
1. This is the dusk of the sun, we put it as the dawn of the dawn.--这是黄昏的太阳,我们却把它当成了黎明的曙光。

2. The best way to appease the audience is to let them know that the play is about to begin.--安抚观众最好的办法,就是让他们知道戏即将开始。

3. As long as a person has done a bad thing, want to do all the bad things, unless he made a crazy stop will stop.--一个人只要干了一件坏事,就想干尽一切坏事,除非他发了疯才会中途停止。


4. There is a limit to the human heart. After the sponge filled the water, let the sea from the above flow in the past, but also can not absorb a drop of tears.--人心承受悲痛是有限量的。海绵吸饱水之后,任凭大海从上面流过去,也不能再吸收一滴眼泪。

5. Some serious people assert that, after the human beings have absorbed the legal knowledge, they are brave enough to go to the illegal knowledge.Tested the wisdom of all the apples on the tree, because of hunger or did not taste mouth, finally bite the forbidden fruit.--有些认真的人断言,人类吸尽了合法的知识后,就勇敢地深入到非法的知识里去。尝遍了智慧树上所有的果实,由于饥饿或是嘴里没味,终于咬起禁果来了。



