fans thought maybe these were songs for a new album, some thought maybe she was working on a new Christmas album and wanted to rush by Thanksgiving, and others even doubted it could be the work of hackers since the tweets had some references to Mariah‘s career.


Mariah later revealed that these are all the names of chapter titles for her upcoming memoir. She wrote, “C’mon, I could never cancel Thanksgiving I just wanted to share a few chapter titles from my memoir .”

玛丽亚后来透露,这些都是她即将出版的回忆录的章节名称。她写道,“得了吧,我永远也不会取消感恩节 我只是想分享几个我回忆录中的章节标题.”

* 来源:JustJared;Edited by Jesse


