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Opal is mainly produced in Australia, Mexico, Brazil, etc. High-quality Opal is known as the "color palette" of gemstones, and is famous for its special color changing effect.

Opal is a color-changing gem with special optical effect. Its mineral name is opal, also known as "Aobao". 95% of the world's opal is produced in Australia. The chemical composition of Opal is SiO2·nH2O (silica hydrate), which is shiny with glass or resin and conchoidal fracture.

It refers to the gemstone opal with color change effect on the white or gray substrate, which is translucent to opaque, with a lighter color change. Some people also call it "milk opal".

jewelry has always been favored by people, such as diamonds, crystals, amber, pearls and other categories are gradually integrated into people's daily life, and everyone is familiar with them. However, there is a kind of gem that has been popular abroad and deeply loved by western royal families and nobles. It only became popular in China in recent years, so many people are not familiar with it. It is Opal, which "combines the beauty of gems". Because of its rarity and unique appreciation value, it has a wide appreciation space, and its collection value deserves attention.

As the sixth largest gem in the world, Opal Stone has unique charm. It has fantastic colors, and people are addicted to it. When you look at it at first glance, you will sigh the magic of nature, and you don't consciously want to own it. Napoleon's empress Josephine and Queen Elizabeth both have valuable Opal ornaments. At present, many big brand enterprises are making Opal ornaments, such as Dior, LV, Tiffany, etc.

Due to the scarcity of resources in Opal, the increase is extremely fast, with an increase of almost 20% every year. Opal has always been a precious gem abroad. After entering China in recent years, the domestic jewelry industry is also very optimistic. At present, Opal in the market has not risen sharply, and there is still a lot of room for appreciation。


